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gsw vs dal gm 61



ah shit here we go again...


I really enjoyed Steph's playmaking and passing in this game, but until his elite shooting comes back, this team's ceiling will always be somewhat ordinary. The system is built around his high volume/ high efficiency scoring as the greatest shooter ever. Right now he's simply a low efficiency, very good point guard. It's fun to see, but it's not going to take them far in the playoffs. 3/10 last night from 3, -18 in the fourth - when you are undermanned, you need your superstar to lock up a win when you're up 18 in the 4th. Pretty similar to the Denver game, just a greater meltdown. I don't think the staff really prepared for Steph's decline to happen so fast; next year they need to be able to adjust the system when he's off. When the game gets close and you need a bucket, you need your superstar to step up and make plays.


I can barely watch this today, makes me sick to my stomach how it ended.

Chip Tingle

“Sturdy little chode”

Chip Tingle

Damn, the Beli butterfly chit is cold! He’s serving up dimes for missed shots, Alch. Gotta give him respect when he does good chit.

Matt Hanna

was in shock that we lost this game. I have seen the dubs do this to other teams more than once but it rarely happens to us. I think you are spot on with the health. It comes down to needing your 2-4 best players healthy. I keep trying to tell myself that its just dray being out but i dunno man it seems like the league aint scared of the warriors anymore

james moore

Out of everyone you blame steph of all people. Look at who's missing my guy, he has to play make to get guys going. He shouldn't need to be superman from 3 every game. The bench and wiggins lost that lead hands down


I think coach Kerr is a very good coach, by not a very good in game coach... I dont think he "reads the room" very well. Seems to me if we arent scoring, why not add more Otto, more Kuminga to the mix. And its just plain junk that a professional like Wiggs and Looney cant shoot free throws


26-1 run in 8 minutes... I mean... DAMN. Probably the biggest collapse I've seen from the dubs in the Steve Kerr era. You'd think that Steph and Steve have been around Dray long enough to at least emulate his accountability and fire in his absence, just goes to show it really is a natural ability, and something that can't be learned.


He’s the weak link and everyone knows it…you always worry about him on Defense…asking the rookie kuminga to be to 2 places at once is not optimal and it was clearly confusing him…he’s not dray…beli is good offensively but it’s about balance.


Truth! And i think an underrated part is how dray hold steve accountable…like beli might not see those minutes with dray there….he would probably throw a tantrum over this


You got missing media Alch. not hard to imagine what you were focusing on tho (kuminga flying into space). Great job as always.


it sucks to be dropping these games esp when phoenix is losing games as well. belly should have been played his last game as a warrior. i just hope wiseman can open up some doors for us and we get healthy toward the playoffs. dont want to play a game 7 in memphis. even though his playing wasnt great this game, do you think not starting poole had an effect on this game too? is moody even going to get minutes in the playoffs?


As frustrating as these kind of collapses and losses are, they don’t really piss me off as much right now. The hot early season start gave us a cushion for a regular season like this where guys miss so much time and players have to develop consistent chemistry. Maybe I’m secretly hoping they end up 3rd seed assuming Denver or Minnesota ends up 6th. I still have to see the team fully stacked. Glad you highlighted Wiggin’s bad effort and off ball defense. Hope that can be fixed when the vets come back. I guess one concerning trend is the team’s inability to get an easy bucket when shots aren’t falling. You’d think a Wiggins post up, but he might get fouled and smoke the free throws.


I mean I’m walking my dog reading the comments. And I say to myself we are really missing 4 of our top 8 and really 3 starters if you include Wise…


I really hope Wiggins shows up in the playoffs. His mental makeup is a tough one for me to crack…for as much as he seems to love the game, he doesn’t really seem to be able to “get up” when the team needs him

Jansen E

Bjelica needs to hang it up. The dude is not just a "bad rotational player", he's just completely unplayable at the NBA level. No doubt he could be decent in a g-league game. But at this level, at this point in the season, this man should not even be in an NBA jersey. I'd rather call up some random young 6'11 scrub in the g-league because at the VERY LEAST, theyd have some athleticism to finish at the rim. Bjelica and DLee have WELL overstayed their welcome and they both need to go. Im sick of the nepotism with DLee. If this dude isnt Currys BIL, he's a g-league journeyman at best.

Jansen E

I dont know whats more concerning, the loss itself or the fact that I was one of the people who were NOT shocked we lost. You could see it happening in the middle of the 4th. It was a slow motion car crash.

