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Jimmy Ji

The conspiracy theorist in me thinks this entire bad stretch was scripted for entertainment value. Just consider how calm Steph and Draymond seemed after each and every post game interview. They never lost any confidence in believing they could turn things around.


Yo Alch, I love Brussel sprouts


That thanos line had me dying😂😂


donte divencenzo in the 2nd unit helps, although the second unit still gave up leads, just not as bad as before

Kevin Morris

The distributed attack is a beautiful thing to watch. While I know this start has been painful for Warriors fans what it makes clear is that while the Kerr system is proven, it easily breaks down if everyone either isn't on board with the motion offense (iso-Klay) or is inexperienced in executing it (Wiseman, Jamychal Green). One thing that is absolutely key is screen spamming and if any player on the floor is bad at setting them the system breaks down. One observation, when shot distribution is flattened out, there is more energy to spend on transition and half court defense (I know you were talking about this with Steph's overusage Alch). Lastly, with more of our shots being wide open, our team FG% will be higher and the opposing teams are taking the ball out of the net instead of racing down the court on a fast break. Now we just need to rinse and repeat. Klay has to want this feeling again, so hopefully this will be self-reinforcing behavior on his part.


It really feel like the fouls are excessive and over the top. We foul but goddam not that much more then the other team

Major Powers

Gotta roast them brussels sprouts till they get a little blackened, with oil salt pepper red chili flakes and lemon on them. The bomb.


This was easily the teams best game of the season it was such a relief to see the ball moving the way it was. Having said that it was the Knicks so lets see if they can keep it up against better teams and what that looks like. The defense is still not great and there is a lot of improvement to be made on that end. Still way too many fouls. I know many of us have liked to clown on JMG as he hasn't looked great so far. He looked better this game and it seems like Kerr has decided to try him as a backup 5. I think we should be a little patient and see how he adjusts to that role. That being said if Joe can swallow his pride a Wiseman move still needs to be made. Kuminga is worth keeping but if the team overall starts playing better then he needs to be given more leeway.


Does that mean that therefore you love Brunson’s game?


Back to back against The rockets and pelicans? Would you rather have Klay play the first or second game?

Neal X

Iggy is wearing a Cosby sweater. A COSBY SWEATAH! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLkWODqzGK0 Thanks for the shoutout btw Alch that brightened my weekend.

Jerry Heverly

After watching your breakdowns it seems like the way to beat the Warriors is to have a big man threat inside, somebody who can distribute to the others for open threes. The Knicks are a better team than you give them credit for, but they definitely don’t have the inside height to collapse the Warriors’ defense. ‘Thanks to you I gonna have the image of a naked Julius Randall on the crapper in my head for too long. 


What’s your take on Jordan Clarkson. Can he become HIM?


Do you think that in that players only meeting......they sat Klay down and showed Alch's state of the union???


Can’t say that I do but I do love Brussel sprouts 😂


Klay walks in with everybody sitting in silence. Kevon Looney walks up, inserts a disk into the player. He quietly sits down and folds his arms.