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gsw vs lac gm 58





I’ve been thinking. Would it really be the worst thing if the team somehow fell to the 3rd seed? If the standings don’t dramatically change by the end of the season, then there is a chance that one or both LA teams get the 7th or 8th seeds. It might lowkey be better to let PHX and MEM deal with those teams in the first round lol


Alch you think Dray being out affects the third quarters? Maybe not as good of halftime routines/locking in for the second half? Just noticed a trend of weaker third quarters since he’s been out


Yeah I wouldn’t mind seeing a SA game pt 2 with the youngsters against Denver

Ken Bradford

I think it's pretty underestimated how we're still the 2nd seed with all the stuff going wrong. Steph's massive slump,Dray out and integrating Klay as well as opj,beli and Iggy being in and out and we're still no 2. Butight be worth thinking about dropping


Jerry West* drafts well lol


What's going on with GP2? Seems like he's been somewhat ineffective this month. You think it's the matchups, the nagging injury, or an improved scouting report?


I have two impressions both related to warriors management, both related to big men. We are told that Wiseman is on his way to recovery, and that he may be able to contribute in playoffs. Where Wiseman left off last year, I dont see that but lets pretend that is a truth. Here is my thot about Wiseman and by inference, management. Management and coaching should have a good inside bead on Wisemans progress, so since they didnt make a trade. They should be able to assess whether Wiseman is making progress, coming out of that infantile basketball IQ stage he blessed us with last year. If not, my trust in this management will take a big hit. The second point has to do with the first. Sabonis wanted to play in Kali. So we had the players and the resources and the NEED for a player like Sabonis, with his size, basketball IQ, his passing ability, etc coming into the playoff. I think Sabonis is a great asset to a team. Sac will be better because of him. Management decided to let things lie fallow. I would have had anyone on the trading block other than (Klay, Curry, Green, Kuminga, Poole and young glove). Lets see how good Wiseman comes back. Otherwise Im back to my rant that management in not seeing something, (like a LeMelo) and is actually more lucky than anything else (Kuminga falling in your lap); being that Green, Curry and Thompson were West approved personnel.

Ezra Abbey

reggie cold man, his handle's crazy


That Hartenstein joke had me pause the video goddamn Anyone notice Poole dapping up Hartenstein? I remember from an earlier matchup, Hartenstein screamed on Poole and it got Poole going for like 4 straight shots. Steph and some Kuminga flashes were the only positives in this game. I can chuck a bad Klay game out pretty easily. Team needs Draymond and Wiseman. At this point Wiseman being 7'1 is worth trotting him out there. Kevon is having a fantastic season but the team puts him in unwinnable situations quite a bit. No true center + constant motion offense is a recipe for being tired.


That's gotta be coaching. I'd say that since they're small they want to protect the rim at all costs and recover to shooters. Just with no Dray there's no small ball rim protection, so instead we just got beat at the rim and from open shots.


I'm glad you hit on the energy level for the game Alc. It was so jarring to me, from watching a team that early in the season surged and out hustled teams on 50/50 balls and rotated so well on defense that they'd often startle shooters running off screens to a squad that seems to be coasting. I lost count of how many open looks the Clippers got, and was literally yelling onto my screen, "who wants to give a shit about this game?" I don't think this team can just machine their way through the season like Phoenix. We thrive off of bursts of energy and momentum in games, and not seeing our free flowing and joyful brand of ball this past month (barring the San Antonio game) has left a sour taste in my mouth. Fingers crossed we can surge out of the All Star Break and show some more fight.

Daniel Fries

rest the vets 100%


klay still dehydrated af from drinking grey goose all sunday night


Nemanja and Jonathan are the only people on the roster whose first language is not English. That makes easier to talk and understand each other.

Jansen E

If the players dont give a shit about playing, I dont give a shit about watching. Which is why I turned this game off at the end of the 3rd. Obviously they didnt shoot 100%. But tell me Im not the only one who felt like the Clippers just NEVER FUCKING MISSED the whole damn night. Wide open or not. The clippers couldnt miss, and it started with the terrible effort on defense in the 1st quarter. I get it was after the Super Bowl and its almost the ASB, but can yall imagine if we gave efforts like this at OUR jobs being paid millions? I wish I could demand compensation from the team for the 2.5 or so hours I spent wasting my time watching this. Curry started hot, but after that screen from the big and noticing everyone else's effort, just decided to check out too. With efforts like this PRE-ASB, they better come out of the ASB firing. Draymond still might not be back, but thats no longer an excuse for effort. I have no idea how Denver has been playing. Maybe theyre trying to get to the ASB too, but regardless, Im expecting a 30pt blowout on Wednesday. With that expectation, I just hope I can see Moody get 38 minutes for once. Watching DLee out there do fuck all with his minutes while Moody could provide the exact same thing is so annoying.


