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gsw vs min gm62



You heard fitz talking a lot about how if beasley scores, they beat us. Looked like the wolves were fully aware of that at 7:44, not too often you see a shooter like DLo find a teammate for a shot when the play is dead. Maybe an intentional effort to get him going by seeing the ball go through the basket

Kahlil Baker

Man idc that we got Weisman coming back, we need size and we've needed size! Bjelicia's honeymoon phase is over, he showed up then disappeared! JTA is getting burned no matter who he is guarding. Deandre just got waived by the Lakers. He was CP3's PNR partner for how many years. How bad could it be to waive Bjelicia and pick up DJ?! I mean, we got the shooting now with Klay, JP, Steph, Wiggins(most nights), JK hitting open 3s, Moody, Lee and Otto. DJ is still a lob threat but he is also a big body in the paint. The best part about it is he won't have to be our starting center but he is a big body and a vet!


I'm worried.


yah, given the state of our roster i aint trippin about that loss, it sucks to lose to DHO and PussyTowns. But we are missing 2 of our "big 3", our only real center, and Iggy who between him and Drey increase our IQ to 1000 compared to what we saw last night. The vet leadership is gonna be crucial to surge into the playoffs with the right vibe. I feel bad for Steph, like he is having flash backs from the last two seasons feeling like he has a bunch of G league dudes around him and still in the game but could never get the momentum/edge to win. Hopeful to see us get whole and have some MAJOR revenge games on the ENTIRE league lol. ENJOY VEGAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Matt Hanna

I wouldnt call this an epiphany but I think my theory is pretty solid: this team is so damn good when all healthy. The system works and we have the personal to make it work and work really well. But like a Ferrari or Lambo, one little piece missing the whole thing can go to shit. The system of the last 7 years has an immensely high ceiling when healthy but Andre out here, Klay out there or Green out for a month... it just doenst run like it should and that is why we see all these huge losses

Paul Hanson

I agree-get SOMEONE-DAJ would be fine. Also-a lot of sports guys seem to think it's James Weissman or James Weisman-when it fact it's always been James Wiseman.

Ezra Abbey

this wolves team is well coached, they're disciplined defensively and run efficient offense. they were leaving GP II open all night and attacking mismatches super aggressively, I don't wanna face them in the playoffs .

Major Powers

Why did Myers/Kerr go away from centers? All through the dynasty years they had centers coming out their ears on the roster.


You talk about that big Baby KAT being a Flailer, which she certainly is, another is Embiib. KAT last night was doing his usual elbow to the neck on all turns and shots in the paint. Got Moody once, just missed us on 3 other occasions. I wish they would call these guys for this shit, another is they both flail their arms wildly whenever they get a defender anywhere near them and hope to catch a face or some contact. With arms that long if u do the Embiid swing no one can duck fast enough.

Paul Hanson

There are times, eras-when teams get it going and find themselves and play well. The Warriors found that magic sauce early in the season. They found it without Draymond early in 2022. They do not have it now-they have physical and mental fatigue. It's easy to say Draymond would make a ton of difference-hell just by yelling at guys on the bench they'd have not lost those 2 last home games in the 48th minute. Here are some problems: GPIII is hobbling and it's affected him obviously. J Poole has lost his confidence once again. Doesn't look like an $80 million player right now. Wiggins has to be around greatness and a great vibe or else he goes back in his turtle shell waiting for the sun to rise. Looney has maximized himself-but the Big Man is back in the NBA with Embiid, Jokic, Townes, Giannis. More so than that-teams like Dallas have a lot of athletic big players. The Dubs do have that G League look like 2020-21 all over again. Hey-I love the JTA story-that's fantastic. But having him play center is kind of ridiculous if the Dubs have to rely on ALWAYS being the faster, more athletic, quicker defending team. They can't-they just aren't as athletic as other teams and it's showing in games against athletic teams. Everyone gets their asses kicked once in awhile-but it's almost predictable at times and a wonder they haven't been ass-kicked more often. Losing those games at the last minute or second-those have hurt deeper than they say. I don't care what anyone says-your last 2 home games you're up big and you end up choking it away. Mental and physical-they are tired. I just don't see them going far this year but I would love to be wrong. Unfortunately it looks non-championship. Steph looks pretty tired too-and we have to start thinking of where this team is going if they can't get it done with the 3 Musketeers anymore. I can't believe they've not bought out someone yet. Just seems so prideful and mistaken.


