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gsw vs sas gm 17


Kj Robinson

Been waiting on the breakdown more than the game itself


Maybe the NBA is protecting Lebron, can’t have steph making him look bad on a weekly basis. Idk

Dashaya Toney

I really liked this breakdown especially the emphasis on Steph/CP3 helping down in the paint. They'd be in perfect position...if they were fucking 6'9" and able to contest down low and then close out with legnth. But they're clearly not and do nothing against finishers. It's gotta be a coached up scheme thing too because you think CP/Steph with their bball knowledge don't know helping off the strong side is a disaster?! Very concerning.

Natto Santo

Kuminga got to learn the angle to defence, he standslike there is a big man behind him to cover his ass. And Klay is just bad on defence, he has no awareness most of the time.


Hurts me to say but I don’t enjoy watching Klay rn either. No effort on D, and just seems to be completely in his own world playing for himself. Threw a fit when he was subbed out for GP2 in the last defensive possession of the first half. After he chucked up that ridiculous 3 off the offensive rebound btw. No way around it he’s acting like a brat and it’s time for the tough hard love conversation with him. It’s been time. Tbh as a whole we’re not very enjoyable to watch. POA and team defense is terrible and our offense is basically banging our heads against the wall with the off ball stuff. If Steph isn’t cooking it looks like one of the worst offenses in the league. Part of the off ball becoming ineffective is age and these guys not running at the speed and relentlessness they did before. They might run one or two actions and if it gets blown up we just get nothing out of the the possession. We talk about multiple efforts on D a lot but we’re not seeing multiple efforts with the motion offense. Had to get that mini rant off lol bc like you said it’s just a whole lot of stink right now, even when we win you can see the underlying problems. Also to Steph’s defense I would imagine it’s hard to not want to take things into your own hands at this point. Almost single handedly got us separation in the third there, and when the alternatives are Wiggins and Klay missing in demoralizing ways, there isn’t a lot of other solutions. But I agree it’s def not sustainable to have to do this in November though. Just frustrating this feels more like last year than we and the team would like to admit.

Nathan Glanzer

I was losing my mind at the end of that game. If they had lost I would have probably gone into Warriors radio silence for a few weeks to save my sanity lol.

Nathan Glanzer

Do you think if we had the OG coaching staff including Mike Brown we'd not have these issues? How big of an impact do we think coaches really have when the core of the team has been together so long, does that lessen the impact of coaching? Or are the coaches for the people on the outskirts of the core and getting them into the right mindsets?

Erin Laskey

Wemby trying a Euro-step but collapsing on Looney late in the 1H, woke me up from my Thanksgiving slumber

deb m.

Where did Ron Adams go? Is it a semi-retirement thing?

yan't get right

“Like a toddler begging to get picked up” is CRAAAAZY 😂😂😂


Drives me crazy bc he has all the tools otherwise, did he not learn anything from Iggy?


This team is just awful to watch. Gotten to the point where I'm considering skipping the games and just waiting for Alc's breakdowns. This is what you get when you have a team of stars past their prime (including Steph, turnovers = assists this year) and a bunch of bad draft picks....you get Dario Saric as your second best player lol. Yikes.


yup, way more entertaining. If Steph is going to be careless with the ball, why should we care about the actual game?


He's still on the staff. I think alc is poking fun at the Steve Wilks stuff lol


The refs man… almost got banned from twitter if we lost that game


I wonder if it's frustrating for a player like CP to watch a player with stephs gifts of hand eye coordination and spacial awareness struggle to make some passes

Nathan Glanzer

Damn this was at home? I thought this was in SA because of the court and was thinking the whole game "damn lots of steph fans in texas" LOLOL.

Mikey H

seems like opposing teams have figured out if they flop on anything close to a moving screen, the refs are gonna call it 😣. It's pretty funny too cause isn't there supposed to be an anti-flopping thing happening? guess not for the dubs

Paul Hanson

That was an awful display of sloppy cavalier Basketball. I almost rooted for the Spurs on this as I felt they played like they deserve to lose.

Joemilll -

Klay shouldn’t close games no more his lazy defense low iq shots, take him out for moody or Kuminga


Kuminga is shaky on D unless he’s on the ball. Moody can’t seem to get minutes even as the starter


The coaches must be telling the guards to help down low. But it leaves the weak side 3 ball totally open. They are overcompensating for having no size. Doesn’t seem like a sustainable roster. Maybe with Dray back something clicks.


Can’t have Steph passing the “chosen one” in rings. It would be like somebody having more rings than Jordan in his own era. You seen it even in the season where we won the chip, somehow they were still able to pull it off even with the sabotaging from the refs


Lot of money from Nike making sure their athlete is the face of the league.


People keep citing Klay’s previous slow starts as a reason to “not get worried”… but he is clearly no longer the same player MENTALLY. He’s trying to be Game 6 Klay on every single possession, and then sleep-walking on defense whether it works out or not. He’s playing as if he only cares about his stats, and not if the team wins. Kerr is not helping him (or the team) by tolerating it. It’s one thing to let a veteran member of your dynasty shoot through a slump. It’s another thing to ignore his selfish, undisciplined decision-making. Especially when it’s to the detriment a young player in Moody, who’s doing all the right things to develop into a winning basketball player. They’re grown men, time to treat them as such and hold them accountable. Are you a head-coach, or a babysitter?

