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gsw vs uth gm 47


Natto Santo

First to here!


Steph tried to give them the game


At this point, we are all just sad for Steph. I know he will regain his form back but we need him for any of this to work


Loon saving. Curry... I don’t know what we can say at this point. Only thing left to try is find a way to make the game fun for him again and find rhythm. Give him back his old rotation, let him isolate more, idk

Siddhant S

I wonder if Poole didn’t play well off the bench to prove that he’s a starter for the dubs.


Does Curry need to stay in the Bay on the upcoming road trip next week? Big games this week but he must be tired. Back to back against Rockets/Spurs on the road, seems optimal to give him the days off. He may be entering the "Lebron needs a month off" period of his career to remain fresh and productive. No more MVP or accolade chasing, just enough to get some wins an put the team in position to succeed in the playoffs.


yah, JTA trying to be the effort guy but forgetting to play smart ball. Once EP shot that spaghetti leg 3 ball I knew we made the right choice. Villanova scouts to win chips not NBA long term talent it seems. makes sense there are some major growing pains this year all around, reintegrating Klay, rebound season from (2) dumpster fire ones, integrating young talent with vets, etc. I think we have the time to figure it all out. We'll see!


A lot of teams are giving steph a lot to handle from offense and defense…tiring him out…it’s a sound strategy…i think steph has to take the lebron in cleveland route and take possessions off within the game…Poole and wiggins should take the pressure off…but that would mean a lot more isos,something kerr is against…something has to change in my opinion…this style of play is becoming taxing…i see a lot more concentration and attention errors from steph…that’s fatigue


If Kuminga develops into a passer as well as a slasher, gonna be real hard to guard him.


i agree with you guys--i think JTA is trying too hard. Maybe the pressure of Kerr asking JTA to literally try to be Draymond, rather than JTA being his old self, is the strain we see. Also agree we're in a transition period right now--lots of integration before the playoffs, with more to come.


Contract kevon a.k.a. Baby KD


Before becoming the 3 point God, Steph had something to prove but now there's nothing & no one in front of him so maybe he needs motivation to make those 3's. Sorta like how MJ knew he was the best but still needed that motivation from his peers to "take things personal" so he can keep his game sharp. I think Klay can pull Steph out of this slump because even though they're on the same team, Klay is an elite shooter so that'll help Steph sharpen his knife so to speak

Jerry Heverly

Steph should have been the goat (in the pejorative sense), not for missing shots but for failing to block out ONeal on the final shot, bad fundamental basketball. Defensive Player of the Year? What a joke. That’s one time when stats overrule what the eyeballs see. I keep saying – Belly is a natural point forward – but where is Ron Adams? He’s supposed to be a defensive guru who can teach big men to defend. He sure hasn’t transformed Belly. Playing Klay off the bench makes sense but could he handle it emotionally? Makes you appreciate, once again, the maturity of Iguodala.


1. steph avoids saying this, but his finger/hand is dinged up for the last few games and that has definitely thrown him off. The question is why not rest those up? Where's Celebrini when you need him? 2. also i think gary payton II is a little hurt--he's sometimes holding his lower back during the game and laid it up gently rather than dunk during the Utah game. 3. Lastly, the upside to Steph struggling and the team learning to work as a team during the pre-all-star doldrums is they get to experience dialed-up, close games. We're not going to learn much from the garbage-time blow outs. Like Gobert said in his press conference--playing tight games is good preparation for the mental attitude you need at the end of the year. Good for JTA (who will fix that lay up for the next time), Damian, Kuminga, etc to learn now how to pull out a win during these prep games. 4. PS Life sucks without the Hezi/HVS podcast. You got me addicted damn you.


Was at the game and Jordan Poole stealing Clarkson’s soul was easily the play of the game. It’s crazy how much better he plays when he’s starts. I really hope we can get him to buy into the 6th man role once Klay is fully back and integrated into the lineup


GPII could be on minutes restriction due to health. But when GPII is playing short bursts he is just microwave defense, he pushes so hard. When GPII is unrestricted, he has to play more conservative style not to get out of breath.

