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Hey, homies!

It's been another hectic week and I don't have a ton to report on.  I could only finish 2 more animations and a little bit of scripting/renders.   With my move quickly approaching I'm realizing once again just how much shit needs to be done and how unprepared I am.  

If I'm being honest, I'm not entirely sure I'll be able to get back into a good working groove until the move is over.  And sadly, no, I'm not moving on the first...
I'm such a scatterbrain that I'm still trying to sort my shit out, but I'm hoping to be fully moved before mid-July.  I'll obviously try my best to get everything done as soon as possible, and I'll continue to devote as much time to the game as I can, but it's only fair to be honest with you all.

I'll be trying to rush out another NSFW post before the end of the month.  Might be a teaser, might be a random post.  Depends on how much time I have.

As always, I appreciate you all and want to thank you for your continued patience with me.
Much love!

Week 26 progress:
-798 renders
-14 animations
-17,237 lines coded




this book is awesome definitely worth the wait and i hope the move goes well


No stress. Take one thing at a time. Your "shit" is probably way more important than this project. Just make sure you take care of your life first. Everyone needs stable living conditions. Don't forget your own needs in all this, like wholesome food and sleep xD