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Miranda, Sabrina, and Abigail arrive at Sheila's house before leaving for a costume party.  Who do you think should win for the best costume?

Hey Homies,
Leave a comment to let me know who you think has the best costume.

Sheila is wearing some opulent ceremonial robes from Pyra.  She's unaware of their true meaning or purpose, but they look fabulous on her!
Miranda is dressed as a woodland fairy, or at least the way she imagines one would look based on old stories she's heard.
Abigail was aiming for a simple house cat, but it ended up looking more like a leopard so she's rolling with a more 'ferocious' look.
Sabrina made a great 'Zombie Bride' costume based on a character from the only horror book she's managed to read more than once.

(Full definition downloads in the attachments)

Hope you all have a fun and safe Halloween!
Much love!




Sheila won 100%