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Jerry Heverly

Was it you or someone else who said, teams always dismantle dynasties too early or too late, never at the ‘right’ time. Mikan’s Lakers; Russell’s Celtics; Magic’s Lakers; Bird’s Celtics; Duncan’s Spurs; Jordan’s Bulls; all faded quickly after the star retired. Kawai kept the Spurs relevant but, sans Duncan, couldn’t deliver a title.  Lacob has a huge fixed cost with the new arena so he can’t afford to blow things up….yet. East Bay fans kept the franchise alive through 40 years of losing. I wonder if fickle SF folks will be willing to do the same? Even Kerr seems played out, unable or unwilling to discipline Klay. I bet he’s massaging his 401k as we speak and calculating whether he wants to join Don Nelson in Paradise.


It shouldn’t fall on Steph to do this, but idk who else can pull Klay to the side and give him an ice cold reality check. Killa is killing us though and if we don’t change something soon the season will slip away from us fast


This is legit some of your finest work. These pissed off breakdowns are the only silver lining to losses like these, and you captured the emotion of the fanbase perfectly in this one. The Jamychal lowlights looked even worse today.


like I said before Klay and now both greens need to go. the success of 2015 is no longer applicable Kerr. The chef curry is doing it all himself and ultimately giving teams more stuff to review . We need to preserve curry’s health and happiness bc the above mentioned players ain’t impacting the long term success and eventual rebounding of the warriors success and culture. We still got time to plan long term. We need to adjust the roster according to what the entire league has done to us. Restructure everything! This year ain’t it!

Nathan Glanzer

You trade them like this and you don't keep curry forever. You keep the boys together curry might retire there.


"I feel like Obi-Wan when he realizes he's got to pull out lightsaber on Anakin" - quote of the year :)))))


What’s strange about the Klay ego messaging is you would think if there was a season they would do it, it woulda been last year and not this year. Last year woulda been understandable cuz it was the return, the comeback, the feel good story. Now he’s gone through training camp, one half of preseason (which I’ve personally felt was a mistake from the jump to play only 15 minutes of preseason play when Klay needs reps more than anyone on the team) so the feel good story should be over and he’s another guy again. Conversely what’s going on is it feels like Steve is actively trynna keep the present alive while rejecting the future, but acknowledging the present is coming to an end theough the media? Draymond and Klay are showing why Moody and Joku need playing time, but Steve refuses to play them as a show of goodwill to Klay and Draymond to make them feel good about their future perhaps 🤔. All in all Steve has to be held accountable just like Klay and Dray cuz he’s not holding THEM accountable for submarining the chemistry and putting everything on Steph


Your take on J. Green is how I've felt about him since the start. Maybe it's early but he just doesn't fit. He's not the root of the problem but getting him outta there might be a start


When the warriors paid Poole and Wiggins they should have doubled down and shipped Draymond out right away. I know that’s an incredibly hard decision but he made his bed. we’ve made it clear what route we are taking and the FO are insane to think Draymonds presence in the locker room would have anything other than a negative impact. This might be the weirdest dynamic I’ve ever seen in a basketball team. Everybody is scared to say anything to Draymond (and Klay) and Draymond is worried about saying anything to anybody else. I guess if you really want to maximise Curry’s prime the best thing to do might be package off Poole and the young guys and see if we can strike a deal with the nets for KD. Get the OG’s back together and they can then pretty much sail off into the sunset together in a few years. Might work, might not. personally I’d just rather us trade Green and let us work through the changes throughout the rest of the season. I get it nobody will be able to defend like Draymond but whatever, there is more than one style of basketball that can win you games. And if not, oh well I think we’d at least see these guys playing ball with a smile on their face. Anyway I think what I’m trying to say is I don’t believe Poole and Draymond can co-exist in a harmonious team. So yeah, it’s one or the other for me. I hope I’m wrong but it really does look like the rot has set in to the fabric of this current roster.


I mean the JP Wigs extensions have signaled that.. and that is probably part of the problem rn


I think their thought process was well will get a contract year out of Draymond.. But I agree, it looks like it has just spoiled everything


he alch if you get a chance to read this if things continue to be dysfunctional in bkn would you be up for going all in on the reaper? and if so what would you be willing to give up me personally i guess i would but i really wouldn't feel comfortable letting jp and wiggs walk cause im assuming those would be the main pieces in the trade, even jk or mood, seeing these young guys these past two seasons i really see value in having fresh legs when the vets need a night off on a back to back or a tuesday night in okc in february to bring that youthful energy, obviously if we make it thru the regular season having durant makes it seem like a no brainer but imagine kd or steph goes down and not having any depth behind them

Kevin Morris

Alch, given Poole does such much better in the starting lineup, what do you think about having Klay come off the bench some games? He's shooting 35% for the season. He might need to be a role player until he proves otherwise.

Neal X

I commented this on a previous vid on YT but BBallbreakdown was observing how Draymond can't really guard the center position like he used to, and I think he's right, because as you noted he doesn't have elevation anymore. Even in the Knicks win, he got in serious foul trouble and we couldn't stop their bigs from beasting and feasting. He still has elite hands and instincts, and his experience playing with the other starters still makes him good in the lineup on both ends, but his weaknesses are becoming more and more obvious.

Jerry Heverly

I absolutely agree; Kuminga’s performance trumps the loss. What a quarter from Luka; key steals, devastating shots, elegant passes; Is that what happened in the last Phoenix playoff game? Javale has been exiled to his very own penal colony, somebody needs to rescue him. Too bad that the Warriors don’t have the money. I like the traveling calls even when it hurts the Warriors. It will make for a more ‘fair’ NBA where superstars can’t get away with funny stuff with the ball.