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Hey Homies,

It's been another busy week of development despite having a couple more setbacks.  

I finished scene 5 and gleefully dove back into testing.  Sadly, I quickly discovered that I messed up and forgot that I still had a couple of sections in Scene 3 that needed a fair amount of work.  As you can imagine, with over 300 renders, there's a lot that happens during that part of the game with quite a lot of varying choices.  Sometimes it's easy to overlook sections when there are so many variable scenes to keep track of.

Anyway, I finished one of the sections in question and the second section is next on my list.  Once that section is finished, I should be able to wrap up testing on scene 3.  Admittedly, testing on scene 3 will take quite a while, there's just so much to go over...  But after that, it will be smooth sailing!  I'll likely do a second pass over the new content once I've finished my first, just for a little more polish, and I still need to make a new title screen...  and update the credits...

Regardless, things are looking really good on the overall development.  I still hesitate to set a firm release date, but at this rate, I can't imagine it not being finished before the new year, and that's at the latest!  Ideally, I'd like to get everything wrapped and released before Christmas, but again, if I set a date prematurely, something will happen and I'll miss it.  I don't want to be one of those devs who makes promises and doesn't keep them, so it's better for everyone if I just wait until it's complete before I announce anything.

Anyway, I should stop typing now!
Much love!



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