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gsw vs phx 16



If we rlly missing another shot maker, why not let Quinones shine, he was compared with poole in summer league so u alr know what he has in his bag.


The vets and starters have been lowkey the problem this season, a lot of the fan base has turned a blind eye to the fact steph has been really sloppy this season and looney hasn’t been the same. Is it just me or is draymonds defence not been elite so far too tbf it’s only 4 games sample size. But yeah the urgency has been sorely missed which is why I think the bench has had to bring us back from deficits in alot of games.

Johnny Marko

since steph has come back he hasn't looked great at all, struggling to get seperation on and off ball. it doesn't help when the warriors don't have a reliable 2nd option. a team can't be successful without clearly defined options and for the first time in this dynasty's history, that's the case. if steph doesn't get his legs back soon this is gonna be a long and ugly season

Johnny Marko

bro loon has been downright painful to watch this season. he's a legend but this organisation has failed him by not having another big for years now. we wore him out and now we have to pay the price

Billy Roberson

@ 4:16 Lmfaoooooo u quick on the gun alch but I ain’t mad

Ruben Valce

Alch, happy thanksgiving. What grade would you give Steve Kerr on this season so far? Also, what would be your starting lineup if you could adjust it?


Might be that Steph is just old. Can’t bring the smoke every night in November. Same for Klay. How much ice does Klay need on his knees!!


Gotta cut TJD some slack because Kerr refuses to play him and only does when he hears the whispers.. As far as effort level goes i honestly think it was there at the beginning of the game but of course in true fashion Scott Foster started with the soft whistle fouls.. You honestly can’t give full effort if Foster already has it in his mind he’s going to call everything on us and frankly I would’ve been cool with CP3 hooking off on Foster at this point because dude for it coming to him in the worse way.. in the past I could guarantee with a certainty of Foster was ref’ing a game CP3 played in they were going to lose, didn’t matter what team was playing that was an easy money bet.. also I agree at this point Silver has to emphasize to the refs union to keep Foster out of any game CP3 play in because it’s personal.. Keep Foster as a backup ref of the schedule suggest and out of the arena

Thomas Ogas

Lowkey? They've been 100% the problem. The guys on the bench are over-performing and our rookies have been amazing, but the "Core" of this team is washed, slow, and disinterested.

Thomas Ogas

The deep bench guys brought us all the way back, but when Steph and Klay entered in the 4th, you knew the team was going to lose. You could feel it. It's like those two were being forced in long after they'd already stopped caring.


Alch you should do a deep dive on the defensive effort/struggles of the vets.That is the thing that shows the most to me.They stink and no one seem to be able to be critical of them.Everything is on the young players/vets


Trying to get Klay going has become a distraction for Curry. Trying to get Wiggs on board and engaged has been a distraction. And I wouldn't doubt if off-court issues are also in play, but not having any sort of Robin and making the focus of every 1st quarter to try and manifest one out of bones and belief is an exhausting task.

Jansen E

For all that Steph had been doing this season to keep us competitive, he’s the only one who gets a free pass on low effort games. Dude has been the only 20pt scorer for how long? He deserved to take a night off. It’s annoying but I can’t be mad at him for not caring around the holiday weekend. Klay and Wiggins though will continue to be the death of this team. Sad TJD looked bad but whatever. I suspect Kerr will be doing Pop a solid and giving them an early Christmas gift to end their 10 game losing streak. If anyone will do it, it’s us!


I would really like to see steph/klay paired with jk/saric/tjd let there atheletism and size fly around for the vets. We focus on the guards a lot when it comes to defense but looney and wiggins are dogging it. Looney is flying way under the radar because he rebounds. Tjd could definitely start but we have to mix the vets with the young guys. More front court combos with tjd


He hasn't looked great in any of the regular season minutes thus far. However, the summer league shot did look wet.


Sadly I'm probably done watching basketball if it's going to be blatantly rigged like this. No, we aren't good enough to win a title but it's BS to watch 2 hours of 1 team getting free throws for getting breathed on.

yan't get right

Let’s be honest: there’s only a few times where Steph actually looks “at peace” and engaged these days. (1) when he’s on the bench cheering for his teammates giving energy and effort. (2) when he’s on the golf course. (3) when he’s in a high stakes playoff game. Like game 7 in SAC. Now, the dilemma is that for (3) to ever happen again in his career it might be up to him and the warriors deciding that (1) is a real part of their strategy. Because we can’t watch this shit anymore. I don’t wanna see this man/this team slug through a regular season again only to crap out of a second round due to a lack of energy and effort. Just like last night, the starters can still start, but let the game be DICTATED by the players who can give energy and effort. And most regular season nights that’s probably not the core 3 tbh. Just be the Duncan spurs already because the thrill of (2) is always right around the corner for Steph

Major Powers

52 free throws for the Suns. Fifty two. What sport am I even watching.


