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are we back to hyping up the young core yet? Jk, Moses, Podz, and Trayce have all looked great in the preseason and more importantly Pods and Trayce look good enough to get actual minutes in the regular season

Jimmy Ji

I hate to be the one to say it but this could be Klay's final season as a Warrior.


TJD is our backup big. A revelation


any idea why Garuba's not playing (even without Looney and Dray)? looks like Kerr is fully sold on TJD and doesn't want to give his minutes to another young guy?


Garuba feels like a guy you know what you're gonna get and can be dropped in for spot minutes over the course of a season, if I were to guess they prob wanna see the upside of TJD in the preseason more

Kj Robinson

After I saw the game last night. I knew the breakdown was gonna be dope…

Mikey H

dubs lookin good. def a finesse team... & lol sabonis is sooo overated. cant believe they gave him all that $$. I guess they gotta give it to somebody so good for him


Idk if I’ve ever seen a more casual 30ft buzzer lol. Looked so chill it was insane


I love the production we getting from everyone. The one thing that has me nervous is how the refs started calling everything for the kings. Remind me to much of last year


I’m loving the roster, but Jesus is it sad to know this is what we’re talking about when it comes to Klay. Lessons that I’ve been hearing since 1st grade. Tough to realize we have to baby a 33 yr old

Childe Costa

Only one game and a preseason game at that but how can you not be amped after that performance? Obviously some very pleasant surprises, not least of which Klay mostly deferring and Trayce and Daric holding it down on D while also providing some timely offense. And along with CP3's steady hand and JCool finally learning to harness his skills, we suddenly seem much more dynamic on offense AND on defense. I dare say we have the option to go "big-enough" if necessary with Daric, Trayce, JK, Wiggs, Green, and of course Loon being rotated in/out as necessary. I also loved the mixed line-ups Kerr threw out there. Previously it was either all starters or all 2nd unit but tonight we got combinations that were both fun and effective. Last but not least, I was so relieved to see that whatever was impairing GP2's athleticism last year seems to be resolved. He was back to his old exciting self out there making a huge difference with those few minutes he was awarded. Now we need to see if Trayce/Daric can handle a real center (which flopping, knee diving Sabonis is not). Go Warriors. Go Alch!