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Despite the loss i was grinning ear to ear after my guy had j clarkson in handcuffs. Jordan poole reminds me of some of the most exciting guys in the UFC lightweight division. Absolute zero want to play defense and you feel like they might get knocked out any second

John Pettus

Klay is the problem. He needs to put his entitlement away for the good of the team. He needs to limit himself to catch and shoot 3s - and good ones - until that part gets stabilized at least. He is a disaster at decision making and shot creation, and he doesn't know it. They gotta have the talk again.

John Pettus

I'm sad to say that JmG is worse than I'd hoped. IQ and defense are worse. Shooting is worse.


Kuminga's growth lately is astounding. Seems like everything has really slowed down for him. Staying down while defending shots, pump fakes, smart passes.


Bad loss but its okay. Great lesson for Poole in a regular season game. And Klay also ,good lesson for him or maybe a reminder. He's the vet there and should be the one talking to the others at times like this. Reminding them not to give up a 3. lol

Patrick Kennedy

Alc, I just want to thank you for this breakdown. Your passion for the game and this team, your pain at watching perhaps your favorite Warrior ever in Klay become a bad basketball player, your savagely truthful takes on the players out of your love for the team and the game…just medicine for the soul, man. Klay got in his head. Wants to be Kobe. Wants to be the greatest. Sometimes that mindset is helpful, sometimes it turns you into a delusional mess. WHAT you are has to be completely forgotten when you hit the court. The only thing that can fill your mind is the GAME and doing what is needed, the right play…But I’m holding out hope to. He’s being humbled; I think he can make it…

Erin Laskey

Poole's handle is actually elite (in the 99 percentile), those carry calls, travels and punch derailed his season a bit and made him second guess himself but he's adjusting


It's flashy, but sometimes he doesn't need to pull out some crazy moves he should be more patient and like Steph confident without trying to do too much. At its best his handles probably are better than Steph's as well, that's true, but Steph is a more experienced ballhandler


So frustrating because it seemed like he finally got it together

Paul Hanson

Great breakdown as always Uncle Alch-keep that emotion real. This reminds me of old Warriors losses to Kobe and the Lakers-you knew deep down it was coming. Klay Thompson-time to trade him? Seriously-what could you get for him? I hate, hate, HATE to say this but not only is he a different more limited player than before-he's living in the past on the floor and obviously more worried about his reputation than the actual win. There are so, so many holes on this team to fill-how do you do that with G Leaguers and 2 -way players?


“If Kuminga is who we thought he was, we gonna be alright”. Slamming that silver lining in a gut punch of a game

Ryan Mitchell

Haven’t been able to watch the breakdowns in a minute. But much appreciated. F*cking love this $hit - thanks Alch

Neal X

I'm reminded of that line from The Last Dance (referring to Dennis Rodman): "you don't put a saddle on a mustang". I feel that applies to Kuminga right now. Let him run.


What worries me the most is Klay’s defense. It is like something has damaged his focus and concentration. How often can you miss an obvious switch?