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gsw vs nop



Not gonna lie, the rant was way more entertaining than most of this season. It sucks I've been checked out so much lately on the team. It's gotten to the point I'm firing up my Kindle and reading comics partway through that Pels debacle. Big picture, if nothing else I want to see what Dunleavey can do. Is he willing to take a big swing? Is there a sneaky good move available that isn't a blockbuster but still helps? It'll be fascinating to see how he'll shape up.


Best take ever.

Neal X

from Wojnarowski -- Warriors willing to trade anyone but Steph. What a shock. The question is, is anyone willing to TAKE anyone?


lol thanks for the rant man, this might be the best thing from the loss. the guy out there isn't even trying anymore. we played the Pels earlier in the year where i expected to be destroyed, but they actually fought hard, out rebounded the pelicans and won, but right now these guys seem to have stopped believing and said fukk it.