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Recently, I tried to do a traditional plein air exercise: to draw the same place during the day. It took me two days actually, because on the first day I started to draw this view from my current window just for a warm-up, and only by the evening I decided to make a study out of it. Unfortunately I'm quite slow in mornings, so this sequence starts at 12:30 and ends at 23:30

I really recommend trying this exercise to anyone who want to learn more about the colors or/and light and shadows relations. The last time I did something like that was probably more than 10 years ago, but I still struggled the most with the evening and late evening, 21:00 and 23:30. I think that is because I did a lot of sketches of the daytime when I was a student, but it's really difficult to draw with paint in the dark, so I had a very little practice of drawing the night scenes from nature. 

This exercise also suitable for any medium, even just a pencil or a pen - the lights and shadows change so much that you'll surely have something to work on even without using color at all. It also teaches to draw the main things quickly and to make decisions fast, because the scene will just change if you'll be too slow. Of course there's an option to draw from photos, but I think drawing from nature is more difficult and, as a result, more productive. The illustration themselves might be not so beautiful, but the experience you'll get will be much more complex and significant.



Peter Smith

I love the time-lapse effect of the lighting that the GIF shows. It's mesmerising.


Thank you! ❤️ I like this effect here too, it looks so hypnotic for some reason!


You are doing things in pixel art no one else is doing. Besides that, I appreciate your personal notes as an artist as I am going through my own journey learning how to make visual art I am proud of.


Thank you very much! I'm glad that this study was helpful in some way! <3