Major Powers

The league wants to screw Lacob, who is showing up so many other owners with his willingness to spend. Non-Nike Steph stealing chips from LeBron in his prime was sacrilegious and he must be punished. KD signing here made everyone hate us even more. If the league could help it they'd only let the chip be won by big historical markets. I think out of pure spite they want us to slink back into the shadows, a hatred so intense it outweighs how much money we pull in from China and Steph jerseys or whatever.

Karim Q

As deflating as this young season has looked so far, I still enjoy watching this team much more than last year's for sure

Neal X

Even from just watching the highlights it's easy to tell Klay is just looking cooked out there. No ability to close out or contest, constantly losing his man... and it's hurting the team hard. Maybe when Draymond is back things will change for the better, but so much of this team is 30+ and it just really shows. Doesn't help that Wiggins is playing like he's 30+, when we should be able to rely on him for at least 20 a night. When half of your starters look old and not contributing you have to say either just give up the season for lost, or blow it up. The fans can sense it, that arena was dead as hell. Roaracle days feel gone.

Neal X

Nothing I've seen of Kuminga tells me he's a high IQ player. I honestly feel we should trade him. I like the idea of moving CP3 and Kuminga for Siakam if we can get him. We just desperately desperately need good wing defenders and size, and as good as CP3 has been, he's not helping us on that score and we knew that all the way back from when we picked him up.


Well let’s hope Dray stay off the b.s the rest of the year and make himself available.. Also let’s see if the league ban Foster from calling anymore warrior games… But yeah the league looking funny in the light, when Steph isn’t playing the leagues ratings drop drastically this is a whole fact.. Stern was a better commissioner than Silver, everyone sees the league making sure we don’t get any traction in the standings. When it’s all said and done and we looking back it will show Steph’s greatness than the NBA had to step in just so he don’t pass Bron or Mike In rings. Step still has Nike in shambles all because they couldn’t pronounce his name correctly


If the NBA is screwing us, I would guess that it's because Silver wants more parity in the league. I feel like the goal is that anyone can feel like they have a chance, in a way that's what the IST and play-in tournaments do. Dynasties mean that while 1 team is getting multiple rings, all other 29 are disappointed and you might have fans checking out. BUT, if Toronto gets one on year, and the Bucks, and the Nuggets, and it keeps going around like hot potato, everyone feels like they have a chance and fans tune in more. Just a guess tho.


What these breakdowns tell me is that this is not a team one looks at and says: "They are well coached". The individual, transition, and team defense has been so bad from so many players that I think it's clear that a new defensive coach/approach is needed

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

Alc, where are you on JK these days? Obviously not off to the best of starts, but how are you thinking about his season/career prospects? (As always, I’m curious what others here think as well)

Captain Rossco

Absolutely agree on Klay being terrible to watch. It's hard to imagine this team making a postseason impact even if things start to improve. They're too old, small and slow - a recipe for failure. Here's a yt video idea for you: either a monthly rating (out of 10) or ranking (you could use the ABCDEF ranking or other) of each player. Another idea which is more current would be, who on this team should be safe from trades?


I think it can be bias that's not directly related to Adam Silver and the league. Refs can be biased themselves toward particular play styles, and the NBA rules every year move more and more to the extreme of giving refs more power every time a new rule is introduced that isn't black and white on replay like the best rules in other sports, (aside from things like advantage, which are good but should only be called when obvious,) but instead rules that have subjectivity baked into them. Recent rules like the "when is a shooting foul not a foul" attempt to cut down on foul hunting and the flopping rule from this year are top examples of this - they sound great in theory, but in practice you're adding a giant question mark to the rulebook asking the refs "how do YOU think the game should go?" The bias doesn't have to be a business strategy by the league. It can just be a majority of refs who prefer the post play of past eras and the more Jordan-like physical guard play of someone like Ja Morant or Westbrook over men who can cut through all of that with one finely trained skill, the ability to shoot so well from anywhere on the court that all that athleticism looks like wasted talent in comparison. Well, that and the ability to do it all while outrunning their defenders all game. I think the Warriors have built up bad blood with NBA refs as a whole over the past decade plus of winning because they've come up against this bias, probably complained about it behind closed doors, sent in video to the league office. What does a corrupt group of guys, who aren't worried about getting punished, do when you try to hold them accountable? They double down and try to make your life worse. The idea that NBA refs are a bit corrupt and complacent with the power they have even today gets talked about in surprising places. There's Mark Cuban's insistence that the hiring and training system for NBA refs has become "incestuous." In 2021 he said: "It goes back, like I just tweeted, you’ve got Ronnie Nunn, who . . . only hired people from the Ohio Valley Conference or wherever his buddies worked at. Including a former Rucker League ref who lasted only a year. And so we’re paying the price that his hiring and training was so bad that we don’t have any good refs... I mean literally Ronnie Nunn would hire people who worked for his coach. He hired a guy who used a fake name, without checking . . . who’s gone to jail for fraud. " This is exactly the type of corruption - hiring people based on whether you know them or they agree with you, instead of looking for those who are best at their jobs - that leads to pretty terrible bias in any kind of organization. Not necessarily a Nike power play. It's just a human thing.


