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Development question poll

  • I would be VERY upset! 0
  • I would be a little upset. 11
  • I don't care either way 9
  • Sure, just this once is fine 5
  • Hell yeah! DO IT!! Expand peoples horizons!!! 16
  • I'm confused. This needs more context... 8
  • 2023-12-05
  • —2023-12-06
  • 49 votes
{'title': 'Development question poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'I would be VERY upset!', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'I would be a little upset.', 'votes': 11}, {'text': "I don't care either way", 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'Sure, just this once is fine', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'Hell yeah! DO IT!! Expand peoples horizons!!!', 'votes': 16}, {'text': "I'm confused. This needs more context...", 'votes': 8}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 6, 4, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 5, 13, 25, 7, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 49}


Hey homies,

I've been working all morning on completing the scene that I spoke of in yesterday's progress report and I've come to a bit of a dilemma that I figured would be best solved by the patrons.  So I'll try to detail the issue without spoiling much in the process.

Keep in mind:

-This is universal between both the 'straight' and 'variety' game styles.

-This is regarding a single decision, and will not be a regular occurrence!

-I'd like you all to answer this question with complete subjective honesty, regardless of my reasoning or opinions listed below.

If you had the choice between (sex style B) and (lesser alternative to sex), and you chose the alternative...

Would you be upset if that choice ended with some accidental (sex style B)?

EDIT for more context: the choice is between anal, and the alternative, grinding.

SECOND EDIT: Thanks for all the input, everyone!  I pretty much knew I was going to have to make the new scene, but lack of sleep and laziness deluded me into thinking that maybe if the majority of people didn't mind then I could get away with doing a little less work lol.  However, as many pointed out, if you choose to avoid something, having it forced on you is BS!  So, no worries! no one will be forced into anything they don't want!  Sorry that this poll angered some people into dropping their memberships, I was just testing the waters with a dumb idea and it will never happen again (I hope!).  Leaving the poll up to run it's course for science.

Personally, as a player, I could see this potentially annoying me if it was about something I really just wasn't into.  But also, the sex style in question is pretty standard these days, especially in AVN's, and as a dev, saving time by not having to render out another scene is also appealing.

Again, please answer honestly.  Imagine this is just a general question about AVN's and not something specific to my game, and try to answer how you would honestly feel.

Thanks for the help homies! The poll ends tonight, so cast your votes quick!

Much love!




I mean I would be upset if I chose an option and the result was more then or less then, or entirely different then what I expected. I guess as an example, lets say a game is targeted towards people who would never play NTR games, then that game adds it but its not optional. Rightfully people are going to be pissed, but if its an option then people still get what they want but will have the choice to try something different if they want to. But lets say its more in the middle where they are fine with some things about NTR but not all of it, that should be a choice too to allow people get what they want but at the same time there is that opportunity to dip your toes deeper if they ever feel like it. I'm not really sure if that answers the question lol


Sorry guys, but does it seem right to you that in a love relationship, and I underline LOVE, regardless of the sexual content, only one party should or can enjoy a certain sexual act and not both? Of course, not everyone loves to witness or participate in an event that they don't physically like but... if I were Jabbonk, but I'm not, I would open up every possibility for a true and sincere love from every point of view, not domination, not submissive but only love... everything should be optional, it just depends on who participates and, in this case, who plays. Sorry for my bad English, it's not my native language, Ciao