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Shea Johnson

god dayum PBJ has a ratchet, that shit looks like its going in every single time

Major Powers

I still think the only way to "two timeline" develop JW (and I use that term lightly) is exactly what you've been saying all along. Just let him play loose and free on offense and foul out in the second quarter on defense. You'd at least pump his trade value up a little bit if you let him flash the Big Ticket athleticism and shooting. The way they've had him trying to play like a elementary school Looney just makes him look timid and slow.

Natto Santo

Wishful thinking only disappoints you more. Don’t put your hope high on Griz game, it could be quite brutal


Practising other sports and hobbies can help a lot with any sport. Great example is Vasiliy Lomachenko. He took dance lessons as a kid to help with fluidity of motion and rhythm, he practises horse riding for core stability etc. Perhaps Wiseman needs some unorthodox methods to improve his weaknesses.


The most positive thing I've seen from this so called game is our young guys, especially Wiseman and PBJ give a shit about getting beat down. They still tried to play when the older guys (Dray, and Poole) fold it in. It could have easily been no effort from all of them like it was at the start of the season with when the vets chilling the kids chilling. Also the more time it goes the less people can say about Dray is the heart of this team and Steph is not the real leader. Dray stop trying without Steph. That's a fact. And even when people from the org comes out and tell people Dray is the heart of the team, I don't buy that BS no more, it just try to stroke his ego so he can keep playing hard.


“So, just chill out. Drink a 7up, eat a moon pie, quit murdering people.” - Sheriff Gary Judd


I think Wiseman showed us what we already knew: he is offensively skilled and can score. Notwithstanding his defensive short comings, I do fault the coaching staff for at least not putting him in a better position to help the team offensively. He definitely looked more comfortable facing up. Regarding his timing, no more wind up to jump, just quick jump straight up. I notice he always lowers his shoulders and arms to spring up, but he's to big to do that quickly. Wise 7.1, has a 7.6 foot wingspan and a 9.4 foot standing reach. A guy with those measurables doesn't need to jump to high to rebound or block shots. Imagine if Loon, who barely jumps at all, had those measurables. He'd average 25 rebounds a night. Curious, what do you think about pursuing a deal to get Kyle Kuzma? I understand he is available.


I know it's crazy but I wanted Kuminga in the starting lineup against the Bucks and not Poole. Over helping in the paint is one of the things Warriors need to mitigate. I didn't get why everyone was rejoicing Wiseman's scoring numbers in the G-League. His scoring is the least of my concerns. Going by the clip of Lacob on Andre's podcast, I can't help thinking Lacob is protective of Wiseman because maybe his son, Kirk (Smiley's recruiter), was all in on him. He's protecting Kirk's legacy. @DavidY's comment about teams shooting better against us - there's a Twitter thread about this. I wouldn't say they're frauds tho lol: https://twitter.com/klaylmao/status/1605407879678136320

Major Powers

If every Warrior but Steph is back for the Grizz Xmas game I don’t think it’s gonna be as brutal as some think.


Is it weird that I actually hope we trade Moody and Wise simply because I want to see them grow and see how they develop in a place where they can just play 25 minutes a night

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-27 13:32:26 Just to clarify I am defo in favour of trading Wise right now but that’s not me saying I don’t think he will go on to be a good player. Like you say Alch, he clearly has a skillset that expands beyond the basic center role that we want from him and it just seems like a situation where because he spent more time developing ball handling skills/guard skills or whatever you want to call them the bread and butter center skillset like screen setting, rebounding and team defence got put on the back burner due to him being so physically gifted that he didn’t have to be perfect or even great at those aspects because he always had the physical advantage to make amends. Looney is a great screener & rebounder because he knew his game had limitations and therefore drilled and specialised those areas. We have all seen the wiseman flashes where he does things looney could never dream of doing but then we are still comparing him to Loon because of a system fit. I think it’s very easy to imagine a scenario where Wiseman averages 20/10 at a losing team like the magic and analysts who don’t really watch are marvelling over the numbers etc etc. But yh anyway he joins up with the big squad this season and we are all gauging him through that lense thinking “all he has to do is rebound and set screens and anchor the defence” when in actual fact those things probably aren’t his strong points. Flip that with the scouts and coaching staff who drafted him who I’m assuming were seeing him through the lense of a “this is a 7fter who can do shit off the dribble, shoot a jumper and is able to move his feet quick enough to probably guard 4’s & 3’s”. Bro like we are gauging a guy who played 3 college games and 40 rookie games against some of the best to ever do it. And we are doing so with him in a role he’s clearly not comfy in. We probably live in a world where he’s most effective at the 4 tbh because I just don’t think he has the natural frame to hustle with some of the nba centres these days (I don’t care how much of that pumped up muscle it doesn’t look like he’ll ever have the natural lower body/core strength to bully a Steven Adams or even a looney). This has been a chaotic post but at the end of the day sport fans will be sport fans (me included) and patience runs thin but I just think we have the perfect scenario where a trade is the perfect scenario for both parties. Steph is Steph so we owe him whatever he needs to collect more rings. That’s a fact. But I guess it’s just a wrong place wrong time moment for the big ticket. Peace.
2022-12-24 00:31:16 Just to clarify I am defo in favour of trading Wise right now but that’s not me saying I don’t think he will go on to be a good player. Like you say Alch, he clearly has a skillset that expands beyond the basic center role that we want from him and it just seems like a situation where because he spent more time developing ball handling skills/guard skills or whatever you want to call them the bread and butter center skillset like screen setting, rebounding and team defence got put on the back burner due to him being so physically gifted that he didn’t have to be perfect or even great at those aspects because he always had the physical advantage to make amends. Looney is a great screener & rebounder because he knew his game had limitations and therefore drilled and specialised those areas. We have all seen the wiseman flashes where he does things looney could never dream of doing but then we are still comparing him to Loon because of a system fit. I think it’s very easy to imagine a scenario where Wiseman averages 20/10 at a losing team like the magic and analysts who don’t really watch are marvelling over the numbers etc etc. But yh anyway he joins up with the big squad this season and we are all gauging him through that lense thinking “all he has to do is rebound and set screens and anchor the defence” when in actual fact those things probably aren’t his strong points. Flip that with the scouts and coaching staff who drafted him who I’m assuming were seeing him through the lense of a “this is a 7fter who can do shit off the dribble, shoot a jumper and is able to move his feet quick enough to probably guard 4’s & 3’s”. Bro like we are gauging a guy who played 3 college games and 40 rookie games against some of the best to ever do it. And we are doing so with him in a role he’s clearly not comfy in. We probably live in a world where he’s most effective at the 4 tbh because I just don’t think he has the natural frame to hustle with some of the nba centres these days (I don’t care how much of that pumped up muscle it doesn’t look like he’ll ever have the natural lower body/core strength to bully a Steven Adams or even a looney). This has been a chaotic post but at the end of the day sport fans will be sport fans (me included) and patience runs thin but I just think we have the perfect scenario where a trade is the perfect scenario for both parties. Steph is Steph so we owe him whatever he needs to collect more rings. That’s a fact. But I guess it’s just a wrong place wrong time moment for the big ticket. Peace.

