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Going to be running a NBA Fantasy draft tomorrow afternoon you can sign up here 


its $10 buy in you don't have to set your lineup, they take your top 5 performers each night for your score. I will post the draft link tomorrow 4pm PT 


gsw vs sas 5



We gonna get a niners week 6 recap at any point?


Alch what chance do you think kuminga gonna cause some awkward conversation this season or next.


Reading the comments, I agree with most Klay takes. Would love for him to just understand he's no longer a #2 option, and sign for less. He'll still get open shots and be impactful in the system, but the mindset has to change. As for what you were saying, I do agree it's way too early, but man I'm excited for this team. The depth is actually very real, and we do NEED Kuming/Moody, etc. to all step up and be hungry. One thing though, I hope Kerr doesn't decide to sabotage some lineups by going with CoJo over Moody some nights like he did yesterday, but to be fair it's pre-season, and honestly the depth is so good that Moody will have to fight for his mins, which is kind of a good problem to have. All in all, I really like the direction this team is heading. Makes you so much angrier after seeing how wasteful last szn was in such a weak west, and now it's way tougher, but I do think this team is headed in the right direction for possibly another ring in the Curry era. Still way too soon to say, but it's evident that this is entirely a better team than last years.


I think it's too early to call CP expendable I think we need to wait to see what Podz, TJD etc look like in real games against teams player better players with real stakes involved. I'm not predicting anything either way. Ideally they look great and contrary to everyone's expectations actually come in and can contribute valuable minutes right away. In that case if CP can except it his minutes could be dropped way down and we maybe get the best possible season out of him that we could. Available and healthy when we need him ready to go for the brief minutes he plays. As for Klay, he always starts slow so it's not the missing shots that bothers me it's the attitude. I hope for the sake of the young guys that he's off the team by this time next year. Build him a state, thank him for everything he did but this type of selfish player shouldn't be around the young on this team long term. Especially when all his BS is enabled by the rest of the core. It would really be a sign of maturity all around the whole team if Kuminga took Dray's spot by the end of the season and it was accepted. The wear and tear on Dray could come way down and things we get much more dynamic. Dray still has value but at some point the old core is going to have to step aside and play less. Not any day soon we hope but even Steph will have to at some point. Oh boy Wemby is a fucking show, let's hope it lasts. I felt bad for Wiggins but I think players around the league are going to suffer the same until coaches really scheme against Wemby. No one has any experience actually playing against anyone like him. Appreciate the breakdowns as always Alch, looking forward to the season.


I had to roll my eyes at the Spurs last night, they were playing like it was game 7 of the NBA finals. Sochan looked like an ADHD hamster on crack last night


Easy to say from the comfort of my home but it felt like Steve went with the cp3 Dario loon line up for way too long when it looked so evident that we needed some young legs and athleticism. Maybe they should let klay and Steve earn their contracts this season


I do see a lot of what you are saying with Klay but the more clips I watch the more I feel the issue is without Draymond there is less off ball motion. They are making Klay put the ball on the ground which is not his game. He’s better in a motion offense and catching and shooting in rhythm like the first few shots in yesterdays game.

Patrick Kennedy

Its why we happily pay you to do what you do, Alch: even the last PREseason game has a great breakdown. Love your eyes on Trayce Jackson and Podiemski and rising Kuminga….. btw, would you think about doing a Poole breakdown at some point this year?? One of his games?


Draymond does help us get into our regular stuff and obviously moves it. At the same time as a none shooter it almost gives Klay more of a green light. But overall I agree, he needs to get his shots in 2 dribbles or less through the offense

Neal X

Looks like Rudy Gay won't be playing for us after all -- so this leaves us again with the need for a little more size. We still don't really have the "break glass in case of emergency" true big man, even though TJD is looking fire, he's not that. So who do we get? Also, can we just talk about how good this team is looking WITHOUT Draymond barking at everyone? I'm starting to think that all his shit when he comes back might do more harm than good, honestly. Jus' sayin' ...


I also would love to see a Joran Toole and Paddles Wiseman break down just for fun. Paddles should be approaching his prime yet he still looks like he's a 7th grader out there. He won't even play for Detroit this year until garbage time. TJD for 1/5th the money would eat his lunch right now.. That I want to see.

Captain Rossco

I feel the same about CP3. Some of his skillset is much needed, but his size and defensive decline puts more pressure on other players. I propose: CP3, Moody and 2025 1st pick for Derozan (expiring). It retains our flexibility if Demar doesn't work, but significantly increases our size and tough shot making (and FT drawing).

Jerry Heverly

As your typical fickle fan I’m ready to trade Klay to the Lakers. They have a host of players who could help the Warriors. And trade CP for just the reasons you indicated. Who the hell is going to win the West? Years ago the league was lopsided with all the good teams in the West; seems like that’s about to recur. If only the Warriors had a guard who 1)didn’t turn the ball over; 2)rebounded; 3)made the other players around him better……..Oh, yeah, Podziemski. I wish Kerr had let Trace Jackson have a go at Wemby. Why isn’t Garuba playing?


So let’s trade tough shot making, passing, mentoring and expiring contract for tough shot making, size and also expiring giving 1st and Moody in the process. Nice proposal, man. Or we just move CP3 to the bench.

Ken Bradford

Start kuminga over klay pls

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

I love this team. It’s not the dream team, but there’s no one on this roster who makes me think “oh, god, here we go…” whenever they check in. That’s all I ask for. (The closest I get is when Klay checks in with the second unit. I always laugh to myself like, “yo, this dude chucks next to Steph, you think he’s about to pass it to you??”)

Ken Bradford

Klay isn’t exactly married to the sg position he’s mostly playing sf. Put wiggs at sf und kuminga at pf

Ryan Mitchell

F*ckin Wiseman - I forgot he even existed until you mentioned him. Jesus