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Cannot stand that line up. I was so mad having to sit next to a Kings fan at the game.


This game was this season in a nutshell close but we just didn’t do enough


From G.S.O.M The Warriors are actually the team with the lowest opponent rim rate in the league — 25.5% of opponents’ shot attempts this season have come from within four feet of the basket. That seems like it should be an indicator of an elite defense, but given the film and the rate of opponents’ three-point looks, that might be an indicator of something more concerning: their troubles in terms of containment at the point-of-attack are causing them to scramble and sink inside in an effort to prevent shots at the rim; in turn, they are giving up comfortable looks from beyond the arc.


Ok the leash that Podz is getting is starting to get silly. His team defense is really bad because he just over helps ALL THE TIME. And why? The hell are you going to do BEHIND Sabonis if he catches it in the hole?? When Draymond was "clapping and yapping" after HB got that rebound, it wasn't at Steph, it was at Podz who just went straight to the hole instead of boxing out HB.


Good thing we didn't risk playing TJD over Loon. I wouldn't mind watching this team lose but I'm getting bored of watching Steve make them lose.

Ryan becker

Kerr days are few. He HAS BEEN TERRIBLE THIS YEAR. We have the better players we need a better coach with better defensive schemes. Think about our roster and tell me we need a trade 😡


We have the worst big rotation in league. Just straight food man

Matt Hanna

HB giving us the business was super weird to watch. I cant remember a time since he joined the Kings that he was the reason they won the game.

Connor H

I love loondawg and I love Dario but man playing them together really does feel like Steve Kerr cosplaying as osama bin nasmith. Like with the amount of analytics and film these teams have it makes no logical sense to be running them out at the same time


No idea how Trayce didn’t get minutes


"Nigga you ain't catching no lob" hahahahahhahahahahha


Exactly what I was thinking… Dray loves the lob threat… why doesn’t Kerr get that?


Somebody should pay the $50k for Kuminga to work with Hakeem this summer. Love his post game, just gotta keep sharpening it

Kahlil Baker

Unc what do you think about that 3 guard line up Kerr has been throwing out. Steph, CoJo and BP?


Yeah look at that inadvertent double team that steph and dray hit off of the inbound leading to that clutch sabonis lay. We always do that shit, we’re all over the place. A bunch of overhelping, and that’s all due to not having a defensive anchor. The longer the makeup of this team stays the same the longer we gonna keep getting these results. You can’t practice this one out either, gotta make trades


only reason I haven't said anything is because you assume it be Mood when he is back, but at this point I shouldn't assume anything


no doubt it was Podz boxout, but I think Dray speaking to the team thru Steph is a smart move right now

Erin Laskey

Might need the Daloon lineup against the Lakers tomorrow


Clippers game where the lead was slipping away because no one would drive to the basket. Kerr wouldn’t play Kuminga or TJD. 🤬


I am getting to the point where we need to start blaming steph almost 100% for these losses especially with him not competing on defense. To me it looks like he is competing with someone when he starts all that dribbling stuff

David A.

I've felt the same for a while. No trade fixes the Steve Kerr problem.

Karleke Dennis

I’ve been saying Steve is a saboteur since the moody game in SAC. Kerr is like the psycho wife in movies that just got divorced. Burning the whole house down on his way out the door. This season has me thinking we should get Budenholzer on the phone.


I agree on the Kerr take. Should've started Kuminga, or Dray. TJD was also a DNP last night. Not really understanding that.


Kerr used to do same with a declining Zaza, starting him for the sake of his reputation. He had to be begged by the vets to start McGee. Looney’s time has come. Use him as a role player. There are too many defensive holes on this team. Kerr needs to start his 5 best so we don’t gift teams a 10 point lead every 1st and 3rd quarter. Why can’t he see that?