These latest bout of losses for me only cement my frustration with management about personnel. Sabonis over at Sac (now) was up on the trading block. His wife wants badly to be in Cali. He wants to be in Cali. Seems we could have offered Slow-Way Wiggs and a couple of pieces and that would have done the deal. We would have had a super intelligent center who knows how to pass, got rid of vacation Wiggs, and had a tutor for the Wiseman going forward. I saw Sabonis on the block and have no idea why management didnt bite. Dray may be out forever with the disc stuff. The disc is not something in the parlance of present day medicine that is curable. Is Myers just a pretty face ? Whats up with these guys? I think these light-years folks are a little too up on themselves. And I think and have always thot Kerrs system is too Curry centric. When Curry is off the house of cards collapses.

Chip Tingle

I missed it…how did Beli lose it for us? ;) All 4 wounded pillars sighted at practice today! Klay, Dray, Andre, and Wiseman. Inching closer….


Go crazy in Vegas Alch! Hope you enjoy your time there, you deserve it man

Chip Tingle

In watching your breakdown just now, I ended up focusing on help-D, and Dubs’ sucks. Bad as Blow by’s are, they don’t have to mean automatic buckets if help steps in front. Check this for Wiggs, JTA, JP in just this set of clips. Looney gets abandoned, and I love seeing him bark about it rather than sulk. Help! Gratitude Alch!


I have no idea! Are they just going to be the guys that always try to zig when everybody is zaging?


Thanks for the consistent quality Alch. This is shaping up to be a pretty interesting end of the season and playoffs.


as always very well said Paul. You know, we rattle off 9 of the final 12 or something, Wise is looking like a young Javale and Dray is refreshed and all of a sudden the narrative will be "LOOK OUT"


Seems like JK lost his edge when he loosened up his hair. Looking kind of lost the last 2 games.


Thank you for the consistent support! .........It is tho! Im more intrigued than worried at this point, but that could change quickly.


I dont know bout them lil dookie braids the youngsters wear, but cornrows do kinda make you feel tougher, they pull your face tight


Only guy who ive seen flail more than KAT is randle. Watching him is like watching a fish outta water. Mf looks like a dolphin.


This stretch is starting to test even my patience lol however I've seen this Kerr coached team find the switch just as easily as they lose it so funny enough a 10 game winning streak wouldn't shock me at all but man it's ugly right now


Very well explained, Kerrs systems strength can also be the weakness. At the end of the day however it's a system that's got us 3 titles

paul reboca sr

bro why was prince allowed to stay in the game, not even a foul called. that was assault. be blessed. Warrior Paul


I can tell this will be a good one by the mispelling of Warriors.


hey alc, the discord link you posted under the clippers breakdown says "invite invalid," is there a new one?


If Santa Claus fucked the tallest elf you’d get Jason Kidd


I think why Luca gets the calls/respect from the refs is cuz of classic privilege shit - what do you get when a tall, white, talented, rich, man yelling in your face - more respect than he deserves Even with how much we have come as a culture around racism and white supremacy, it’s still lives in us all given it the water we all grew up in and if we don’t actively dismantle the shit within ourselves, it really can affect us even when we don’t know it is Could be reaching but I think it’s cuz there still is a greater American culture where the white, rich, man gets the edge Maybe one day that won’t be true but I still think it has an impact on stuff


How much weight should we give these loses when our roster is not whole?