Just to clarify I am defo in favour of trading Wise right now but that’s not me saying I don’t think he will go on to be a good player. Like you say Alch, he clearly has a skillset that expands beyond the basic center role that we want from him and it just seems like a situation where because he spent more time developing ball handling skills/guard skills or whatever you want to call them the bread and butter center skillset like screen setting, rebounding and team defence got put on the back burner due to him being so physically gifted that he didn’t have to be perfect or even great at those aspects because he always had the physical advantage to make amends. Looney is a great screener & rebounder because he knew his game had limitations and therefore drilled and specialised those areas. We have all seen the wiseman flashes where he does things looney could never dream of doing but then we are still comparing him to Loon because of a system fit. I think it’s very easy to imagine a scenario where Wiseman averages 20/10 at a losing team like the magic and analysts who don’t really watch are marvelling over the numbers etc etc. But yh anyway he joins up with the big squad this season and we are all gauging him through that lense thinking “all he has to do is rebound and set screens and anchor the defence” when in actual fact those things probably aren’t his strong points. Flip that with the scouts and coaching staff who drafted him who I’m assuming were seeing him through the lense of a “this is a 7fter who can do shit off the dribble, shoot a jumper and is able to move his feet quick enough to probably guard 4’s & 3’s”. Bro like we are gauging a guy who played 3 college games and 40 rookie games against some of the best to ever do it. And we are doing so with him in a role he’s clearly not comfy in. We probably live in a world where he’s most effective at the 4 tbh because I just don’t think he has the natural frame to hustle with some of the nba centres these days (I don’t care how much of that pumped up muscle it doesn’t look like he’ll ever have the natural lower body/core strength to bully a Steven Adams or even a looney). This has been a chaotic post but at the end of the day sport fans will be sport fans (me included) and patience runs thin but I just think we have the perfect scenario where a trade is the perfect scenario for both parties. Steph is Steph so we owe him whatever he needs to collect more rings. That’s a fact. But I guess it’s just a wrong place wrong time moment for the big ticket. Peace.

____ (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-27 13:32:26 I’m sure I speak for everyone else in here when I say that we appreciate the amount of effort that goes into all of these breakdowns. It’s almost crazy to consider how much more I’ve been able to glean from watching NBA games, (well sports in general but you know). The stuff I never noticed that’s right on the screen but barely ever talked about is so crucial. Can’t imagine what it would have been like watching the NBA over the last several years w/o your commentary, reactions, analyses, etc. It wouldn’t have been the same. Thanks for doing what you do, for real. Hope you & your fam have a great holiday season. 🙏 Cheers P.S. 11-4. Rest of the NFC is looking weak af. “BCB” continues to impress but most importantly understands the assignment. Let’s go Niners!
2022-12-25 01:48:03 I’m sure I speak for everyone else in here when I say that we appreciate the amount of effort that goes into all of these breakdowns. It’s almost crazy to consider how much more I’ve been able to glean from watching NBA games, (well sports in general but you know). The stuff I never noticed that’s right on the screen but barely ever talked about is so crucial. Can’t imagine what it would have been like watching the NBA over the last several years w/o your commentary, reactions, analyses, etc. It wouldn’t have been the same. Thanks for doing what you do, for real. Hope you & your fam have a great holiday season. 🙏 Cheers P.S. 11-4. Rest of the NFC is looking weak af. “BCB” continues to impress but most importantly understands the assignment. Let’s go Niners!

I’m sure I speak for everyone else in here when I say that we appreciate the amount of effort that goes into all of these breakdowns. It’s almost crazy to consider how much more I’ve been able to glean from watching NBA games, (well sports in general but you know). The stuff I never noticed that’s right on the screen but barely ever talked about is so crucial. Can’t imagine what it would have been like watching the NBA over the last several years w/o your commentary, reactions, analyses, etc. It wouldn’t have been the same. Thanks for doing what you do, for real. Hope you & your fam have a great holiday season. 🙏 Cheers P.S. 11-4. Rest of the NFC is looking weak af. “BCB” continues to impress but most importantly understands the assignment. Let’s go Niners!