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Neal X

Like you said, this felt like a vintage night, and there's been so much negativity lately I wanted to take a step back and appreciate this while we can still see it. Whatever happens going forward, we all know the Curry era is winding down, so I just want to see them end with dignity like Kerr said recently. This could be some of the last we see the Splash Bros together on a court for all we know. Regardless of what we've said about "blow it up" and all that, we're all going to feel it if the band breaks up.

Karleke Dennis

JEROME RECTUM ROBINSON!!!! I knew we would see the two-way guys with how depleted the team is rn but to think Kerr trusts Jerome over Lester in this situation is mind-boggling! Finally saw some energy from the team and hope Wiggins can build on this. (Won’t hold my breath tho)


The JK 3 at 8:42 looked like the 3s Lavine kept knocking down on us


I vote Wiggins' effort was "NO trade value?! Shit, I want OUT!" Such a bummer because this version of him sees us SO much higher in the standings this year. Even with Loon Dray and early Klay troubles, 17 points vs 3 points from Wiggs would have won us so many games 😭


I felt like Conor mcgregor “who da fook is that guy” 🤣 watching Wiggins hustle, get chase down blocks, and finish at the rim


I blame the Bulls for putting Krause’s widow in that position. The bulls fans always hated him (and Reinsdorff). Krause was the hatchet man for Reinsdorff, he didn’t bring anything to the table basketball wise.


I love Looney and his entire story, but at this point his salary needs to be thrown into a trade, he is unplayable for us. He could get bought out, and then he can be resigned on a min contract. Hopefully the 3rd center behind Jarret Allen and TJD.


How our standards have fallen. We're happy when the team just plays hard.. But trying to outscore a team is not a recipe for long term success.


The part about the Kuminga-DeRozan pump fake battle reminds me of last season (or the season before?) where Kuminga was guarding him, he bit his pump fake and got mad at himself for it, after that, he guarded DeRozan so well for the rest of the game


Chicago fans are trash.

Mikey H

crazy that no Moody mins. tryin to figure out what's up cause he always comes out & looks better than most of the team. could it be they have a trade lined up & dont want him to get hurt? idk

Childe Costa

I'm still convinced this team already has enough talent. And even if that weren't the case, the chances of a trade making us title worthy this year are absolutely zilch. This is about getting healthy, in sync, and Kerr figuring out how to use his players. No coaching experience here, but I humbly opine that Podge is getting far too many minutes (and must jettison that baby-hook atrocity) while JK far too few. Corey Joseph and Jerome should NEVER see the floor (ok, RARELY!) and combinations like JK/Wiggs/Trayce along side Klay and Steph need to get longer looks. That front court does wonders for us on defense, both in the half court as well as on break-outs, and JK and Wiggs can both create their own offense. Did anyone notice how many times Klay found Trayce for open dunks last night? And that Dario/Loon duo? How about more of Dario/Trayce instead? Dario spreads the floor, Trayce provides a roller and some rim protection. Again, the talent is there, the key is going to be Kerr discovering and embracing some new combinations. But regardless of who's on the floor, we've got to get back to basics: without grit and effort we're going nowhere. Go Warriors. Go Alch!