Jansen E

Question Alch - for a game like this, missing so many bodies, why the hell did we not have Quinndary for this game? That was a perfect opportunity for him to come in and show what value he is, instead of 16 goddamn minutes of Bjelica (MOSTLY IN THE SECOND HALF!!!!). Quinndary can more or less create his own shot, finish at the rim, and hes an energetic defender at the worst. If the reason he wasnt there is because "the gleague team had a game", thats fucking horseshit. Who cares if the gleague team has a game, the A team wouldve needed him.


When has Wiggins ever "shown up"? I said it when he was announced to the all star team, he only made it because there were so many injuries.


1. Agree about GP2--he looks labored out there and about 80% of what we've seen him at (just after the start of the season, after he recovered from his other injury). He's small and quick--and when he dives and shoves against much bigger bodies, it's gotta wear on him. 2. I thought I heard Steve Kerr talk about Jordan Poole's second unit positioning some time in the last 2 days?--that he wants to try to keep it consistent that way instead of whiplashing him to back and forth on the starting team vs 2nd team. Thus why they gave Moody the start. Thus with all the development of the role players, of course Steph's assists should be up. Basically, it seems the Dubs have prioritized gelling as a team over what seed they get. In team history, that has worked out pretty well, so hopefully it does again this year.

Major Powers

Who's our guy in Santa Cruz, Selom Mawugbe, he was blocking shots and dunking in Summer League. They list him at 6'10" but he looked taller.


Hey alch hope you’ve been well rested but do you think there’s role confusion and or and identity problem idk is werid to see Wiggins like this but at the same time like you said it’s kinda who he is but I’m concerned about JP idk how confidence looks shot and then you hear his comments over the season of coming off the bench and then idk if you saw it but be posted a picture on his ig story and it could have been directed at Kerr idk. With that being said idk if you’ll be looking but i wanna see how fultz comes back tonight in his debut with magic since his injury pretty interesting to see this three guard rotation

Major Powers

Bjelica is the third Euro vet who came to GSW, started off good, only to immediately kill their careers. Omri Casspi started off hot with that moon 3 and everyone loved him and then he just disappeared. Jonas Jerebko hit that game winner against Utah early in the season and he looked like a great pick up then fell off planet Earth. Bjelica came in scorching from three, serving dimes and even getting to the rim, and has since become a black hole. All three of those dudes kinda got the yips or something. Is it that they miss their crisp light European Pilsners and start drinking the smelly mud water we call beer in Northern California? (honorable mention: Smailagic, he wasn't a vet but that multi-year experiment failed spectacularly.)


Alc did you hear wiseman talk about not being on social media and “comparisons being the killer of all joy”? If this is true I’m kind of excited about his return. It looks like he can learn and get better quickly.


Alc, can you do a full breakdown on what the hell is up with Wiggins. I want to love him so badly, but he just never puts it in drive and goes. It isn’t his athleticism, it seems mental. Is he scared he will step on toes or what. Or is his motor missing some gears. I don’t get it!!!

Kahlil Baker

This dude on Twitter said Bob needs to get rid of Bjelica because no matter what he does, Kerr is going to find a way to put him on the court. I think he is speaking straight facts. NB has got to go! He is stinking up the court and he’s not being the stretch 4 that he was brought into be

John Z

Wanted to give a bit of credit for the ball being in Steph's hand a bit more with him as the decision maker, but man there is just shit that the team doesn't do that seems so obvious even to a casual. Adapt or die. Took Kerr half a season to put Wiseman in drop coverage and not to play Wanamaker. I don't know if we'll actually see the changes necessary in these last handful of games but ya getting healthy is important just worried about the bad habits from the coaches and players. Appreciate the breakdown as always.


When Fitz said Scott Foster was one of the best refs in the NBA, was he being sarcastic?? Because, seriously, that mofo hates us. Almost every badly reffed game has his prints all over it.


Seems like the only way to make shit happen with this team is for Draymond to yell at someone. How he hasn't done with big belly what he did with DLowEffort is beyond me. Bottom line we've got two problems right now: health and experience. Luckily, with the return of health comes a great big vault of experience. This is a good time to get our health issues out of the way anyway. Problem is, the one guy we're supposed to be buying the most rest has been playing his most minutes since 8 years ago. I still have faith that when healthy they will revert back to 32 minutes of ballistic missile steph instead of 38 minutes of ballistic gel dummy steph.


