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Open up on the tip? Paws fam lol


so does anyone know does draymond still get paid while this is going on and does not paying help the team at all if so?


I can't really complain about this one. The energy was there, the effort was there, I loved the new rotations/subs. They pretty much lost this game because Steph shat the bed, and that's OK. You need a superstar to perform in order to win games like this on the road, and Steph got totally punked by Kawhi in that fourth quarter. It got so bad that Steph didn't even want the ball anymore. They tried everything to get him going too...put him on ball, put him next to Podz, put him next to CP....he just didn't want the smoke. Dude is getting old and it is what it is, we've all seen him destroy this Clippers team in the past. Other than that, good effort.


Ngl I had more fun watching Warriors games in 2020 when Steph had a broken hand and Omari Spellman and Marquese Chriss were our hope for the future


Green will have $153,941 deducted per game if the Warriors star forward's suspension is fewer than 20 games and $202,922 per game if the indefinite absence is more than 20 games, ESPN's Kendra Andrews reported on Thursday. Golden State will save at least $519,555 toward the tax for every game during Green's suspension, ESPN's Bobby Marks reported on Wednesday.


Like what I saw from Klay hopefully the effort continues


I don’t about giving up Podz… CP’s contract is the trade piece


Kerr might have to give Loon the Bogut/Zaza/Javale rotation pattern. First 6-ish minutes of each half and that’s it for him. If we can just find a way to get Steph and Klay hot together while also still empowering Jk, Mood and Podz, I think we still have a chance to get some wins, but Wiggins has to be the odd man out no matter what move Steph wants made

Jimmy Ji

Where's Usman Garuba? Why not give him some run over Looney? We haven't played any of our two-ways one single game this season... WTF Kerr? Did he take too much heat from last year and now he's completely reverted to the opposite end? Kerr's biggest weakness is his emotional attachment to this core.


frustrating that playing Looney over TJD is such a simple obvious unnecessary throw.


Most of Klay's threes were off of Looney's screens. Looney is really good at creating space for our old shooters because he's by far our best screener, since they can't create any space on their own anymore. TJD wasn't good in his 5 minutes. I think 5-8 min a game is about right for him, he gets pushed around too much right now.


Podz is the main reason why I'm even watching this shit anymore. Guy is a joy to watch out there. So glad he's starting.

Connor H

People are big mad about the core vets playing terrible but tbh I think I’d rather watch the core lose a few more seasons then dump all my favorite players. Of course I’d like to see Steph get another ring but the guys calling this his prime is kinda crazy lmao. Also you really think if Steph wanted to get rid of any of the core and go all-in that the front office wouldn’t immediately do that? Seems to me he’d rather ride out with his boys too. I think that post game talk was about switching up starting rotations no trading any of the vets


yeah this DEFINITELY isn't Steph's prime anymore. That's delusional. He's actually been pretty bad in quite a few 4th quarters this year...they are 0-9 when Steph makes 2 or less fgs in the 4th. He was awful in the 4th in this game, just completely awful.


thats fair he has a lot of experience as a screener. I'm not sure it makes up for having such a feckless defense of the rim and/or perimeter.


Could you imagine if we traded for Markkanen and Jarret Allen? It would instantly solve the lack of a true #2 option, and provide front court depth and rim protection. A man can dream lol.


the logjam at guard is a problem and it'll only get worse when gp2 comes back. it's ridiculous how kerr trusted moody with key minutes in the playoffs in his ROOKIE season, but he can't even trust him with 20 minutes on a trash team in the regular season. if they trust podz so much then trade cp3 so they can give moody more minutes. also, they need to dial back steph's minutes. steph has been bad at damn near everything outside of his shooting all season and we're losing in his minutes anyways. he is an empty stat guy rn. plus, he is starting to look old and tired and has nothing in the tank in crunch time recently

Jimmy Ji

Probably on offense but not on defense. Looney isn't really providing anything more on the offensive end, he's just out there setting screens.


I think Podz is Curry's stable pony, so I'm hopeful he won't get traded but I agree I bet teams are def gonna ask that he be included in the bundle!

Major Powers

I still believe Quese would have been a difference maker in the '21 play-in season if he hadn't busted his fucking leg in practice. Also Omari's tale was sad, dude looked like he was finding a way to be a rotational (or at least depth) 3/4 in the NBA (he was even hitting 3s on the dubs) and then got traded to the Timberwolves G-league team, got super sad, stopped working out as hard, and just fizzled out of the league and plays in Korea now.


