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yan't get right

HOT TAKE: The core 3 have been AVOIDING being a regular season team since the year KD got hurt (and maybe the 73-9 year, if we wanna go there) because they just don’t value the grind anymore. But seriously, think about it. If not for Steph’s 3 pt record and Klay’s return, would the core 3 really have sat still through that ‘22 season? Have the HOF Dubs ever actually prided themselves on a quiet, spurs-like regular season campaign since they broke the record? The core 3 are thrill hounds and they’ll never stay locked in for the ups and downs of a regular season ever again. They just wanna skip this shit and play playoff basketball. I don’t blame them, but only now, the irony is that because they currently look so beatable, the core 3 probably SHOULD chill out during the regular season. This season could be a disaster if not. They may never see playoff basketball again. I think the ONLY silver living of this season is that there’s now a bunch of young guys who are hungry for the grind of a regular season and a HOF point guard who doesn’t understand championship dopamine. Draymond started it off but let’s be real: A core 3 sabbatical could be the last thing that could actually help this team


Klay is now approaching being that player that the other team hopes he hits a couple of shots early a la Marcus Smart. If he's hot early he remains in heat check mode for the next 2 hours. If he won't play team D, and is too slow for wings in onball, never actually sets adequate screens to free anyone else then what is he really? He just turns into a thirsty gunner that takes way too many shots. Hell there are so many guys that can hit open 3's now that play D, every team has at least 3 of them. He's just not worth starting anymore.