What was the IG post? I could see how he is feeling shafted.. another question where in the world is Isaac

Chip Tingle

Heavy JP analysis starts out this pod: https://open.spotify.com/episode/48CwDhbiDNiQAqCI8VIhpn?si=VrxowvotSD-sBrIqRH5qtg&context=spotify%3Acollection%3Apodcasts%3Aepisodes


I thought the way they played in the first quarter was as good as any quarter this season, rabid defense and tons of ball movement. So how could they play so well…..and so terrible? 1. Free throws, especially Wiggins. If they shot 70% they would have won the game. It’s been a season-long problem. 2. Settling for three’s throughout that drought. It seemed as if they completely abandoned the idea of using set plays, and where was the ball movement? Who was at fault? Everyone: Kuminga, DLee, Steph, Wiggins, Porter, GP2, Beli they all had minutes during the 26-1 disaster. It’s hard not to see this team as overrated, feasting early on the soft part of the schedule. 3. The fourth quarter. The Denver game was a mess, too. They seem to run out of gas late in games. 4. Size? I don’t see how Wiseman would have helped this debacle. They outscored the Mavs in the paint. 5. Shooting. Without Klay and with Steph throwing up bricks they had none. Would the injured players solve this? Klay, of course, but Iggy, Wiseman, Draymond, there isn’t a shooter among them. I don’t see Beli as the big cause. There are a lot of good players on this team but somehow it isn’t adding up to a title contender. You can blame injuries but every team has had them. Am I wrong or is GP2 limping markedly throughout recent games?

Jansen E

Damn I really didn't notice the continuous failure of euro bigs on this team. I wonder what it is. Maybe we just need to go more with Aussie bigs? I know he's not Aussie and I know w definitely can't afford him next year......but perhaps the final years of Steven Adam's career for next year? Is it even possible?


Steph’s rotations have been no where near consistent. Man can’t get a pace. Why mess with something that’s not broken. Give him his regular rotation back and watch his performance improve. Try it. I bet that rhythm isn’t giving with Steph and his shot is suffering because of it. He may need his regular minutes.


Question Alch - I haven't been watching the Dubs games in full for a few weeks now. So I wanted to ask you how you would currently rate Steph's ability to iso a mismatch. Is he still able to cook like in the old days?

Chip Tingle

I was just texting a friend about how much we could have used Dray’s bark on the bench next to Andre, who was there.

Chip Tingle

Make shots to avoid a 26-1 stretch…or die. Drive and get to line to avoid drought…or die. Keep up great D energy for stops….or die by 26-1 drought.


Short answer no.. I think he needs to alter that part of his game as he ages. He’s got to use more deception and change of pace. He still really likes to use quickness which we know is a fleeting trait, not that he has slowed down a bunch but…

Ryan Mitchell

Finney-Smith looking like YG

Paul Hanson

Had no time to get to your breakdown until 12 hours later. Memphis is coming. They have the juice-the Warriors are out of juice. The only fault I would have with Coach Kerr is relying on Bjelica when it's so obvious he's totally washed, no confidence and should not be playing 18 minutes. He looked AWFUL-and it affected the other players on the team. Like "we have to play with THIS fool? What is this? Charity time?" There are many other things that were wrong with this game-but my biggest takaway was: this is the second home game that they blew in a row-and it sets a precident to their psyche and to other teams that says "the Warriors can be had if you just stick around-they might implode".. This will pop up in the playoffs-whether it be hack-a-Looney or keep the Dubs out of the paint and make them shoot the basketball. All of Steph's shots go in when he's at the All Star Game and at warmups-but he just doesn't get the results he used to for some reason or another. It never gets better this year. He's always about 30-35% these days. Whether or not it's because of missing Draymond and/or Klay-it just is. And other teams know it like sharks smelling blood. I love my Warriors and will always follow them-but if they don't get Draymond back REALLY healthy -they don't have much of a shot at a CHIP. I know he will help a lot-but it shouldn't look like this. One could see this loss coming a mile away. Good luck on the road Warriors-you'll need it.

paul reboca sr

hey bro, what the hell is up with andrew? dang. hopefully tuesday meyers will dump belly, and maybe pick up Moses Brown, we can have our own twin towers, moses and the wiseman.. be blessed. Warrior Paul


Not even worried. Klay, Draymond, Wiseman, Andre. They play, we win.


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