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gsw vs mem Xmas



Damn I hope this is what kind of game we get from Wiseman going forward. Realize who you are and who we need you to be. Copy what Loon does, then add the scoring as it comes. I'm hard as hell on him partly because he's a 2 pick which is not his fault, but if he switches to be this guy, in this game, now we have something.

Major Powers

Just when I've totally and completely written him off Big Ticket showed a little improvement. You love to see it. Merry Christmas Alc!

Daniel Fries

Maybe Ig will step down and we sign both those 2 way guys. Do you figure the front office is waiting to see who gets injured?


A sofa in Boogie Nights?? Good god man,your gonna kill me.

Ryan Mitchell

Fire 🔥 - thanks Alch


Yup, this game doesn't mean shyt if they loose the next few games. Like what happened after the Boston game. Can't go home and relax, thinking we're back in to form now.

Mikey H

Alc w the t-bag efx makin me spit out my drink lmao

Mikey H

Not sure what was up but dubs got the whistles in this one. think there was one other game this yr where they got em. glitch??


I genuinely hope wiseman is rewarded with 15-20 minutes in these next lower level competition games. I want to see him build his confidence


The problem is we don't have such games, like even games against the Hornets and the Rockets were really tight and competitive.


Alch, I have a philosophical question that you might enjoy answering on your next Q&A episode. What’s better, winning at all costs or winning in such a way that you feel proud of the win? Seems to me that sort of encapsulates Dubnation’s emotional turmoil. Weigh in?

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-27 13:32:26 I've been thinking about that too and I think it boils down to Steph. His legacy >>>>>>>>> everyone is quick to throw things away but it takes character to stick it out and make it work. you can't just pick and choose the parts of people you'll accept. I was appalled by the assault and it really made me think about what I was personally willing to overlook in the pursuit of winning. In the end it's between them and it's pretty clear at least from Poole's POV they're there to make history not make nice
2022-12-28 19:02:30 I've been thinking about that too and I think it boils down to Steph. His legacy >>>>>>>>> everyone is quick to throw things away but it takes character to stick it out and make it work. you can't just pick and choose the parts of people you'll accept. I was appalled by the assault and it really made me think about what I was personally willing to overlook in the pursuit of winning. In the end it's between them and it's pretty clear at least from Poole's POV they're there to make history not make nice

I've been thinking about that too and I think it boils down to Steph. His legacy >>>>>>>>> everyone is quick to throw things away but it takes character to stick it out and make it work. you can't just pick and choose the parts of people you'll accept. I was appalled by the assault and it really made me think about what I was personally willing to overlook in the pursuit of winning. In the end it's between them and it's pretty clear at least from Poole's POV they're there to make history not make nice

Strong Foru

This warrior's victory made a good Christmas day great!!!