I just have no clue what kerr is doing out there

Jansen E

Sigh. Even when I have been in these comment sections SHOUTING into the void to stop believing in a turnaround....I cant help myself. They win one measley game against a Trae Young-less Hawks and suddenly Im curious that they may have found something. But then Kerr's stupidity returns. I say this with as much love and appreciation as possible for a single player.........LOONEY CAN NO LONGER BE IN THE NBA. The dude is done. Finito. Cooked. Washed. Its over. Please. He cannot keep up in this league anymore, and the fact Kerr continues to roll his rotting corpse out on the floor when you have a young and springy TJD sitting on the bench twirling his thumbs is just excruciating to watch. Our fanbase seems to be divided on whether or not they should have called a timeout or not. But whether or not they called one, they did the thing that we've been saying for literal years now. STOP BRING SCREENS TO STEPH IN CLUTCH TIME. It only ever brings a double team. I cannot for the life of me understand how Kerr has yet to learn this. Curry can cook just about anyone on the Kings roster 1v1. But nope. Lets bring Dray over cuz someone will definitely go with him instead of trapping Steph right?????? Nonsensical. Regardless of it all. I no longer care whether they win or lose games. Ive accepted they are losers this season. But dear god can we just lose normally instead of shit the bed in the worst moments???? Glad to see how much Kuminga continues to improve. The dude is becoming for real.


I think there is an assumption that these lineups are 100% from Kerr, and they are ONLY focused on winning each game. I see the same thing from other teams using new funky lineups. This may be more about the trade deadline. If Kuminga is off the table I could see teams asking about some of the others and wanting to see more on film.


The notion that Kerr did not see how poorly that two-big lineup started the game, and the second half, is hard to believe. Saboteur? Don't wanna believe that. Stubborn mule playing the vets? Yep. No minutes for TJD also unacceptable.

Jansen E

There is no explanation other than intentional sabotage at this point. He knows its his last year and he is fucking the whole squad on purpose for agendas. Benching Kuminga after career nights. Rolling out the worst lineups. And not calling a timeout when its obvious they shouldve called one. Ridiculous. I cant wait til he's gone.


Is this the worst defensive starting lineup of the dynasty? I’m not even sure if 19 was this bad.


We have to re-win the game with the Dray-Kuminga lineup every time Kerr puts the Dario-Looney lineup out there and puts us in a hole. Your point about removing the substance from the addict analogy with Kerr and small ball may have to apply to Loon and Dario too if this continues. And we all love Loon but if Kerr can’t bring himself to limit his minutes we’re playing from behind every game. Kuminga tho, lookin like an Uber athletic Jimmy butler 👀

yan't get right

It's a tough one, Alc. I see Kerr as a man who has been CLAWING all season to find a rhythm and routine of players who he can lean on and not have to modify too much. Draymond's suspension has not helped with any of that. Klay/Wiggins sucking hasn't either. I see him also a bit as a broken man who really at this stage doesn't want to have to "change things up" every single night. It's closer to the end than the beginning for him. I mean, no one's legacy is ever going to hang on the ability to "make adjustments" for fucking regular season Rivals Week. Same thing with not calling a timeout. I think he thinks it's below him. And tbh, the whole core is like that. They just want to go on auto-pilot until the playoffs get here and there are some real high stakes to their problem solving abilities. Only problem is that the playoffs might not get here UNLESS they learn to do in-season, low-stake adjustments. Like, it was crazy how Steph talked all about wanting to be a decoy against Atlanta, but he reverts right back to hero ball last night. It's all hubris, really. Luckily, it's clear now that Kuminga REALLY is the key to these dynasty guys learning that they have to think differently and LEAN on someone else to get them to another chance at glory.


I only blame kerr on this loss

Chip Tingle

🙏Alch Leaving aside starting lineup, which I put on Dray…and the old OG legs on B2B…all valid. Steph failed to execute a very good PnR for the win. I was feeling some hero ball vibes in the moment, especially when he didn’t immediately pass out of the double, dribbled deeper into it instead. I’m doubtful Dubs get a better option to execute even with a time out, but we’ll never know. Encouraging list: JK obviously. I keep picturing him eventually adding passing outta the post to his bag. That fade is nearly unstoppable in the lane, no matter the big. Wiggs energy on both ends! JK/Wiggs finding it together w Dray’s help Dray’s playmaking, soon to be starting Podz hitting long term grind mode, not folding or fading. Even if no trade, CP3 and GPII returning soon for impact I’m guessing Loon sits soon for Dray/Saric starting front court that’ll be a tough cover, but can Saric D up enough?? Because of this obvious concern, will JK start next to Dray n Wiggs instead, far more minutes together?

