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Hey homies,

It's not going to be a very long post this week as it's been a bit of a rough one for my fam.  

My dad had a heart attack on Monday.  Thankfully, he was with people at the time and made it to the hospital very quickly!  After a bunch of tests and some surgery, the doctors said he has a weak heart but they weren't able to do much more for him at this time.  He's a little weak, but he's back home now and he says he's "fine", but he's definitely not out of the woods just yet.

As you can imagine, it was a little hard to concentrate on the game's development this week.  I spent most of my dev time running around in circles because my head just wasn't in the right space, although it's been easier since my dad made it back home.  I'll try to make up for the lack of progress with both an SFW and an NSFW post this week.  They'll most likely be teasers as I don't want to waste any potential dev time on creating anything that isn't directly related to the first half of chapter 4.

I guess that's all for this week.
I wish I had more progress to report.

Much love!




thank you. I hope everything turns out ok :)

David Burgin

Sorry to hear that, hopefully he will make a full recovery. If you need to take some time away for your family, no problem.