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gsw vs det gm 39



Once the team is fully healthy Poole shouldn't be on the court at the end of games. His turnovers need to be addressed and he needs to play more of ball until his handles improve. In addition he needs to take less 3s and more mid range jumpers. I don't trust his 3 ball even when it goes in.

Dan Doerge

Beef fucking Stew. Youre killing me Alch.


Love the comprehensive take on Poole's game. I feel like it's become trendy to complain about his late game execution mistakes without looking at his larger role in the offense. He's clearly aware of the issue and as you've pointed out he's made an attempt to adapt the last few games. He's historically been dedicated to improving his game and I think if anything the loss will give him further motivation to work on being more steady. My bold and wildly optimistic prediction is that that's the last late game turnover we see from him this season 🤞


Poole's getting roasted, he's only 23 he just needs time and experience. Turnovers are frustrating but he'll get coached up.


Alch I know you like Saddiq, you think he was auditioning for us? Moody and a 1st? He’d be perfect in our system and got a little nasty to him even though might be fake tough guy like you said 😂

Natto Santo

I think this is the third consecutive game where JP has a critical turnover at the last minute of the game. All from his dribbling. He just needs to learn to use skip dribble or Utep 2 step cross like Tammy.

John Z

lol we were doing sandbags when the game came back on with just a few minutes left just to see Poole do it again, and Klay hit that 3, then Bey, so appreciate the breakdown to help understand the full game flow.


we goin be alright 👍


nobody: alch: would you take him over wiseman right now? bro we get it lol roll with it

Chip Tingle

Continued gratitude, Alch. JP slipping is definitely a thing! I can hear Barnett talking old school rubber soul design.

Nathan Glanzer

Final inbound was 5.2 seconds. Why don't they have a clock for that? That can't possibly be that hard to just give the refs a 5 second stop watch type thing they can click that will vibrate when the time is up instead of having to rely on old guy's timing.

paul reboca sr

you crak me up bro, dark skin klay hahahah