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gsw vs phil gm30



Thoroughly agree Alch, I think the signs have been there all season that Kerr has a different plan for his rotations than what Bob and Joe expect him to play. With Steph out and the record heading south quick anyway there is nothing to lose at this point especially in a game you basically punted when almost all the Starters were out or pulled anyway. Personally I don't think this team is capable of going on the sort of run that would be needed to climb back into a safe playoff birth. They will be Play in at best. And if they get in and are healthy and playing well, who knows what can happen.

John Z

Klayups are back on the menu lol

Jimmy Ji

The Warriors system relies so heavily on Steph. When he's out for an extended period of time due to injury, Kerr almost always has to play around with the rotations once more just to try and find something that works. Do you think Bob Myers being in the final year of his contract has something to do with the disconnect between the front office and Kerr? We know how close Bob and Steve are, could we be looking at the final year of both their tenures?


Kerr's passive aggressiveness in playing the two-ways over the lottery picks, I believe, is the product of his dissatisfaction with the front office not trading the picks for vets. Its no secret that Klay, Steph, Iggy, and Dray wanted those picks traded for vets too. He's trying to prove a point and its hurting the team. I believe this has fostered a vets versus the next generation dynamic. This was exacerbated by "the Punch" and how Kerr and the organization handled it. They wanted to protect Dray and to brush everything under the rug. The young guys were watching. "Always defer to the vets, we don't mean anything." "You can punch us, if you are Dray." I believe this is the message that was sent. I remember Kerr mentioning that the punch really jarred PBJ. These young guys are super sensitive today. Playing the two-ways over JK, Mood, and Wiseman has to rub salt in this wound. In my view, this is one reason why the chemistry is so off and there is a lack of typical Dub joy out there.

k fish

Yessir welcome to the party......I know you're not a fan of wise but the way Kerr has gone about things this whole year has set the young guys back and tried to take confidence instead of instill. I hate fans that will defend Kerr blindly even with the success


I’m just worried Kerr is going to puff up Ty Jerome only to get blammed on during the Xmas game with an effort and look on Ty’s face like he had a chance to stop Ja right until Ja’s nuts slap Ty in the face. I can only pray we can see more of the young fellas on this road trip!! I wanna see PBJ out there when Steph gets back - Steph, Klay, Wiggs, PBJ, and Drey/Loon lineup would be interesting to see for a few pocessions.


Amen Alch!! Wiseman was that pathetic against Embiid. Those reps in the G-league are helping.


Alch, I'm not on the Discord and I don't plan on joining due to my own time constraints but may I respectfully suggest that you at least vete and empower a group of moderators. If it represents you then at the end of the day what happens in that space will reflect on you. Feel free to ignore the advice but it comes from a place of experience and knowledge. All the best


5 min for JK tonight???

Andreas Wiedemann

After waking up (euro guy) checking the score, i checked the minutes. I hope JK is not injured. But it dawned on me. Steve is not Pop. He is not on 2 timelines, he is like a vet himselve and not planning to be around after the run is over. So it is his competitive spirit that makes him play the guys he plays and he wants to be loyal to the vets. Thats his way of showing it.


Today was really annoying. on the face of it great win but Raptors were so terrible, ran what seemed like a stupid defensive scheme noone else does and had no shooters. Despite this even with a 20 point lead most of the way it just felt fragile. Not seeing the rookies play and seeing JMG play so badly IMO annoyed me. JMG missed so many defensive coverages, didnt box out or contest so many rim shots and didnt contest rebounds, left his man putting us into rotation yet the box score looks great. a better team, practically every other team would have punished us yet JMG is allowed to make mistakes and the kids arent. i should be grateful for a rare away win and a rare performance in toronto and all the positives (poole's shooting, Dontes "nah fuck that" grit and Ty Jerome being a hooper but we still look bad in those JMG stretches. Klay played well though even if he shot like crap, a lot more attentive to the details so thats something


I 100% agree with you in terms of Kerr politicking vs the FO and Lacob.


Nice breakdown Alc, but I don't have the same offensive value for Embiid that you do. I don't think he's anywhere near the cream of the top offensively. He is very similar to Harden that he relies far too much on flopping and grabbing calls. Both him and prime Harden got plenty of calls in the playoffs as well, but they had to work even harder to get the FTs which hurt the rest of their game. Embiid is indeed hurt most of the time during the playoffs, but at times, he's just not at that level. It's not just injuries that he's yet to make a conference finals, although injuries have played a major role. I guess I don't have the same faith in him that others do.


When he is healthy he is the most dominant, Not best..Meaning he is the hardest to stop. I agree he flops and does seem to kinda be a slob for a lack of a better term.