Happy Thanksgiving, Alch. Thanks for all your hard work.


Curry's effort on defense has been pretty bad, but I don't point all the blame on him because he's also the only one who's been scoring consistently with Klay and Wigs still struggling to get going aside from a couple of encouraging performances as of late. The bigger issue is that there's a notable difference in competitive effort between the starters and bench. It could just be the starters are pacing themselves in the early going, but they're putting the whole team in a hole when they don't have it on a particular night. Once the bench comes in, the effort, energy and youth just pops off the screen. Regardless of whether it's CP3, GP2, the rest of the vets or the rooks checking in, the bench just plays with a different motor. Hell, even Gui played well all things considered.


A lot of blame should be on Kerr for not being flexible. Paul should stay with the second unit and a youngster with more energy needs to start. Saric and Podziemski are the only ones playing with any urgency. Kuminga and Moody play like they are afraid of making a mistake. They know they will be pulled if they do. Time to trade Moody and Kuminga. Kerr doesn't play them anyway and Kuminga will end up turning bitter on this team.

Mikey H

Alc always stayin 'current' 😂 Had me crackin up w the giddy & diddy jokes

Jimmy Ji

What contract would you give Klay to remain with GSW at this point?


This was a stupid take lol bench Steph, boy bye… You need talent to win in this league, bench only gonna do but so much plus the Suns let off the gas… The fact that you mention Steph whose basically carries this team for the past 2yrs and not Klay or Wigs is nuts… Glad you’re not the Gm

yan't get right

Shutchyo ugly ass up. No one said the bench is gonna play the whole time. But we're gonna need to trade for or consistently play players who play with enough energy and force to keep the the team afloat without leaning on curry. The Core 3 haven't been reliable in the regular season since they won 73 games and lost a chip in the same year. They're closer to Old Iggy status than we think


steph lowkey has been an empty stats guy all year


i agree...effort level was putrid


I kind of feel like one of the strategies other teams can start to use (and I totally felt like the Suns were trying to do), is give Klay a few looks to make him feel like he's doing well. Because then, he's going to be jacking up shots all night good shots and bad shots, which ultimately plays right into their hands. Steph has also been playing super lacksidaisical lately. As soon as I saw that horrible hook pass I'm like... "right.. we already don't deserve to win this one with that effort." In my mind.. and probably out loud too, I kept saying what you said a few times in another video. "Be better! Be better!" Because we all know that he can. It really starts from him. If he's playing like he doesn't care, the rest of the starters will play that way too. We're just lucky the bench guys have that, "I'm gonna show everyone that we're better than the starters, and you ain't won the game yet!" attitude. Those guys were way more fun to watch during this game.


Probably a B- Starting thing is difficult, I’d give JK and Mood each a shot at the 3 in Wigs spot. I think benching klay would get him in his feelings too much


'Not fleet of foot' yeah...absolutely on the rest, lack of competitive fire and discipline from Steph and the vets. Yes to terrible Scott Foster and refs in general this game, but not using it to 'bail' us here. And yes to the pressure of Draymond's inability to stay on the court as a factor. Loved seeing the fight of Cory, Moody and BP having more energy, focus and fight!

Childe Costa

If Steph tries that over the shoulder pass one more time, I'm gonna cancel my season tickets. And check the Clay sequence at the 2:08 mark ... clang, blocked, jogs back on D and plays his usual one effort "oh whatever" defense. Or how about dribbling the ball off his foot with that Trayce jump ball? Pathetic but nothing new on either of those fronts ... same exact issues all last season too. An unfortunate new development is how bad Looney has looked recently but what really blew my mind was that 3rd quarter second unit run that included C. Joseph at the expense of Kuminga. Excuse the hostile language but Joseph just sucks. Can't Podge play the point and slide JK back in the game? All that said, we still could have won this game (no thanks to the starters) but 52 free throw attempts for the Phoenix Sunshine? Holy crap.


The starters have been arguably bad all year… steph plays too much hero ball, Wiggins is too passive, Draymond has been impressive, looney has been slow and unfocused, and klay has just been flat out horrible.. majority of our wins this year has been because of great bench production.. time to move on from klay.. even if kuminga or moody have to be packaged in the deal smh


That Giddey line was crazy Alch😭

Karleke Dennis

Alch, what do you think about starting Moody over Wigs or Klay? He’s clearly shown himself to be our 2nd most consistent scorer even with the reduced minutes in comparison to others.


True words. But I think Kerr kind of broke moody and Kuminga. It is so absurd how they handled those two and then you see how they handle Klay for example