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Jansen E

5:09 BRUH IM FUCKING DEAD hahahahaha yo that shit was funny. Warriors truly in midseason form already letting certified nobodies turn into Hall of Famers already. Didnt know that Matt Ryan took some days off throwing INTs for the Colts and decided he was a 3 pt sniper. Shits wild. Nahh but this game was mainly about Poole and seeing more development from Wise and PBJ. I liked what I saw from both the big men but definitely rough around the edges Looking forward to see if GP2 can lock Steph up or if Steph plays with him a little haha


fitz and buikee kept talking about how LA needs to get better outside shooting around lebron and AD. I honestly thought their outside shooting looked great last night


my guess is JP feels light and clear cuz he knows he didn't do anything wrong and people he respects like Andre/Steph/Kerr and the rest of the bball world are telling him that same thing, coupled with a tunnel vision/drive of being great, you get baby face assassin Jr.


Alch, what do you think about exploring a trade with Tor involving Draymond and Siakam? They have Scottie Barnes who is basically a 6-9 Draymond, so they might find value in him learning from him. The problem is that they are not going to extend Dray, so this could be a rental. However, if you threw in a young prospect like JK and a pick, maybe they find enough value to pull the trigger. This would definitely be a win now move if we have throw in JK (which would hurt because I believe in this guys ceiling). Would give us a legitimate long, athletic defender at the 4 opposite Wigs with playoff and finals experience. Also a 4 capable of contributing on the offensive end.


We need Draymond this teams defense is terrible without him. Kuminga don't have the defensive IQ like Draymond does.


Draymond need to stay I hate when you a top dog in the nba they’ll do anything to tear the team apart, Poole party need his own show.


Defense was terrible last night. Draymond usually does GREAT against AD too. A reminder that this is just not the same team without Draymond.

John Pettus

Jordan doesn't need his own show right now. He's 22. Dude can hang for 4 more years until Steph retires and then the show will be his.


Somebody got to get paid, and if I had to save money anywhere I’m going to put my money on Draymond. The beauty about Draymond is he our distraction he is our emotional leader. The offense will allow another pg to shine we don’t need another steph with all the playmakers. We would be good with a Shaun Livingston ROLE PLAYER. Someone like Spencer dinwiddie.


Still not sure why they let McClung and Trevion go, certainly better than watching the newer crop. At least McClung knew how to dribble and pass and was fun to watch. And at least Trevion knew how to pass... which was lacking in this game. I certainly wouldnt pay to see lamb or Ty play ...specially Lamb. Good god,


yeah I can see he's emotional, dude punched a young dude for nothing.


When you on one greatest dynasty runs that stuff happen ask Steve Kerr how serious it gets when you making your mark on history not too many teams get to go for 5


Couldn't be happier with how Jamychal and DiVincenzo already look within this system. Super smart players that know their role, the best Otto/GP2 replacements we could have hoped for

Jerry Heverly

It will be my grievance all season — they drop McClung to waste minutes on two ciphers, Jerome and Lamb. I like Kerr but that’s some major bs he was sserving — if Jerome is a ‘pass first’ guard I’ll eat my hat. Can someone enlighten me? If JP gets an extension this week (say, for argument, 115 million) does that start right now? Can someone calculate what the luxury tax add on would be for such a contract? Am I right in assuming that his 115 mil would cost them another 50 mil in tax? I can’t see how the Warriors can afford to keep more than one of the three players — Wiggins/Poole/Draymond. Two of them must go, right? Otherwise where would the money be to keep the youngsters? Nice to see JTA prospering in LA.


Ty jerome has davis bertans shoulders


Hey Jerry, Extension would kick in next year for Poole and/or Wiggs. So Dray Currently makes 26, Wiggs makes 33.5 and Poole makes 4 - that's already on the books. Likely Wiggs would be making a similar sized salary, something between 29 to 35, so extending him isn't really an increase. Same with Drays player option at 27. With the tax if they keep 2 of 3 it's about the same since the cap will go up next season, and is suppose to take a huge rise after the CBA which is connected to a new gigantic TV deal. If they were able to trade Dray and one of the players was a significant expiring (say 15 million coming off the books after this season) they can pay Wiggs and Poole substantially. To be clear the Warriors can keep everyone, it's just a matter of paying over 200 million in luxury tax bills. For specifics on cap + tax rules check out hoopshype, it's too much to type https://hoopshype.com/2018/10/11/nba-luxury-tax/


check out the fans 😂

Jerry Heverly

Thanks. I heard that Lacob refuses to go over 400M even with a higher cap so under your scenario I still think they might need to unload two of the big paydays.