Special K is a nice nickname for kuminga. a lot better than some of the alternatives i've seen out there...

paul reboca sr

alch, warrior Paul here. how did you know, mid way 3rd quarter i had enough, that pass from belly to poole made me cuss, and i'm a man of God. say bye belly! be blessed bro


I think the defensive schemes can be made to look far worse than they are when the effort is that bad. In the lost couple of seasons the scheme and the personnel were just ass. This season they upgraded both. The reason the defense was so effective was because they weren't over helping but helping just enough despite going small. The lack of Dray's presence isn't just about his physical impact on the court perhaps even more importantly it's all the vital reads, the communication and holding everyone accountable. Beli still needs to go. Not that's he necessarily the albatross holding this team down but that by playing him we aren't playing someone positionally that might help us. He may be 6'9" or 6'10" on a good day but aside from the occasional rebound he never plays like it. Iggy needs to go to him or JTA. We need to get some size and some youth in this team. Not rookies necessarily or anything close to that but younger players with more energy and hunger.

Chip Tingle

2nd/3rd collapse Mann eats up Poole, Curry, and Beli driving to hole. Help D sucks Only GPII contesting shots hard (in limited minutes) Not creating great shots, instead settling for and missing tough shots (many off balance fade aways) with zero Offensive rebounding, rarely touching paint before launching. Early success w JK high PnR disappears quickly. Maybe some of the worst JP point play I’ve seen, making me rethink my opposition to Dragic signing. OPJ better than Beli and Looney in p n r D, but still gets beat or fouls. Mann look’s godly against this D.


i just pray we can land a big in the buyout, we need a big body to throw at the rest of the league come playoffs, I know JWise may be "ready" by then, but we all should not expect him to actually be ready. We need that extra big vet that can set picks and play serviceable d.


Been seeing this a lot lately with the help D in the paint. You’ll find 4-5 Warriors helping in the paint, sagging off the perimeter, and then not getting back to contest the 3. I’d rather have the centers eat than give up the 3 ball and allow a team to get into shooting rhythm. They’re defense is trash rn. Hopefully in the buyout market we can get Dragic and Robin Lopez to replace Beli and D Lee/JTA. That will bolster our already deep team with Vets who get their rolls. Dragic can help pace with Poole and Lopez of course in the paint to help Loon cause I don’t trust Wiseman will be ready, and if he is, even better. Ultimately we need to see this team as a team. All hands on deck and everyone available. We will be pretty unstoppable.


At this stage, we have to acknowledge, the Suns are a better team. They are better coached, and balanced on all rolls.

Andreas Wiedemann

I think we shouldn`t overreact right now. We aren`t the runaway favourites even if some media guys tried to push this narrative early on. We got a nice group, i want to see how they work on full strenght. That said i don`t expect wiseman to change the balance. He has to survive on the switch iso island first and learn the game. My main consern is that when everybody hustles a little more in the playoffs our advantage on defense shrinks. On the other hand we know how to win and got some size coming back soon. I`m excited to see whats possible this year and very optimistic beyond.

Ken Bradford

I think it’s a mix of things. First I’d trust management. It’s because of them that we are where we are even with injuries etc like they should deserve more credit and patience from us fans. But on the other hand I feel like they don’t want to go deeper in to tax territory for a minimal upgrade. Like even the names floated out there like Lopez and tt those are getting bought out for a reason and it’s unlikely they would even help that much in the warriors system. Now we just have to pray for wiseman and even tho there has been plenty of times I had doubts I’m willing to hope for a positive wiseman season even after all the time he’s missed

Ken Bradford

Bro fr klays effort was hilarious and I’m sure his body hasn’t worked through the alcohol


If Looney or Kuminga get injured right now or in the playoff what would we actually do?