Paul Hanson

Perhaps Steve Kerr is just playing the season out as a road trip with his friends on the core of this team. It really does seem like sabotage at times. He’s so stubborn-someone has to tell him it’s not 2015 anymore. What’s the opposite of a margin of error? That’s what we’re doing right now on the floor. This team is not going anywhere this year-except down with the ship. It’s like a revival tour of the 2022 champion Golden State Warriors.


I hear you. It’s only fair Kerr gives equal consideration and opportunity for everyone. I will say, BP is one of the smarter rookies out of the whole class of 23’. The lack of us having a REAL defensive anchor guy, the side effect is profuse over helping. Idk how but it’s gotta happen. Drays a good “voice” on D and the court in general but clearly no longer the anchor he once was. Front office gonna have to get back into that Andrew bogut bag

Major Powers

Steph AND Wiggins BOTH got hit IN THE FACE on that SAME PLAY and no call. I'm not saying there's a conspiracy but THERE'S A FUCKING CONSPIRACY.

Major Powers

Coaching against the Dooney lineup must be the most relaxing job in the world.


Harry B 39pts , Cam Thomas 41pts , RJ Barret 37, AG 30, Derrick White 30. We are officially role player food. Been happening all year so far

Major Powers

One more thing: Kerr took Wiggs out on the second to last play of the game in favor of Podz, even though Wiggs was looking good and hit his last three. How come Kerr goes out of his way to shit directly into every rookie's mouth but Podz might as well be prime Shaq.


JK went 11/11 last game let’s not play him for the first 10 minutes of the game. I’m sure that’s a winning formula. Let’s also keep Dario on HB ?? Idk what im watching anymore. Steph’s miscues on defense are starting to magnify a little bit. I’ve never known him as a Point of attack defender but is it actually impossible for him to complete a half way decent close out? I feel like im always watching a steph miscue followed up by him pointing and yelling out on defense but by then it’s too late. It all looks real sloppy, feels weird criticizing steph like this but the shit is undeniable. I will say his legs look cooked he’s definitely lost some pep in his step which could by im seein all this.


Been not getting calls since the 2010s I think I’m numb to it now


Why is such an experienced team so fucking awful in the clutch? No losses are "encouraging" at this point... this is a losing team plain and simple. Not sure any trades can save this season, and so I think we should hold onto JK no matter what. He's looked like a future superstar these last five games.


Happy to finally join and see what's going on here. Great content deserves to be rewarded...please, take my money. I got into some serious arguments on the warriors subreddit earlier this season by bringing up the coaching issues; that place is too toxic! One can say the players are fatigued from a back to back. Some can say certain players are out of shape or secretly injured. The Dekky news has affected the team. Whatever the excuses are, the coaching should be absolutely crisp; especially from a multiple championship coach and former player. Kerr should be like "Hold my beer. I'm going to school Mike Brown." Kerr is just not crisp. Kerr is: - Oblivious about the starting lineup with Looney; what worked 3 years ago is not working today for several reasons. Or, his coaching staff is too timid to tell him this is not working. - Reckless for playing Podz down the stretch of the fourth. Multiple obvious mistakes were made and these fouls and turnovers were the beginning of the end. - Mindless for not calling a time out for the last play. - Forgetful about setting the tone defensively from the jump. Having Draymond in the starting line up could have limited that crazy first quarter/half by the Kings. Sitting TJD the entire game was another oversight. Give this kid a few minutes to let someone rest. - Overly complicating and tiring out Curry. Whatever happened to our point forward scheme where Draymond brought the ball up court and was the primary facilitator? Yes, Draymond had 11 assists last night, but Curry is doing way too much. How many times do we have to see Curry bring the ball up and barely make it over the half court line at the 17s mark? Keep it simple. Whatever the case, we need a 6'10" plus center that can score, set picks and grab rebounds. Not 1 or 2 of the 3. All of those things. I'd take Andre Drummond who can get you a near double double every night over Looney or Saric. I'm not saying he's the starting center tho!


JK's elite footwork is likely aided by growing up playing soccer. Unsurprisingly, soccer is the number one sport in the Congo. It's a shame Steph couldn't make that pass to Dray. Either Dray gets a layup or it's an all-oop to JK and the win.

