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usually, people start with the bad news when they have two announcements to make, so i'll start with that. basically, i had a rough start to the week. i didn't say it last week but i was honestly stressed about the content of chapter seven, specifically the scene i was working on as i had no idea what to write in it. i said i had an idea but when i wrote it, none of it made sense and i hated it all, so i scrapped it. it's in my 'scraps' document, sitting there for what will probably be the rest of eternity. long story short: i cut about three thousand words. i posted this on tumblr but truly, it had to be done. i feel better without them, which is great, but it does mean i was put behind in terms of progress, which... isn't so great.

that being said, there is good news: aka i figured out what the fuck i'm doing and what i'm writing isn't in fact, being scrapped because i actually like it. there are still going to be branches of different dialogue depending on which ro you chose to accompany you, but i don't think i'm going to have any choices in those scenes. if i do, it won't be for everyone. each ro talks about something different alluding to their background, character, or arc, so some things are topics that can be commented on and others are just... 'oh' moments. i actually feel N's and Rylan's are the most interesting so we'll see what everyone thinks.

also, this isn't the purpose, but i do hope this encourages people to play all the routes, or at least, attempt to. there's a lot of content you get about each character if you choose to constantly spend time with them.

i'm working on the scene now and hope to be done by next week, with five ros and different reactions for each of the choices, things add up. it's the only reason i'm moving so slow. if i have five choices, i have to write twenty-five variations. not fun. but also, extremely gratifying, 

for twine, i got a little farther than i thought i would, which is wonderful. K's scene is imported and i got through a bit of Rylan's. that'll be done by next week as well as (hopefully) the two's joint dinner scene. after this, it's the rest of chapter five, all of six, and then writing the codex entries and it's good to go! and grammar checks, of course, but we don't talk about that.


242,803 words (+1.45k)

* includes both the deletion of content and addition.


A hums, taking a step further in. Their eyes dart over my face, scanning my expression and body language. I have no doubt it was the first thing they looked for when they walked in, but I guess they wanted to give me the courtesy of not being instantly bombarded with questions.
— taken from chapter 07.


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