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hi. it's been a bit, hasn't it? writing this feels like coming home, in a way. i've missed writing updates, i've missed the world of the midnight hours—i miss it a lot.

to say that february has been busy for me would be an understatement. i feel like my professors collectively decided to make every assignment on the syllabus due—and then some. if i wasn't doing homework, i was sleeping. you might have seen on my tumblr, but chapter eleven has remained untouched for some time. my fingers itch to get back to it, but, well, if i couldn't graduate because of bad grades, what would be the point, right? so it stayed in my onedrive, collecting dust until i could (can) finally get back to it.

on the bright side, the break gave me lots of time to regain my motivation. i mentioned in many updates before that i was confused with the direction of the chapter and whether i was happy with the result. being forced to take a step back means i can look at it with fresh eyes and (hopefully) write faster than ever. my professors still seem to hate me, glancing at my march calendar, but i hope that i can balance the two anyway. i've done it before, i can do it again. the main reason i took my february break was because i was suffering from writer's block, so i think we should be good to go for march.

i'll be back to my regular posts on friday (march 1st) and should post a new drabble sometime this weekend. i apologize for my long silence. i know i said i'd pop in from time to time or try to post extra content, but honestly, i was so stressed with everything that i couldn't; the idea of opening patreon was unnerving to me.

regardless, i'm back now and i hope everyone has been well in my absence. excited to get back into the world of the midnight hours with you <3


Skippy Hugo

Glad to see what's coming up next, when it is ready.


Kristi!! Welcome back!! ^^ Hopefully college gets a bit better, and glad to hear that you're having fun again!! :D That's great to hear, but don't push too hard!!