Mike Peterson

Another loss that is 100% on Kerr. The Dooney lineup is tragic. I've said it before but his scripted rotations are killing us. He's a great schematic coach but he doesn't seem to be able to coach the game that is happening in front of him. No feel. Time and time again this year he fails to recognize the matchups that aren't working (Dario on HB) and he can't spot a hot hand (or a cold hand) and make appropriate situational subs. He really needs a number 2 that can guide him on substitutions and game-time adjustments.


The team is cooked as a contender. The Vets aren't playing well enough and Kerr has no answers to bring any more out of the team as a collective than they bring individually. There just can't be any way for Joe pockets to justify a $400 Mil cheque for a team that will be very lucky just to make the play-in. The only enjoyable thing about the team is watching JK just get better and better. Steph isn't even entertaining to watch these days. Can't wait for the off season and them to hopefully blow this thing up. Send Steph to the 76s or some other fringe contender and ship all the other vet, rebuild for the future around JK, Podz and TJD.

Ballin Forever

i hate to see Kerr go out like this. That shit is inexcusable. We already have too much shit to overcome... coaching decisions like that is a mountain that you cant climb Also... wtf is up with our decision making to challenge calls? We went from using them too early.. now we dont use them at all lmao. Thats not just on Kerr.. we need a new challenge review team or some shit Im at the point now where Kuminga is completely off the table. Im good. I'll rather try to move Moody Wiggs GP2 CP3 to get something done. If they arent enough to net some good players then oh well...


incoming "is your light skin king in under armours washed?" rhetoric from alch lol

Chip Tingle

Starting and 2nd units against LA? Dray starting yet, especially against AD? Dray/JK/Wiggs/Klay/Steph? 2nd: Loon/Saric/Podz/…?

Natto Santo

Where is TJD, Kerr?


he's 36. the lebron age argument. it's true for a reason + it's magnified considering he's a smaller guard with no physical advantages like length or height

Natto Santo

I remember in 90s where HOU got Barkley Hakeem Pippen and Clyde, they are all old asses and seems like can still compete but actually have no legs for all 4 main players. I think I am watching the same thing now. Steph is a step slow, Klay is washed, Draymond is not as good, CP is slow, Wiggins is half-ass. This is a sinking ship. Even worse, Kerr is brain dead. We will be a bad team for years if we don’t trade big three.


I preference this by saying yes absolutely Kerrs rotations are baffling to day the least, but I dont think it's completely on him. No other coach in the league has to play the exact right players at the exact right time together to compete, if everything hinges on playing a certain 5 guys together then you are cooked as a team. The Celtics can play around all they want and still win games by 20

Ballin Forever

Thats a good point. This roster is full of situational guys. Most teams have set rotations. Kings are gona play the same 7-8 guys every game and may have to deviate from one or two guys. Kerr is having to pick and choose from several guys. This is why alot of us are saying that trades have to go down. We have too many players.


Snapped a screenshot of dray slouching on the bench and man… it’s not looking good at all. I mean this was worse than the harden fat suit saga. I couldn’t believe it.


I never wanna say it but I swear I’ve seen this since Divicenzo was on the squad


I think he has a type and it small smart hustle guys.. and it just so happens those are usually white guys in todays league. Imagine if he had McConnell or Caruso


I also peeped Dario hyping Wiggs up on the bench and BP dray and Steph all looked defeated? Weird to see I can’t imagine Dario being that guy for us, that probably says something about the current state of our team morale right now, it’s low.

Jerry Heverly

Kerr was yelling for a time out when Steph coughed up the ball. The Warriors have too many heroes, too few soldiers. Steph is a turnover machine with no defensive presence who, when crunch time comes, thinks its his job to save the game when in fact he just f**ks it up. He’s done this several times this season. Looney is in year ten of a nine year career. Klay thinks he is Gulliver among the Lilliputians. TJD is the future, why not play him?


We all should’ve questioned Kerr’s decision making once we learned he named his son Nick.


Is it possible the front office has decided to let go of the rope this season as a way to move forward next season with a new roster and coach? Feels like there’s more to it than Kerr suddenly becoming a lousy coach.

Splashus Klay

Notice Kerr was allergic to playing bigs, for most of his tenure, now he wants to start the Dooney tandom? Bruh


It’s true, but last year it looked they they might have a chance. It’s not really looking that way so far.