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1:50 I have a dilemma  to be like Kob?

2:40 1 more Steph theory 

5:05 Our Rooks got left out

6:50 2 trades that would probably upset you 

11:50 I have a dilema 

15:00 the GOAT retires 

16:00 voice mails 



Chip Tingle

Opening w doggie sphincter talk? Vulnerability and trust on parade!


love the whole vibe of the intro and all the spicy takes. Literally makes me so happy to listen to this POD.

Chip Tingle

Yes, talk to admin constructively about coaching problem. Too many negative stories on this one!


Bro if they traded Moody & Wiseman I'd be devastated. Kuminga + Poole is nice...but the potential of a JoKu / JP / Moody / Wiseman core for the next decade is too good to think about. Sidenote regarding your dilemma: Have you ever approached the coach about it and see how he reacts? As in - "Hey man, I noticed these things about how the team is getting developed; seems like XYZ could be improved?" - If he reacts like an asshole, tell the school. If he doesn't know that he doesn't know, maybe no one has told him or something. If you don't feel like putting energy into it, just leave it all alone lmao


I have offered him help and advice. In the summer I told him stop focusing on plays and teach them fundamentals and universal concepts. He acted like yeah yeah good idea I will! Then 2 weeks ago with 4 gm left in the season, he messaged me apologizing for the season and he is now going to focus on fundamentals. He is not an asshole, just doesn't understand the sport to level he needs to. Every time I have offered help, he listens but then acts like " I got this" Simple shit is missing, the girls run DHOs without turning the corner or ever threatening it.. its just all lateral. shooter comes of a screen ball handler holds the ball until defense recovers then throws it. Ive seen enough broken windows to know, he don't know!


Once klay curry dray all get there og fade then they will get there collective powers bac. Those high fade days when everyone was fresh was dif

Thomas Ogas

A-A-ron's final take was way too long. And motivation and will to win are always a factor, but he is giving it way too much meaning. The "more motivated" team only wins if the other team isn't motivated, or isn't very talented. And, frankly, who cares how motivated CP3 is this season. He's always motivated and rarely healthy.


love the last take, the warriors have been at the center of the bullz eye for the nba for a while now and those two teams have another level of grudge. Def gonna be a spicy playoffs this year. Feels like this year may be one of the best in terms of real parody across the league.


I still think Brady is overrated…glad he is gone man. Tired of the old ass man


yo i got a 2nd dog recently, super amazing to have them play together now. the first seemed depressed for a while there and now they play all the time, def worth it if can handle the extra work at first


I agree with what he was saying about phoenix and Memphis tho. Two teams with lots of youth and energy that should not be taken lightly. But dubs in 6 for both matchups lol


IMHO get a dog that has a tail, and is no smaller than 40lbs full grown.

Kj Robinson

Broooo Alchemy you need to put in for coaching gig hearing you talk about it sounds like ur the man for the job buddy...


Posted a voicemail to hopefully give some further insight about the coaching dilemma. Long story short unless the guy is doing ethical and morally wrong stuff outside of basketball get the Athletic Director involved


Great take at the end. Every point he said is 100% correct. Silent killers is what we need to be from here on


Get a Tibetan Mastiff, Alc.


Great Episode and I appreciate you answering and including my question. Although I was shocked I sounded so bad I wonder why 😂 anyway I think adding the player of week/month to coveted accolades chances are an excellent way to add value to them. I was thinking something similar myself. OR they could have it only for players new to league/1-3 yr guys to help their notoriety and reputation. I believe it’ll be something those younger in the career could potentially care about if they did it right! Haha my bad for answering the wiggins question while asking it 😂😂 haha was just flowing from my mind. Love the content as always


You might be right about the Kuz trade lol. I cant think of a high end role player type who would be better in our system than Kuz.


Using the Bazemore conversion factor, I would mathematically estimate Kuzma would be about 3x better with the Warriors than he was with the Lakers.


Kuz would actually be crazy in Dubs system. Basically JTA on crack

Jerry Heverly

I have never been a parent, so take my advice with several grains of salt, but……I strongly advise you to say nothing to anyone about that coach. You will only alienate people, no one will thank you for your recommendation. It just won’t turn out the way you hope. Keep out of it.


Sad comment on the state of things, but you're probably right.


We can’t be silent killers if Draymond is out here running his damn mouth all the time 😂😂😂😂


Loved Aaron's take


Also, yes to wizards trade


I think the only thing that can stop this team (as it is) from winning a chip is if Dray and Wise aren't both back with the team by mid-March. Beyond that, they've got everything they need to take on each team. I don't think it would be wise to trade away pieces of the future for a marginal increase in our chances of winning now. Healthy Team + Regular Steph = Chip. Simple.


Seems like your just hating on Steph at this point.


Thing is.. I have been thirsty to support the brand! I have a daughter who hoops. Call it hate, or maybe it’s just how I feel.

Natto Santo

Thanks for giving us more the personal touch. It definitely nice to know you like a family member and share your joy and struggles with us.


Haha loved the opening. Got a new dog a few months back and I highly recommend the breed. It’s an American Eskimo, they are super smart and really good companion dogs. Keep up the pod, look forward to it all week.


My dog has one of these visible bholes and because of that I just make sure I wipe his but after her poops everytime


I think we might have overthought Steph's slump. It might just be the simple explanation that after the 3-point record and after the Warriors showed the league they are legit Steph has just had less of a chip on his shoulder now that the season is more about integrating Klay and staying healthy till the playoffs.


I would be happy just making a small deal for someone like Naz Reid or Isaiah Stewart. Just need some muscle on the bench. I mean Damian Jones is having his way with us tonight. I know we are up by 20, but hate when mediocre bigs look like world beaters when they play us.


Steph got some tough jackets tho


Respect! I know a lot of the time the dogs kinda choses us.. but it’s a discussion my wife and I had when looking so I thought I’d try and be funny about it.


Yup. Just a guy to come in for 10-15 minutes and lay down the law. A Charles Oakley type - though he wouldn't even need to be that good. (If he was healthy and not old Za would fit in well here). This team is really special. It'd be a shame if some team (like the Fakers) take advantage of this weakness and bounce us out of the playoffs. (Knock on wood)


Don’t blame you Alc, I wanna support the brand so bad but my god he would’ve been so much better with Nike


The play of the week/month point. Maybe like you said tally the points up, and maybe end of the year make a new award. Name it most electrifying player of the year or whatever. If something is over saturated people tend to not care. An award every week means there's too many winners, you're not special if you win. If everyone can brag about winning the same thing, then it becomes irrelevant right?


so Kuzma would be a better version of Kelly Oubre then? lol not a bad idea, although i do admit i cursed out loud when you said that shit lol


Personally i like a lot of the under armour stuff curry wears. Problem is, they never release 75% of it. The curry brand is definitely struggling but i think a large part of it is marketing and logistics. Remember when curry teased the new shoes in the finals (i think the curry 2?). Everybody wanted a pair and then they didn’t drop until like 7 months later! It was crazy. Similarly curry had a golf hat with the three fingers up that was dope and i saw a bunch of comments asking for it.. never dropped. Curry shoes… you can say they’re falling off… but they also only come out with a new color way like once every 6 months.


No to the trade. Its just something thats always seemed off about Kuzma to me. Getting rid of I dont think moody is fully ready to take Damiens spot yet.


U never fail to brighten my day alc 👌👌👌🐐🐐🐐

Andreas Wiedemann

I have a question: Which young core would you take over ours of Moody, Kuminga, Poole and Wiseman? Cavs? Magic? Im really unsure if anybody is in a better situation longterm than we are (especially if you factor in the winning culture)