Klay and wiggs are one player. If theY give you 20+ together we just gotta live with that.

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

Any commissioner who looks at NBA history and decides dynasties are bad for business should be fired immediately

Mike Peterson

It's Alc's principle: your strength is your weakness. Kerr's strength is that he trusts the core guys and he empowered them to play unconventionally to maximize their idiosyncratic talents. Now his trust is overtrust and they're over-empowered on the downhill side of their careers. Draymond's antics get worse every year, Steph's loopy passes get sloppier, and Klay is thirstier than ever for bad shots. Unconventional has turned into undisciplined. I think we miss having an ass-kicker to complement him, I guess Mike Brown was that guy.


I'd love to hear his answer as well. He had a lot of promise coming into this year, but we are starting to see why he didn't play in the playoffs. To play disciplined defense in the modern NBA, you need to be pretty aware, fundamentally sound, and smart....it's not just guarding your man anymore. I'm wondering if he has the mind (and possibly the skill) to reach his high ceiling.


Idk if you seen Ted lasso but Steve needs a coach beard to tell him to lay down the hammer on Klay (Roy Kent)


I lowkey want CP to lose his shit just one time and yell at them all 😂 he’s the outsider who’s POV isn’t warped by having been a part of this historic run this whole time


One good thing we saw is the CP3 and JK PnR...unfortunately we also saw that JK barely made any contact (if any) on the screen.

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

There’s something so weird about this coaching staff. Either it’s the coaching or the system, but no one seems to develop here. The only draftees who’ve developed their game here are those who’ve done so thru neglect (Looney, Poole, Moody).


Need a daily trade video. Personally I am all on board throwing the kitchen sink at Anunoby. CP3+Kuminga+Picks for Anunoby+Schroeder. Let's lock in defensively at all costs and hope the 3 ball runs hot.

Childe Costa

There were inspiring stretches during this game (Saric player of the game!) but the last 4 minutes of the 4th were absolutely wretched. One empty possession after the other. Had it not been for a couple of timely whistles in our favor and the spurs own lack of precision, we could have easily blown this game. This team, especially Steph, has to be better at breaking through traps, zones, and a full court press. Basketball Basics 101 - Grade: C+


About Dario turnovers. I saw over on Eric Apricot video that it could have alot to do with chemistry between Steph/Klay and Dario. They're used to Draymond and Looney. Bigs that mostly roll hard to the rim. While Dario also pops to the 3 point line. So it might not always be all on Dario.

Neal X

Well when you "ride or die" with someone, sometimes that means you die.


Bc we aren’t the thunder or spurs ,warriors are a win now team not a team overly focused on developing rookies.if they are they are developing them to be ready right now and how they can fit now

james moore

Cp shouldn't be thinking shit about Steph as a player when he hasnt won shit and would need Steph to even sniff one


Did I see a graphic for 1 quarter that we hit 1 shot inside the 3pt line and all others outside? I think it also said we only took 1 other shot inside the line, too. ??


I think your 3rd paragraph nails it. It's the only thing that really makes any sense to me. I cannot believe there is some wide ranging conspiracy against us. I think they just hate us because of Draymond and others bitching at them constantly.


Re: CP losing his shit: totally. A few times after dumb things I saw him snap his arm up then relax and walk away. I think it's in his DNA to do it, but he's being extra cautious now.


I wonder if Steph is realizing that he is surrounded with mediocre players, over the hill veterans and a man that badly needs anger management. He has seemed so disconnected and disinterested lately.

Ryan Mitchell

I think some of y’all agree with me - Dario is low key our #2 option on offense. Like it’s for real!


That's.. a pretty damn good trade. If we could find a way to sell Klay for literally anything as it's addition by substraction, then I might think this team has a chance to win a ring this year. But this is definitely one of the best looking trade ideas I've seen for the Warriors.


Can't watch Klay anymore either, what he has been playing like these last years other than last years 6 week run which was solid, is just solo hero ball shite. if he hits a 3 or two look out he's going to try and chuck himself into a contract again tonight... he just seems to be playing for the money.


Crazy random fact, one of Kerr's sons is actually a writer for Ted Lasso.

Neal X

It's not about the money itself though. It's PRIDE. Which is ten times more dangerous.


agreed, pride, ego, money, personal legacy.. Anything but what's best for the team, which is him playing team D with some damn focus, and set an actual screen for someone else once in a while.

Neal X

Informative stuff -- ever since the Donaghy scandal it was clear that NBA reffing has the potential to be some corrupt shit, and nobody smart has ever had real confidence in it since that, but this makes it sound even worse, because Ronnie Nunn was one of the guys I thought was OK.


And the guys in a vet min isn’t he? This team is a mess lmao


The reffing this season has been horrible