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Part 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fu71CoYv31c

Full Breakdown: https://streamable.com/aehd02

For what ever reason I find once I go over 13 min or so on a breakdown youtube and the NBA will block it maybe too much of 1 game IDK. Thats why I generally try to fit everything in that window. But some games call for more! 





Imagine having Chris Paul here in JP’s minutes


I think poole would be great to play with Wiseman.. alot of his drives are met at the rim because the defender knows he doesn’t have the ability to get it to Looney and will just leave looney… I don’t see defenders doing that with Wiseman.. I think if the warriors decide to keep him.. that tandem will be really good offensively for years to come


PBJ needs more minutes, very Otto Porter-like. Automatic from 3, smart and plays within the offense, good rebounder and from what we’ve seen no slouch on D. Jumped out my seat when they did him dirty on that block/foul on Collins

Carla Davis

I don't think you went in on Poole enough. His decision making is abysmal at times!


I was high AF, but that was by far the most entertaining game of basketball I've seen all season. I just hope Draymond's back can survive the occasional 45 minute performance.


With regards to Poole's over-dribbling and turnovers, this is why we no longer see Steph with the flashy handles, because this is who Steph was in that 2014-2017 run. Maybe even all the way to 2019. Which is why he was so legendary against Boston in the Finals. Less IS more. JP will eventually learn. As for who to choose between Ty and Lamb, I think as long as Wigs and JK are healthy in the playoffs then they can keep Ty. Because Ty is in the same mold as Monte Morris and Tyus Jones. Never makes mistakes. But Lamb is also a 3andD guy. So idk who to choose at this point between the two. As for that final sequence in 2OT, it all happened because Dray pushed the ball quicker than everyone else. And Klay just knew. But Loon anticipated it too. All because of Dray probably. These guys are champions. To be able to think on the fly in that situation with 7secs left. Man what a team.


Don't get me wrong Poole played like trash for the most part but at the same time we don't win that game without his 28 points even as inefficient as they were. He is what he is, he's being over played out of necessity right now, him playing 40 minutes with this green light isn't a great recipe lol but necessary right now.

Mikey H

Great breakdown alc. Was really hopin they pulled poole like halfway through the 4th. He just seemed like he had tunnel vision & was single handedly keepin the dubs behind. I know they are way shorthanded but anyone have any thoughts why kerr left him in? Was thinkin even PBJ just standin at the 3 pt line would have been a better option than poole at that point.


You’ve been insanely on point about PBJ and I’m here for it. (That Trey Young thin hair joke had me in stitches laughing bro keep up that no chill haha).


The Petty King wearing the Chess King sweater


It seems increasingly apparent that Poole might never be a lead ballhandler. He is too thirsty for style points to make the best decision. It is similar to Steph with the behind the back or Draymond trying to thread the needles with the pass phase, when they reduce them in the part of their game as they get smarter, they turn the ball over less but it seems like the style points is a larger part of Poole's game to what the mentioned factors to Steph's game and Dray's game. That said though, I still think he can get better with decision-making to the point of being a very good second ball handler. And assuming we stick to the two timeline thing, it might not be the worst thing in the world as it will allow Kuminga to hold the ball more and if he can improve his playmaking it might be the best thing for him to become a star


Looney was brilliant from the beginning of that play, because he recognized, he sealed the smaller guard on him in the post and that's what created everything

Jimmy Ji

I think there is a hidden rivalry between Poole and Klay. Both are out to prove they are the 2nd option behind Steph and I think their rivalry has lead to this home winning streak. We've seen Klay and Poole shine in games when Steph is out but rarely have we seen them go off in the same game. It's going to be interesting to see what the shot distribution will be like once Wiggins and Steph returns to the lineup.

Jerry Heverly

I wish I could see the ATL locker room reaction to Trae hanging back on the last possession to berate the ref for not giving him the foul on his last drive. He is Harden-like in more ways than one. What team has more depth than the Warriors? Now we add PBJ as a viable high-minutes player.  OK, someone tell me how they get Jerome & Lamb on the post-season roster? Buy out Iggy? Drop JGreen?  I’d vote for Jokic for MVP just because he seems to be the only big man who doesn’t have fragile feet. How many weeks will Wiseman be out with his ‘sprained ankle’?

Jerry Heverly

I wish I could see the ATL locker room reaction to Trae hanging back on the last possession to berate the ref for not giving him the foul on his last drive. He is Harden-like in more ways than one. What team has more depth than the Warriors? Now we add PBJ as a viable high-minutes player.  OK, someone tell me how they get Jerome & Lamb on the post-season roster? Buy out Iggy? Drop JGreen?  I’d vote for Jokic for MVP just because he seems to be the only big man who doesn’t have fragile feet. How many weeks will Wiseman be out with his ‘sprained ankle’?


His petite, frail frame and thinning hair LMAO…sounds like somebody’s grandma fr. Alch, is PBJ not already a better option than JMG off the bench? Kid has a veteran presence. I mean, what would prevent him from being a playoff contributor? Besides being injury prone of course.

Strong Foru

What incredible game! Klay is back!!!!!!

Andreas Wiedemann

Yeah poole, sometimes i feel i just wanna punch the guy


For all of Poole's mistakes, with Steph out they need him on the floor in crunch time because he plays the Steph role of putting continuous pressure on the defense from the arc to the rim. Even when Steph's shot isn't falling he can always generate offense by driving to the rim, and I think Poole is still learning how to adapt his moves to that role. Luckily, he's shown himself to be serious about improving his game, and he has a front row seat to learn how. On another note, all the close games on this homestand got me thinking: what if the vets (and specifically Draymond) are purposely letting their foot off the gas in the middle of games to put the young players in high-leverage situations? The last few wins have had a near playoff intensity, and it really feels like that experience will make the difference this year when we need the second unit to hold a lead or pull off a comeback in the playoffs.


Bruh, you're not alone. I was telling someone the other day, I can kinda see why Dray punched him out. He can be so frustrating. But i look back at that video... that was a hard punch

paul reboca sr

seems everybody on social media are killing Pooles game here, but it is the law of averages, you have some big games, and some small games. i have sat just where Jordan sat. next game

Ryan Mitchell

This game was so fun (and stressful) to watch - incredible!

Jansen E

Steph was NEVER this flashy with his handles. He did pull flashy moves every now and then, and he is still very prone to turnovers (though mostly on a pass). But he never did all the extra stuff that Poole is doing now. Poole is doing in-n-out cross hesi's at half court for no reason.


Big LOOOOON! Remember when Dubs passed on Looney’s team option to instead pick up the team option for Damian Jones? Haha. Loon God has come a long way, ya love to see it