Allen isn't even a 3rd option and he's super soft. Not saying having him as a starting 5 wouldn't be nice change, but he's not a closing weapon with his limitations. Markkanen is the answer but there are several moves they need to make to recreate the draft capital to do it. (He may require Kuminga in the deal, you cosign that?).


Of course the loss sucks, but I felt good about their play for the first time in a while.


100% is Chriss still in the league? Very sad about Omari. I think getting traded from a team he loved playing for broke his baseball spirit


I think the root of our problem is the defense. We've always been a defense to offense team and losing mike brown just showed us how true that is. I feel like changing up our roster will help but even with this roster, I feel like if we had a real defensive oriented coach who isn't afraid to go against Kerr we would start winning.


Yea I wasn't referring to Allen as the #2 option, just more as a rim protector. He for sure is soft, but I wouldn't mind taking him on our roster. Lauri would be such a nice addition. They have the assets to do it, and he's on a very nice contract too. I'd def be willing to give up Kuminga for him.


Been tough to watch the games as of late, but I'll never skip a breakdown. Thanks as always Alc! 🙏

yan't get right

Wait, is Steph's worst version of himself the same as Klay's but with a dribbling package and better media training? We got two of these knuckleheads?? 'At least one selfish shot-chucking hero wannabe on the court at all times' must be part of the splash brother contract. James Harden had IGGY HANDS on defense last night. It was insane.

Jansen E

For the athleticism and youth ALONE, Trayce needs to be taking Looney's minutes. I know he doesnt have half the BBIQ that Looney has, but Looney is cooked man. He will be good for VERY specific matchups (and by that I mean probably only Sabonis and thats it), but we needed Trayce out there. No rim protection, no THREAT of rim protection and just zero drive to score is killing us. We need to get something man. Where's Javale when you need him ): I fucking hate that the Mavs got Lively. Lively is looking like an all-nba guy already and I hate it. Im so jealous. He looks amazing.


With Mobley out 6-8 weeks, the Cav's season might crater, so it's possible not only Allen but Mitchell hit the market. With Lauri, I'm curious if they could acquire him with just picks and swaps without needing to include Kuminga or Moody. The heavily protected first they sent Washington could be reacquired. Its top 20 protected and if it doesn't convey it turns into a 2nd. Possibly they would be willing to send it back for 2 or 3 2nds or a 2nd and a swap. Then the Warriors would have 3 firsts and a swap to deal and attach it to Klay's expiring. The Jazz recently have said they'd like to get off John Collins, who everyone knows is an unwanted asset. Klay's expiring would be moved elsewhere for a bit of value to bring the Jazz an additional first or pair of 2nds for taking on a bad contract so the end up with 4 picks for Markkanen. The Warriors get Lauri and Collins but they are essentially locked in long term. Collins would come off the bench and be paired with CP and Dario. Lauri and Dray would play the 4/5 to start/close with Kuminga at the 3.


yeah Warriors really really liked Lively, it's too bad. Wiseman was such a monumental eff up, ooof.


Alch you think any chance Donovan Mitchell could be on the trade market if Cavs continue to struggle? I heard murmurs this past offseason that he's not looking to stay and some today about the New York teams being interested in him, now that Garland and Mobley are out a few weeks. If their season spirals and they're open for business he'd be the perfect #2 option, basically a more reliable Zach Lavine.

Thomas Ogas

Be honest with yourself. Would you enjoy watching Steph and his old buddies repeatedly lose games and get humiliated a couple times a week for the next few years? Wouldn't you rather just remember them as they used to be? And not see them degrade before your eyes? I watched Michael Jordan come back to play basketball for the Washington Wizards and it was not enjoyable. It was not what I remembered of him. It tainted my memories of his Bulls days. And it tarnished his legacy. We gotta let them gracefully move on to play a few meaningless seasons elsewhere, if that's what they want, where they won't be judged or held to any sort of real standard. Then celebrate them years from now when they come back for the Statues and Jersey Retirement annoucements.


fair.. I think im to competitive as a fan. I want to win at all costs. Steph for 5 1st and Melo! lol

Connor H

Yeah I think after watching years of garbage pre-lacob era I’m just glad we were lucky to see this squad grab 4 chips. I think they earned the right to ride out the rest of their career if that’s what they want. Plus realistically there’s no return for a trade of klay, wiggs or dray that makes the team instantly a contender anyways. All of them are sidegrades or a slight upgrade

Andreas Wiedemann

i do like you`re not talking about dray. enough guys giving their hot takes


If we could somehow pry Spida and Jarrett Allen that’d be a new lease on life. Would prob take the kitchen sink for those 2 though


