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synopsis: N and the hunter wake up together after a long night.

When the sun creeps through the cracks of N’s window, they begin to wake up. They’re groggy from the events of the night before, where the two of you had jumped around in their living room blasting music and singing from the top of your lungs, but once they awake, there’s no going back to sleep for them.

Last night felt like a fever dream, and for a moment, they almost wonder if it even happened. But glancing at your figure beside them, they know it did.

They’ll never get used to the sight of waking up beside you. The first time you slept in the same bed, they didn’t want to wake you up. They stared at you for longer than they probably should have, eyes tracing your features as if pressing them in their memory. They must have fallen asleep at some point because the next thing they knew, they were opening their eyes to the sight of you staring back at them.

They’d smiled and you had smiled back.

N thinks about that moment often, but they no longer have to wait weeks or months to experience it again.

They stare at you now, peacefully sleeping with soft breaths coming out of your nose. Saturdays are supposed to be days where you sleep in, but the sun will wake you up sooner or later; N’s blinds can only do so much.

Reaching out, N trails their finger on your forearm. They watch as goosebumps form on your skin at their touch, a smile touching their lips at the sight. They aren’t drawing anything in particular—they just like the feeling.

A soft groan falls from your mouth as you squeeze your eyes shut, trying to preserve the little bit of darkness there is left.

N’s finger trails up to your bare shoulder, making loops on the skin there before slowly inching towards upwards. You’re pretending to be asleep now, but N doesn’t mind. Their finger traces your jugular and then rests at its final destination on your lips.

Your eyes fly open at that, but before you can say anything, N cups your jaw and gives you a light kiss.

“Good morning,” they greet, voice raspy from first use.

“I have morning breath. At least let me brush my teeth first,” you complain, scrunching up your nose. You swat N away and they laugh, pressing their forehead to your arm, sending vibrations through you from their movement.

“But what if I want a good morning kiss?”

“Then you’ll have to wait.”

N fakes a pout at that. The both of you know you’re not leaving the warm bed anytime soon, but you play the charade anyway.

“Can I do this at least?” N asks. You look confused for a moment, but N shows you what they mean a moment later when they press a kiss to your cheek. Your eyes widen, your hand reaching up to touch the place where they touched.

“You’re impatient.”

“Because I like you.”

The words fall off their tongue so easily. The nerves they’d felt when they first began to like you would have prevented them from doing anything but fumbling, but now, the grin that they make every time they see you comes with a surge of confidence.

You attempt a frown. “Cheater.”

“Is that so bad?” N questions.

Your eyes dart across their face. N never breaks eye contact with you, watching as you study them. After a long silence, you shake your head. “No.”

“Good.” N leans forward as if to kiss you again but pulls back just before you can touch. Laughing at your annoyance, they pull off their blankets to go to the bathroom. “Be patient, you can get your kisses after I brush my teeth.”


It’s safe to say that when you were both freshened up, N had to give you more than one kiss to make up for their behaviour.


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