Daniel Fries

I guess we're going with "Paschanimall" now that he's their problem. lol @that and the spraying in the face.. on fire today Alch!


Who they even trade Poole for anyway? Why would they trade their second best (sometimes best) scorer right now?

Abhi Kelkar

I've heard Gobert had a calf injury at the end of the game but who knows


Like that Jordan Poole in & out edit. Definitely wanna see more of that


I think Steph's shooting form the last few games look a lot better than before. So surprised to see these clanks from the last 2 games but I think it could have been bad luck. Keeping my fingers crossed.


Silver lining for Quinn Snyder, if the Jazz ever look to move in a different direction coaching wise, Quinn will have a job as the Green Goblin in the next Spiderman movie. Lol jokes aside, Looney's defense over these last few games has been absolutely elite. There's times I've been watching these games lately without Dray where I'm thinking he's been almost the most valuable player on the court for us. I was all aboard the trade loon train forvever too. Now we can't. Would love to just see him, Wise, and dray fill those 5 spot minutes.


Alch, am I crazy or does it often look like Steph is shooting a 2-motion shot instead of a 1-motion? I swear I'm seeing a district difference between his jump and his release.


I think Kerr’s pass-first motion offense is overrated. I think we have seen a return to the normal with how many teams are succeeding on midrange shots. The harden rockets kinda proved that too. We need a more balanced offense and I think part of that is running pick and rolls, isos, midrange, etc with steph. The system is a luxury of having two of the most unique players of all time(steph and dray). Part of me is hopeful, as kuminga and wiseman are definitely not picks you make if holding up the “system” was your goal. Steph needs a 7fter to pass it off too and he also can’t be running around so damn much. I also find the lineups Kerr put out there are so unbalanced and weird. Play steph with kuminga more, he is gonna have to do it anyways.


Came here to say "ankle"... a few games ago he definitely tweaked it.

Jimmy Ji

This team is not going to be the same offensively until Steph breaks out of his slump. The only silver lining is we still have the best defensive rating in the league so that will keep us in most games and having Draymond back will give this team confidence to go toe-to-toe against any team. Without Draymond however, this team is taking way too many risks on defense and leaving a lot of shooters open by trying to over-help. It didn't come back to bite us in this game but it is becoming a problem.


I thought Steph was stronger last season but according to Kerr he is benching 405 now, is putting on that size effecting his shot?


I also noticed Klay was just walking in offense during Q4 of the Indiana game so I though he's fatigue or something.


Here's my take on Rudy Golbert. Defensive player of the year a number of times... Me I'm not voting for him if I had the vote. Think about it, almost every team every play the first choice is involve Rudy in a PNR and exploit his weakness. Yes blocks are cool as hell and great BUT can u be defensive player of the year when the opposing teams first play choice is always, involve Rudy in a PNR and feast on easy 3's because truly that is Utahs weakness..? I say Hell no, Dray is a genius, he gets 3 votes over Rudy, hell Wigs straight punked him twice even when he was in his best spot under the rim. Subbed him out at the end for Pascall, that's proof, I rest my case, where's my mask I'm out.

Chip Tingle

Continued gratitude AA! JP starting until “Klay is Klay”, likely better for team….Agreed, if Klay and team would accept this. Increased minutes for YOUNG GLOVE….Agreed! More 2 man game w Steph/Otto…Agreed! Big PosiVibes to Klay and Dray and Wise!!!


to be fair to rudy, he rarely has plus defenders around him. He gets exploited his guards can't properly close off driving lanes. this Utah team is only possible because of gobert. I think many teams would love to have him. Yeah, he has his limitations, but he brings so much to the table. he can be a foundation for a strong defense no matter where he is.


What do you think about that video going around of him practicing his shooting routine, feels so strange to see him like this and I’m ready to treat it like the situation last year when Wanamaker was on the court and completely ignore it LMAOO I’m sick of it now


Imagine the curry from last season with this squad!? My goodness...