Alch I think your previous point on youtube about Podz getting so many minutes while Kuminga and Moody are struggly to is really pertinent to last night's game. Kerr has finally started playing young guys, now he needs to stop with the tiny,3-4 guard lineups. FFS he finished the half with Steph, CP3, Podz, and Klay on the floor together. In what world is that a good lineup? Like seriously. Podz is great, but how is he playing 35 minutes in his rookie year, in a game where he shoots 2-11, in a game with Steph and CP3? How is Moody in year 3, with 11 points on 4/6 shooting and 5 rebounds, still just getting 15 minutes? Like it's lowkey disrespectful that Podz is already leapfrogging Kuminga and Moody in minutes. Kuminga and Moody combined for 41 minutes and 26 points (in a game where Draymond and GP2, two guys they compete with for minutes, were out), while Podz played 35 mins and got 4 points ( I understand he did a lot of good though out there, but not enough for me). I don't think Moody or Kuminga have cracked 30 minutes once this season, and Podz has already done it 3 times. I think that the best way to get minutes on Kerr's team is to be undersized, plain and simple. Playing Kuminga and Moody more minutes would give us too much length and versatility, it's better to have all tiny shooters. For those saying he was needed to replace Draymond's playmaking, why is it so imperative to have two playmakers in the starting lineup? I know Steph has his turnovers, but Boston made it to the NBA finals without a true playmaking point guard, I think we'd be fine with Steph and having lengthy wings around him. And I agree with Alch's point- Atkinson needs to go. The defense and rotations are trash. Kerr is trash, I'd ask for a trade if I were Moody or Kuminga.


I think Moody was set to play a lot more minutes in this game but his first half was just awful. He got yanked early. He was passive, turning the ball over, got beat on a backdoor cut, fouled. He played a lot better in the second half but that's what you're gonna get with young players; some ups and downs. Wiggins got too many minutes imo. Podz is a legit 6-5 and so is Moses, so I don't think it's a size thing with those two...Podz is just way more dynamic and skilled, better shooter, passer, rebounder, better defender (on ball and MUCH better team defender), knows how to play with Steph...I can't think of one thing Moody is better at...maybe finishing at the rim due to his longer arms? that's about it. Moody is a great hustle guy though, this team need more of that. None of these guys are set with their minutes or great, they'll all have to earn their minutes....this team is bad so I'm sure we'll see plenty of them all. The best thing about Podz...he DOESN'T foul!!! at least so far. Love the guy. When this team throws in the towel a month or so from now, we'll see all the Moody and Kuminga's we can fathom (if it's even worth tuning in for). Also, he actually closed the first half with CP, Steph, Klay, JK, Saric but JK picked up a foul with 45 seconds left (as he often does)....

Paul Hanson

Hey Man I check in on every game-fan since 1973-great breakdown. This time was long in coming.


Podz has great chemistry with Steph, and gives that starting lineup another ballhandler with Draymond out. I love the guy and will enjoy seeing him progress. I do wonder what his ceiling is; maybe Alc can do a video on that....will be interesting to see.


Podz is 6'4" and has 8 inch shorter winspan than Moody. For this reason, playing podz heavy minutes alongside steph and CP3 getting heavy minutes is problematic from a size standpoint, unless you subscribe to Kerr's delusional theory that one day guard heavy lineups will win


When I looked at this roster before the reason I thought they were built to be an elite POA/wing defense team: JK, Wigs, Klay, Moody, GP2...I thought they would all be much better than last year and that would mean elite perimeter defense. Boy was I wrong, it's been a complete failure on that end. I don't think they were prepared for the failure, and now they are stuck with no size to help out in the paint because the POA is so bad.


As for your opinion on Moody and Kuminga, we can agree to disagree.


i think kerr starting lineup shouldve been steph klay moody kuminga loon and let the second unit be cp bp wiggs dario trayce for the rim protection lineup


I guarantee you the "overhaul" that curry would green light would involve nobody but the young players. He's too loyal to the vets and won't give that up. One of the many reasons why players shouldn't be too involved in front office stuff. They're too emotional about decisions.


