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Jansen E

With now two straight DNPs, I fear the Wiseman experiment may be over, even this early into the season. If he isn’t playing consistent minutes by January, the dude is a done in a Warriors uniform. He could be successful elsewhere (maybe), but warriors need to win as many championships as they can with the last of Curry’s prime and they can’t and shouldn’t waste time trying to teach a dude how to play basketball. I say move him, bring in Dwight Howard and lock Lamb in a weight room to get stronger.

Qiushi Hu

If the Cavs has Wiggins instead of Okaro, they will be a legit contender


After watching that documentary on Donaghy I feel like every games is rigged


With the way Curry is playing I have a feeling his prime is extended until age 40 😂


Basically none of the young 3 played and we played good defense for the first time all year, I don't think that's a total coincidence. I've been on the be patient train the last 3 years but honestly I say trade them all, they ain't picking up warriors basketball. As for the refs I'm honestly suprised when we don't get fucked over, the nba has been out to get us since we beat Bron in 15, it ruined their plan to make him the next GOAT and the league has thrown a tantrum ever since, we are the most disrespected dynasty ever.


I’m glad to be proven wrong. The refs idk about that bru..Sign Lambs. Keep Curry healthy! And let’s rework the roster.

Qiushi Hu

Warriors and Heat are in a league of their own when it comes to picking up fringe rotation player out of nowhere

John Pettus

We gotta send Wise and maybe JoKu to Santa Cruz to get more playing time. It's worth the investment. GET. THEM. REPS.

Natto Santo

Keep JK and Moody, Wise has little trade value, so better keep. PBJ is the one we should develop more. He can be an All-star. JeM Green should be waived or trade and get some serviceable big


You said it right..back to back 40 point games that lead to wins....but we need a legitimate 2nd option. Steph is averaging over 40 in the last 3 games. There should be a better balance... players need to step up more. At first I was thinking that Poole should start and klay come off the bench but it's like picking your poison. Poole plays out of control and turns the ball over. Klay Jack's up shots and doesn't really create for anyone else. Either way steph is playing outta his mind for these wins.


game 6 2016 finals flashbacks, but at this point, Steph and the old squad are using it as motivation, we will never forgive the 3-1 rigged comback in 2016 finals


The ghost of Tim Donaghy was definitely inhabiting that mfer. L2M report was salt in the wound for me.

Daniel Fries

Lamb Curry for the W

Ryan Mitchell

Yeah definitely felt like playoff basketball - that was fun