Kevin Morris

One of the things that happens to professional athletes is their consistency starts to decline. They can still have days where time slows down and they perform at an elite level, but they aren't as common and reliable. While there is evidence of this from Steph it doesn't explain why his production has fallen off a cliff in January. According to ESPN he is shooting 35.9% overall and 30% from 3 this month. He has had only one game where he shot over 50% and three games where his 3p% was 11% or less. Yesterday he was a volume shooter and shot 7.7% from 3. I have to think there is something going on in his life that is distracting him. In an interview when he was asked what he thinks about when he shoots, he said "Nothing at all." I wonder if that is true any more. One theory, his parents are going through a nasty divorce and it is a tough time for him, especially with mutual claims of infidelity. Two huge influences and role models in his life getting taken down a peg and that can't be easy to compartmentalize.


Klay isn't playing tomorrow. Maybe he is over doing it. He was off for 2.5 years. He should probably be restricted to 15 minutes or so or less a game until further notice. Poole isn't good off the bench as he is starting. I know Klay is a chosen one so he may try to override this.


An interesting pod on the Steph Curry situation to check out is Thinking Basketball episode 96 (there most recent) They go into the slump, but give the numbers on how much his gravity positively impacts the Warriors offensive engine despite him missing so many shots. Essentially, despite his poor shooting, he is still guarded as if he is shooting 100% from distance, and the effect is tremendous. One could argue, this season they intentionally planned for him to be more of a volume shooter for this very reason. That even while bricking a 31 footer, its overall effect on the defensive scheme not only in that specific game but in future opponents, is why this offense has survived during this team wide shooting slump. ...just food for thought


I've been watching the arc on his 3's for a few weeks now, it's been a bit inconsistent. Never seen so many flat trajectories from him before.


yup Steph gave a smart answer at his post-game presser bc he knew there are millions of dumbassess in this world who don't know the difference between "excuses" and "reasons". Steph was a madman in October and November then almost overnight in December he starts slumping. That's fuckin weird. What's the reason? Did he make adjustments to alleviate discomfort from his tailbone / hand injury? Fatigue from being jacked and heavier and then running around as a decoy and setting screens? All this compounded over the years plus his new minutes have taken a toll on him? Analytics crew in his ear? Contemplating Wiseman possibly not available for the playoffs? Did he get new contact lenses or Lasik - a surgery that can distort a person's vision. Is his personal trainer Brandon doing ok? Haven't seen him on IG/Twitter for a while. Another weird thing is Steph, Wiggins and Poole can't have a good game altogether. It's usually one of them will have a great game and the other two don't do as well.


It makes me think there might be mechanics or something physical involved. He was leaving them short there! Idk might be best not to talk about it!


It's definitely fatigue. He's asked to do too much

Natto Santo

Sorry to be mean but really happy not to see much JTA these two games. Bjli is so not ready all the time, is he drinking before game? how the hell he missed that layup? And Kerr just keep playing Bjli instead of JK and Moody. There is another worries, AI is regressing on his passing ability, which means if Green went down, we do not have an adequate passer in the lineup (JTA is just below the line). Bjli was supposed to be a good passer but he is just physically not prepared.

Ryan Mitchell

1. We scored 11 points in the 4th - WTF ha 2. Did anyone catch the Joe Engles and Poole comment that Fitz made?!?! Something about Engles ‘patting’ him on the head - hahaha that’s not what was happening! Once again I’m the last one to comment on here. . . benefit of being in Europe with a family and working like a 🐶

k. marcelous

Alc’ we gotta talk about Loon in the reality of his spot/contract. Is he really worth it? I feel like ANY decent center should easily get 10 & 10 a game, and just because Loon has improved as nearly a 10 & 10 player it ain’t enough. I really feel like the offense is orbiting around his limitations. He can’t catch a hot potato and do you really think he could play for another NBA team? Think about it…. Or would another team even have patience enough to keep playing him? I’ve been a DUB fan for life and we ain’t never had a star/healthy/All Star center in my lifetime. We need that. I wise Chinese man once told me, “Never keep loose change in your pockets because it takes up space for new money to come in.” I’m curious to your perspective fam. Keep up the good work.


I haven’t been a Looney fan… until lately. He’s got a team-friendly contract at $5M per year. Suddenly he’s our most durable player (the only one to start every game), and he can now go 28-30 mins. If you can sign him for $10M/yr, you gotta do it.