I think Podz and Moody are both listed at 6-5. Either way, I don't think it's very significant. The reach is significant for sure, but Moody also lacks Podz' lateral quickness at the POA. However, Podz gives them a secondary ballhandler with Steph, especially needed in the starting lineup now that Draymond sabotaged the team. I'd much rather have Podz start over CP. Moody isn't really skilled like that as a ballhandler/playmaker. My big issue is Wiggins. Wiggins' minutes should be cut to around 15-16 a game and Moody should be at around 23-24. Like that starting unit actually played pretty good defense to start the game, I was encouraged. The defense REALLY took a dump after the subs started coming in. I agree on Atkinson, it looks like he's added nothing. We went from Ron Adams, to Brown, to Atkinson...and it's pretty clear who the weakest of the three is. Kuminga looked good, he probably would've played a lot more if he could stop fouling. Other than that, I thought the rotations were pretty dope. Looking forward to seeing more, and more energy; I can stand watching a losing team if the energy, effort, and intellect is there...and this team is gonna lose...a lot. Anyways, always appreciate your observations, though we may disagree.


who is your secondary playmaker next to Steph? almost everything on this roster is tailored to fit Steph's preferences as a scoring threat. Now with Draymond gone as a ballhandler/distributor, who is your secondary guy? Steph has been an awful on ball player this year. It's gotta be either CP or Podz, since they are the only two other guys who can dribble. Believe me, I'd love if Steph would just take the reigns as a high usage PG but that's not what he wants at this stage in his career.


I dunno if the vets even have any value. just bloated contracts while underperforming their salary. young guys actually have potential value...none of them great value, but some. Fact is, Steph needs to realize he needs a second star at this point in is career. Lebron realized it, KD realized it, they all realize it. he can't just carry a team anymore at 35.


ya and he got 16 last night against a team with heavy wing depth while our team is missing guys and changing roles for our vets. wiggins's role decreased and moody somehow STILL got fewer minutes. he consistenly plays well and ups his prodution when he gets more minutes and somehow is never rewarded for it. meanwhile podz is out here getting 30+ minutes nightly after like 4 good games while being bbq chicken on D 1v1. i like podz but the shit just doesn't make sense and is unfair to moody imo.


I think the last guy we should be complaining about regarding minutes is Podz. Moody got yanked fast in the first half because he was really bad. But overall l agree with you, Moody should play more than Wiggins. However, I also realize this was just one game and they are still experimenting with brand new rotations. I think we'll see Moody get more and more run as long as he doesn't shit the bed like he did in the first half. Wiggins is much more frustrating to me, he should never get more than 20 minutes unless he's on a heater. I mean all things considered, the team was in a great position to win the game....but they needed their best player to show up.......and he didn't. so it is what it is. If your best player doesn't show up, you aren't going to win very often on the road no matter how you juggle your role players' minutes.


If Draymond doesn't get hurt, you can pretty much guarantee the starting lineup was going to be: Steph, Klay, Moody, Dray, Saric. Unfortunately Dray sabotaging the team took away Steph's second ballhandler/distributor/playmaker from the starting lineup...so you need a replacement for that role. I think there's a lack of understanding of this when it comes to the Warriors fanbase.

Natto Santo

Moody is the only chip we can make some nice trade. Hope we get a rim protector.


Trading the young players doesn't help the team. The vets are mostly to blame for not playing up to their contracts.


I mean it depends on what they could get. A deal would likely be a package of old and young.


Seeing moody and kuminga go would be heartbreaking. Hopefully, if they do get traded, they ball the hell out.


looney already plays draymonds role in making reads in split actions and short rolls so it shouldnt b as much of a problem as u guys all saying in these comments extra playmaker extra playmaker u dont need it u want it nd now if u put the ball in anyone of those players on the floor in any action they run during any play each guy i vouched for in tht starting lineup would b able to make simple reads its not like there not basketball players now


kerr js has to put the ball in some of these players hands nd see w tht they can do cs now u gotta ride these young cats because they all been testament to how good they rlly are nd honestly has either saved us frm being blown out a couple times won games for us or build even bigger leads when they come in


Yo Alch. I came across a name today while browsing and wondered if it's an option. May be cheaper to acquire as well considering the options out there. How about Isaiah Jackson from the Pacers? It might not be a sexy name but he is in his 3rd year of his rookie contract and doesn't get that much time. If you have scouted him before, he is a hyper athletic 6"10 forward that blocked alot of shots in college, can get offensive rebounds, might have some problems understanding Kerrs system but what is there to lose at this point. He would be a huge upgrade over Looney, can protect the rim, has some jumpers in his arsenal. Today he had 20/13/1 and 1 block against the Wizards(they lost the game). The only problem is he might be foul prone. But he is better than Looney and TJD at this point. Also if they get him I am willing to move TJD for a wing in return or you can just swap TJD + a pick swap for Jackson


I want to hear more from Amar Singg. You are at 16 posts today, come on you can make it to 25 if u put your back into it.


YO! LOL I'll give it a shot, thanks for the shout out. had a pretty chill day today so thought I'd talk some hoops. I have a feeling this team will look a lot different after the trade deadline so I"m kind of excited about that.


