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Matt Hanna

How does Caruso differ from Donte in our system?


Saw a few clips of wiseman....his screen setting is still not up to par. He needs some more time and reps.


I see your point but...he can guard way up ( most PF ) and is a better finisher. There is room for both!


Yeah, the highlights I saw of Wiseman looked nice, sure, but the defense looked anemic.

Chip Tingle

Thanks for the shout out, Alch, and for the continued quality goods. You payed out how we truly lucked out to end it, as Loon’s block, Steph’s challenge call, Bulls’ misses all went our way while we were in “chuckage” mode for no good reason. I’m guessing Lacob remains emotionally attached to Wiseman, so I’d support a Caruso for DDV+Moody if the money is close. DDV is gone after this year anyway, and Caruso is what Moody should aim to become in the league, still a ways down the path. The more I think about MoMo’s DNP’s, maybe they’ve been protecting him from injury while on the block? Keep groovin majestically, Alch!


vucevic for wiseman + moody + picks who says no

Mikey H

He's a bit bigger & great defender, really good passer, think he'd fit in warriors system really well is another big plus. Don't remember him being much of a shooter tho. Also, i think he might have a couple years left on his contract which is good( not 100% sure on that tho ) whereas dante prob wants the 1 yr w the dubs to get paid next yr. Would fomo into a wiseman trade w him real quick but prob the better option is to get a big...whats ur take matt?


I noticed that Poole took the tape off his fingers finally. Not sure why he wears it, but do you think the tape (or the reason he wears it) has any effect on his shooting? Great breakdown as usual...get the wheelbarrow out! :-D


Just gotta check: who else does a 1-2 fist air bump on the Alch tag at the end of vids? That rising whistle and then…boom, boom! I do it every time.


"Even Dragic at 48!" HAHAHA... the straight delivery.


Would you rather grab Poetl, PJ Washington, or Caruso? These are the 3 names I see popping up in trades. I think Caruso seems like the best option given he isnt an expiring like the other 2


Caruso and GP2 are cut from the same cloth. I’d take Caruso for Wiseman.

Matt Hanna

I wouldnt be opposed to a serviceable big but those guys arent just growing on trees. I think having a lot of good wing defenders and dont suck on offense are always worth having. Caruso would be a solid fit. I am ready to say bust-ish on wiseman. I hope im wrong


i just sing along (going higher and higher like that whistle) duh duh duh duh duh duh duh boom!


you can't have too many attack dogs off the bench. last year, because we had GPII, certain guys that may have been available the Dubs didn't pursue b/c they already had Payton. But when Donte gets hurt (and he probably will once more throughout the season) having another guy like that fills that gap that the 2nd unit becomes dependent on.


I'd rather see 10 good screens and 4 blocks than what he put up last night.

David A.

Not sure if this was mentioned but it looks like Dray has been watching?: https://youtu.be/smJ_jZ4Nlbk?t=46


Not gonna lie, I'm super low on Wiseman. He reminds me of Damion Jones in that everyone who works with him say he's a smart kid, a nice kid, etc, but he's somehow always a step slow. Not being able to properly set a screen is unacceptable even in high school. People keep saying give him time but how much time do you really need to learn to set a damn screen?!?

Matt Hanna

Wings are the most important position in todays game. Any guy that can give steph some issues, means he is legit. Imagine having Caruso to throw on a Tatum/Brown or any guards/wings in the West. If we could snag him at a decent price I think its a no brainer.


When vets take 1 year flyers on the cheap with a contender, especially if the goal isn't so much to ring chase to but amplify their value in the spot light like Donte did taking less to join the Dubs--I assume, there is an agreement of a soft-no-trade-clause. The same is true with JaMychal, and it's why I never include them in the machine, cause if you look throughout the last couple years, these 1-year deals almost never get moved. The repercussion would be that these value signings would dry up in the next offseason because vets know they might be a 4 month rental and shipped out for value.

Chip Tingle

Makes sense, didn’t think of this. What’s your answer to get Caruso? Moody + picks? Wiseman?


Why would you want to trade Donte? He can shoot, pass, defend and play our system.

Strong Foru

The 4th quarter shot selection has been horrendous.


Donte’s on a 2 year deal. I think both parties knew it’d be a good fit

Chip Tingle

Do you think Caruso is an even better fit? Sorry, I thought the low $ was for 1 year.

Jerry Heverly

A bad sign: who closes games for the Sea Dubs? Trevion Williams not Wiseman. That long JP shot brings it back: ‘He’s like the cops; you can put your hands up but he’s still gonna shoot.’ How Steph has changed the game: at least three times Vucevic passed up dunks to throw to someone behind the 3pt line. No center would have done that prior to 2015.

Neal X

HELL yeah I'd grab Carushow for Wiseman... no way they make that trade tho lol...


Ayo Alch can wigs be the new draymond defensive and playmaking wise when he leaves this offseason??


lmao never thought I would see someone mention this, I do stuff like this in the end as well


I think Wiggs has found his role, no need to change that, he's already an All-Star in his role. Trying to make a Draymond from him might ruin his current role. And Draymond most likely will stay


Well his role is going to need to be bigger defensively if draymond is gone


I watched Wiseman in SC last game, I'm almost sure he's being showcased. He had 2 rebounds in 20 min. was getting bullied by Sacto's center Queta, and then there was a stretch where Sacto took Queta out and went super small, Wiseman then got almost all of his rebounds and quickly padded his numbers. Plus all night Sacto was hunting and feasting on him on D. Also Queta the 39th pick from 2021, had his career high in points going against Wiseman. On the plus side it's still eye opening when Wiseman stretches for a dunk in the key. But with noassatall and a soft attitude he's never going to hold his position on screens, or play heavy enough down low. And the hands will not improve either. Let him score as much as possible, play him when the other center sits, his D won't show up on the stat sheet and then trade him for whatever we can get. After a bit more time teams will realize what I'm sorry to say he is. I write this as a 2nd pick even in a bad draft is such a bitch of a thing to waste.


He's on a 1+1 with a player option which traditionally has been used as insurance in case of injury. Caruso would be a nice addition, but the Wise + Mood + Picks package is basically the last bullet in the chamber move since it locks up the majority of the other options. The Dubs need functional and flexible front court depth way more than another guard. Vanderbilt + Olynyk is the move if Utah has any interest in Wise

Chip Tingle

Thanks for these deets, as I haven’t paid a lot of attention to contracts. I guess I’m being greedy by wanting both Caruso and a better quality stretch big like you. I still think JMG is going to keep dialing up his game, especially his 3 %, but he’s started slow.


Feels like we had to get this phone of the season to fully understand our issues and 17th they start to deal with them. 100% think Clay starting to get how to operate to his maximum potential this next chapter around being more attuned to his performance, and how to get others involved and give effort when the shot is it falling. It’s just plain fucking exciting the Kuminga is putting it together in the way he is on both ends, so fuckin sick we got him and he has taken to the mentorship and is developing the right way with us, grateful he isn’t on Orlando perfecting his 360 windmill and learning losing basketball