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Hi everyone,

We're busy working away on putting the final touches on the month 3 release.  The fantasy line has an undead theme on the foes side, we got two heroes in idle and action pose.  The pin up of the month is Lucille, and our cyberpunk mini of the month is "Brick" Solomon, and it could be that very soon we unlock Silverback and Jane?

We also put together our first survey to find out more about your opinions on multiple subjects in order to keep finding ways to provide you with better content and service.  We will also use the poll function more often here in Patreon in the future.  For now answer these quick questions for us:

10 Questions 

While we work on wrapping up the content for month 3, we are also looking into different services for file access.  We'll stick with G-Drive for one more month, but it looks like by month 4 we'll be switching to Air Bridge and we'll also keep populating our MyMiniFactory store and we'll put together user groups for previous month repositories.  As always, thank you so much for your support.  We wish you a great rest of your weekend and we'll see you here on Tuesday with the month 3 content drop.  :)



Michelle Oakes

These look awesome! Is that the NSFW version of Lucille?


Looking awesome!