Alch! Love your videos big fan of yours I love how you view the game. I would love your opinion on this take I have, I think we need to run more Steph Kuminga pick n roll. Like you said Kuminga is our second best scorer and I think we need to empower him to be that!


Man, age hit this core like truck this year. Not even Curry is that guy anymore


Just don't understand why we don't do more Trace. Dario at the 5 is tuff defensively.


Ok one more post lol. Wondering if anyone sees some Jalen Brunson in Podz' game? lefty, good touch, good shots, nasty hesi....maybe in 5 years/


One thing to take note of. Opposing players, especiallt role player-ish type guys seem to have some insane / borderline career best nights against us. I’m starting to think dudes are lickin their chops once they hear they’re matched up against us lmao. Didn’t really happen this game but it’s something to watch for and take note of. I’m a warriors for life so I say this with as much grace as possible but we have one of the worst talent pools in the league and it’s obvious. There’s a glaring talent deficit. I’ve known this in the back of my head ever since 22’ but now it’s undeniable and is in full effect.


Kuminga being able to create looks and get to the line like this with no bag whatsoever is scary 😂 him and podz are the light at the end of the tunnel for me.


I’m glad we won in 2022 because honestly I don’t know where my mental health would be right now if we didn’t secure that one. 😂


But if we got Lively, he wouldn’t have played as much as in Dallas. Steve Kerr would still Stick with Looney and Saric. And I hope that TJD will get more minutes. Looney won‘t get better and TJD needs development. It still kills me that Steve Kerr played Lamb over JK and Moody. They could have used the reps from last year. Last season was a lost cause anyway due to the Jordan Poole incident and losing key Players.


Podz is very active and gives good minutes. However, If I am Moody or JK I would be pissed too. The last Two years you are fighting for Minutes and hope that you get more minutes in your third season. But your headcoach prefers to play your bad Starters over you. And on Top of that, a rookie gets now some of your minutes. I would totally understand the Frustration.


It's funny but Podz seems to play just like a Euro, complete game, not overly athletic but not the least bit afraid, now if they can just keep Draymond from sucker punching him in the locker room he may well turn into the leader of our young guns.


Mike Malone says he’s been in contact with the league regarding the way Nikola Jokic has been officiated throughout the season. _____ Overhelping as usual. Look around the league. Harden, Ja, Luka, Dame, KD don't exert so much energy on defense when they don't feel like it. Clippers didn't seem prepared for Klay to go off. At times they left him open.

Jerry Heverly

I wish they would tell Dario, don’t retreat, just take the foul before the shot, use your 6 fouls, use TJD more. I just have the sense that with more minutes Davis would show his value. I don’t care who starts, it’s key who finishes. Instead of blowing leads the new closing group is making games close, JK, CP, Podz, the +/- doesn’t lie. Klay for Hachimura or Valentine. Send him home to dad. Draymond can’t be liking the current meme: “He needs help.” It would make me furious, just the thing to aggravate his mindless violence. I’m a big Kerr fan, but it’s clear, the vets have tuned him out.


He has no handle. But he’s more athletic. Works some of the time


I'd like to see some TJD with Saric. Saric can spread the floor, TJD can rim run and finish.


Ever since you pointed out that steph 3pt contest I can't stop seeing it😂

Jimmy Ji

Listen I'm all for TJD getting more minutes but the more minutes you give him the more likely he's going to foul out. We need depth at the center position.

Neal X

All of it looks worse from lack of any rim protection. You need someone who can stop ball, deter drives, and this makes it easier to guard the perimeter. You also need a big man on offense as a lob threat to collapse defense or punish from over-guarding the 3-pt line. Modern NBA is all about that push-pull between interior and perimeter, and it really feels like Kerr is well behind the curve on that.

Neal X

I don't think Draymond has ever really listened to Kerr, but then, he doesn't really listen to anyone. The nickname "donkey" is kind of apt honestly, for the stubbornness as well as the kicking. I've watched footage of them together from years back and the vibe I got was that Kerr just let him be him and didn't lift a single finger to try and curb him. Some people just aren't about confrontation, and that can have positives and negatives. It can preserve egos and self-esteem, but it can also lead to unchecked misbehavior.


Bro I think klay and Steph are about to go nuclear But but only if he stops playing looney tunes, I love him but his out of shape bad.


Bro klay is a tuff tuff dude bro, to get shredded by the media like that gets benched and comes out carrying the team if he keeps playing like this the warriors wil lose him to the lakers. His like 2 years 48 nah how about 4 years 150 lakers. They won 3 straight now Pods, kuminga and trace will be playing from now on, that block on jalem brown was nasty.