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so, super excited to say that i made decent progress on both the twine and writing fronts this week. i wanted to finish my import for chapter four today but i think it's more realistic if i  say it'll be done by the middle of this week. the only reason it's taken so long is that it's not only a matter of copying and pasting, but also making grammatical changes and rewriting sentences i feel weirdly about.

for example, i did end up changing some of what A says to the hunter if they are "forced into" finding Caine. it's less harsh this time and they seem a lot more sympathetic, which is more fitting to their character. if you choose this route, in chapter six before you enter the club there's a scene that allows you to forgive them (if you didn't choose to be paired with them, a mirror scene will come in chapter eight). i did get an ask about this section asking if i could add more options, which i will do, but i'm thinking that if you choose to not forgive them at all, i'll lock you out of their romance route. it just doesn't make sense for them to want to date the hunter if they know the hunter still holds a grudge.

onto chapter seven, i'm pleased to say that i've moved onto the second act. i'm excited to write this one mostly because it really shows off who Mirai is. in this act, she asks to speak to the hunter alone—though it's more of a statement than a request. i haven't gotten far into it yet, but i've written the part about the ro checking with the hunter to see if everything is okay before they leave. it's a really nice scene and while not necessarily romantic, it really shows how they feel about the hunter, especially for Blane and K. it illustrates that they aren't just callous assholes and can be considerate when they want to, which is something i've wanted to show for a while.

goals for next week include getting past this act so i can move onto the next one, aka my favourite and what i'm anticipating most for this chapter. i'll reveal more about it when i get to it, but i think most people who play my game will be wanting this act the most. 


okay, update on this section, i'm going to move it to the midnight tier and make progress posts when i actually have something to update on. it feels like a waste having it here since all i say is "yeah didn't do anything" lmfao. i assure you, i'm still working on this just as much as i am when twilight strikes.


  • 234,170 words (+ 2.59k)

* includes word count from chapter seven only.


Still, Blane lingers like they want my confirmation to leave. It’s so jarring to see them so considerate that I’m frozen, but when my mind catches up, I nod. Eyes dart across my face before I hear footsteps fade behind me.
— taken from chapter 07.


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