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didn't matter what I did to the end footage youtube blocked the video so I just threw up the stat sheet for the conclusion. no game footage missing tho.


gsw vs pel gm 64

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Like you, I prefer they use the roster spot for a backup big, but an underrated factor in the Lamb/Ty debate is freethrows... imagine crunch time in the playoffs, other team is trying to play the foul game and we have Dray inbounding the ball to Steph, Klay, Poole, and Ty... all 85%+ FT shooters. Really like those odds. I also think that JMG, if playing at his best, can do anything Lamb can do and more. He's 100% this year's Beli, struggled in the regular season but his veteran composure could shine in the playoffs. Seems to be hitting his stride at the perfect time, plus his efforts towards reining in Draymond could prove useful


scary hours w the chef on deck


JK reminds of the Hall of Famer Bernard King. He was the best player on the Dubs when I began to follow them as a boy. King was a forward that could score at will in the paint and would have his way with guys. He had a lot of short and midrange shots in the bag. Look, King was a bad man, and I think JK is a bad man too. Such an Alpha instinct with the timely play gene. JK is a throw back because he isn't a 3 and D guy, which is so common today. JK will shoot some 3's, but its clearly not his go to shot. He can be much more as a player than your standard, modern 3 & D wing.


What is it that's "off" with the way Kuminga's shot looks? It's a smooth motion, good arc, good rotation etc. and checks all the right boxes... yet somehow it still seems off and I can't put my finger on why...

Qiushi Hu

Aren't Dame, Kawhi, and Ingram supposed to be the hottest players rn? Disappointing

Jimmy Ji

I gotta give Klay his flowers for evolving his offensive game. We know he idolized Kobe growing up. He's also had to recover from the same Achilles injury that kept Kobe out for an entire season. He's never really had great handles so for him to work on his footwork to create deception especially on drives has been tremendously effective. His stutter step on dribble drives work so well at either drawing contact or disrupting the timing of shot blockers.


Klay's evolution has been awesome to see. Made the season worthwhile for that alone.

Neal X

Klay's game just aging like wine before our eyes. But Alch, serious question for you: if you have to choose between keeping Poole or Donte, who do you go with? I like Poole, and he's on the whole got greater offensive potential, but Donte is just special. Like you said, Iggy-like IQ and instincts, a threat on both ends, rebounding, passing, decision making. A rare thing.


It's nice to see the defense coming together and it will be really nice once we get the best lineup in the league back on the court when Steph and Wiggs get back


I am just so excited for the possibilities behind Kuminga's game. Putback dunks, the maturation of the left hand, a dog defending the ball, and the timing behing the high-lighted block; if the Warriors have a shot again this postseason, Kuminga's maturation and Klay embracing his old man game, might be the reasons why.

Thomas Ogas

They sent Moody to Santa Cruz today!

John Z

Klay's just been playing in such a good flow offensively.


Warriors telecast said Kuminga is shooting 46% from 3 since Jan 1. Lots of noise in that stat but he’s been more than respectable from out there!

Mikey H

he's killin it. homie looks so in the flow state out there

Chip Tingle

I’d support considering keeping/paying DDV and getting great value back for JP unless he gets a mainline injection of D and decision making.

Mikey H

Lookin good people! Gettin back to last year's recipe to success - down double digits in the first 6 mins then run it into double digit lead in the 3rd & begin of the 4th. Just need to slay the away game dragon. Thinkin w Steph back dubs got the ammo to do it

Mikey H

other possibility is to move wiggs for a backup 3. i know its another tough one but perhaps Kuminga can fill that starter 3/4 role & get a backup from offloading wiggs. not sayin to do it, just that it's another option


In the west all roads to a ring lead to the Warriors.


fantastic breakdown! thanks for the work as always


That turn around fade away off the top corner if the glass he hit on Austin Rivers was Kobe/Jordan-esque.


donkey dick donte!!


I think GPII would also be part of that goon squad if he's back to his old self in 1-2 months.


I don’t know sh*t about shooting form but for me it’s the placement of the ball in the middle of his forehead. It looks both awkwardly high up and awkwardly centered. That said, his shot looks smoother by the game. I have a theory he’s putting in work on that because he knows it’s the key that unlocks a world of nasty dunks, euros, and general mayhem.


Gotta say how much I enjoy fired up Alchemy.


Always believed Kuminga was gonna get back to that mid season form we saw. Results take time🤞


That’s exactly what I’d do Chip. Draymond’s contract is up at the end of the season too and I think we gotta pay him seeing that he’s still a huge identity to this team. To make it happen we get great value back for trading Poole and also sign DDV.


warriors have the best medical staff. reinvented curry and klay. current projects of gp2 and pbj. and kerr does strategic rests and benching whenever. let’s look at otto, was an impactful player, opted for the bag to leave the warriors and now is entirely out the league bc of an injury. let’s look at explosive players lbj, zion, drose , and ad. nobody else except curry , klay, kd, and lbj invests the time and money into their recovery. and with lbj like alch alluded to that playing style is not sustainable and people like drose, zion, and ad found out the hard way. limiting jku minutes at the beginning of the season was the best thing for development. and the other stuff warriors did to help get the other areas strengthen. i had unfounded criticism on kerr before when my understanding towards championship longevity was not visible. it’s not just the regular season, it’s the ability to turn the switch while minimizing risks and adjusting to your opponents just like in mma.


oh man, you poured so much praise on Klay, he's gonna choke now in LA


I had bought it up maybe it was on bonus vip cut.. it’s not even close too me, Donte all day. Yall know the type a players I like by now


Is it too late to pickup a big