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Wiseman is coming back lmao.


if steph's out for a few months do we go for wemby


Would have to be tempting... First 2 picks in this upcoming draft are guaranteed studs (with Wemby having the potential to be generational)


I'm still riding with JP. Historically, he has proven to figure things out by the end of the season. However, Rollins is looking nice and I could see him being a JP replacement. What are your thoughts on JP for WCJ and Gary Harris? I love Poole but would low-key be down for this. Obviously would have to happen in the offseason. Imo it's a win-win for both teams.

Natto Santo

Tbh I don’t want to rush Steph back. If we tank, just let the new kids play even Santos. And the coming draft seems to be a good one so no shame to take a year back. Imagine Steph back after few weeks and he needs few weeks to mesh with team, it eventually kills his body when he rushed for chasing at the end of the season. And Klay is still not 100% physically. If we rush, I don’t know if their bodies can hold it up.


Klay will shoot 30 times tomorrow night doh!

paul reboca sr

Alch i am kinda questioning Kerr's decision making on rotations, and coaching. you know with hall of famers throughout his coaching career he was great, NOW.. C'MON man, Lamb and oh yeah "what's his name" SMH

Derrick Maples

What happened to sitting back-to-backs? That's all I want to know...


This season is definitely on the precipice, Steph has been trying to do it all (and had been) but it was a load that was eventually going to get him injured. Even his mvp-caliber heroics had us barely at 500.The FO gambled that they could buck convention and build a second unit on draft picks, it’s not happening. They needed to do the opposite to contend, throw caution to the wind and up the ante on smart talented vets to protect their aging legends after a grueling championship season. Now we can only hope to tread water for the next month and hopefully make it to a play-in spot.


There are 2 ways i can see this injury going, 1st, and the way I expect, it will put this season out of its misery early or 2 not having Curry really forces everyone to dig deep and defend like they've never degended before and it helps us turn our season around. Man I hope it's the second


Honestly Steph getting injured I think was the main reason we won in the playoffs.. so may be just what we need.. it’ll truly show what we have and breathe more confidence.. I think it’s a great time to bring Wiseman and rollins up

Jimmy Ji

We essentially lost the game in the 2nd quarter. Why is Jerome and Lamb the first ones off the bench? Is the team responding to Kerr's decision to put those guys in first by playing like shit? I think we are also seeing the limitations of Looney when he goes up against a younger and more athletic team.


same, i left out of embarrassment lol