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gsw vs was pre 1



nice to have these breakdowns back


Alc is back, dubs are back, Wiseman looking like a monster. Tough to imagine getting so hyped over a preseason game, and yet here I am.

Jerry Heverly

When they matched up it looked to me like Wiseman was physically dominating Porzingis. Where was McClung? I see Rollins in the G League, McClung on the Warriors bench.  If the Warriors start strong and McClung/Rollins/Moody prove themselves do you trade Poole for draft choices?


100 unc. That was spot on.Thanks for doing our HW and acing that B.


The defensive ceiling of our second unit is high: Mood, Joku, Wise and DD

David Liao

I am soo damn excited for the youth on this team! Hope the Big Ragu follows in Looney's footsteps and likes the environment enough to stay as a role player


I see melo on that fadeaway


Alch, u hear about Rachel Nichols landing a job at showtime? She just looks like she knows how to give some sloppy head


This is private forum, but isn’t it rude and misogynistic to say something like this? It is not even funny.


Pikachu?? SMH 😂😂 Alch already in regular season form! Glad you also pointed out him gapping too much on defense. Did Wigs play? I'm rooting for Wigs to take over this year! And seems like divincenzo is a scary fit.... already finding perfect passes to Wise. Only thing I'm missing is the smart plays that makes the defenses look foolish and create easy dunks. Can only remember the one from Looney.


All our young players looked good. I think they all have potential to be solid NBA players if not stars. It takes Tim to develop a big. Look at Damian Jones, he is a solid backup big in the league, we were too quick to cut him off. Wiseman size and physical attributes guarantee him to be a solid NBA player. He might never be a star but he can definitely be a contributor for a good team.


Or maybe Jalen Suggs. Get someone back that helps this year, with upside and Ws delay the payday by 2 years. I think a Poole move might happen sooner than later if Ws are locked on Draymond and Wiggins. His value won't go up and I get a sneaky feeling he doesn't want to be a 6th man. Also, it's more dependent on Divencenzo's fit for this year than the young guys.


Alch. Moody looked good in the team defensive scheme but seemed over-matched 1 on 1 by both Beal and Rui. Neither seem like optimal match ups for Moody (Beal too experienced, Rui too big). It highlights how valuable Wiggins and Klay are on the defensive end. Do you think Moody can become a good 1 on 1 defender?


Contextually Beal is a top 10 offensive player and Rui is a giant forward.. What mood lacks in quickness makes up for with length and toughness. I think he will become very solid as he learns the league


So excited for wiseman! Nice pokemon joke. That one had me cracking.