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gsw vs dal gm 37



I was at this game in person alch and holy fuck Luka is a crybaby I mean every stoppage it’s complaining to refs I feel like he got to the foul line every drive. Dishonest basketball it’s not fun to watch


I guess Steph’s pleasure palace wasn’t good enough for Ayesha. Time to cut Ayesha and replace with another 10day side piece like Dell?


Agreed about Luka. Something about his game is unlikable. Not sure exactly what it is but he's not someone I am dying to watch like KD or Giannis. Anyway, tough loss. OPJ's absence was definitely noticeable. Lastly, for Steph, I think he needs rest and then I'd like to see how he looks. Obviously is in a slump but I have no reason to believe he can't get out of it sometime soon.


I think the coaching staff needs to adjust a bit to the fact that Steph might not be the same guy he used to be. His efficiency in every statistic is down, especially finishing. Maybe it's time to admit the problem that's in front of our eyes, the Steph-centric Offense might actually be a negative in the playoffs. I hope the staff has some new wrinkles and adjustments.


i almost feel like curry needs a vacation from his vacation. The family drama the past year or two always gets more in focus on the holidays. Give him the break today and let him just get some r&r and hopefully find the joy again for hooping. Seeing him struggle is so weird but to see the body language and the mental gaffs is another thing. Just seems be be a perfect storm of mid season fatigue both in body and mind mixed in with life outside of basketball. I think just having Klay on the court again will just make him happy and will be a catalyst for another good run of basketball from #30. Watching Luka play is absolutely obnoxious. I was watching by myself cursing at all the BS calls he gets. I legit cannot understand what a foul is anymore game to game. Perhaps Im just a homer but it was unbearable to watch the disparity in calls.


its not even a steph centric offense... its leveraging steph's threat in order to make it an offense for others..

Matt Hanna

You hit the nail on the head Alch, its tough to watch Steph in this slump. I thought tonight would be a great game to get right but something isnt there. I texted my friends that he just needs and extended rest and he should be good. Hope thats all it takes. Like youve been saying all season - BIG picture - and we need that mentality as Steph is slumping - we are still winning.


Great breakdown to put everything in perspective! 1. I think the reason Luka is annoying is because it’s a combination of the Kyle Lowry syndrome and entitlement from the media. Unlike his draft companion Trae who embraced the heel like CP3, Luka’s the fake baby face like Kyle Lowry acting like the hero. For the last couple of years the Media has been pushing the narrative of Luka for MVP and things of that nature. As of recently it may have gone to this head cuz he feels entitled to those calls even though he has no hardware to show for it. It would be fine and dandy if he felt that way by taking care of his body like Lebron because it shows what he’s working towards but clearly he hasn’t which is why it causes so much dissonance to us. This contradiction of saying this but doing that doesn’t sit well psychologically with us because it feels like a sleight. 2. Steph needs to rest till his Splash Bro returns. Like just hangout and take the kids for a walk or something. 3. A good example again of not losing, but getting beat. A lot to learn and take back to the drawing board. 4. Circle your calendar for Sunday


Kinda spoke about Luka’s unlikeability on another comment, hopefully that gives some perspective

Ken Bradford

Isn't Steph's decline kinda a product of his improved defense and new rotation ?


I think the difference with lowry is that i dont think Luka is a dirty player, he draws frustating calls and refs should take a look at that, but he is talented enough to be greater than lowry or trae for sure imo. A bit discouraging how he doesnt seem to be taken his body serious. However, he is always that fighting for his team/country, thats really valuable too as a competitor, even if he doesnt work as hard in the gym. Pros and cons of being so talented from such a young age i believe.

Paul Hanson

I never played anything besides playground basketball and I for sure was never, ever close to NBA shape so I only go on what I see from Steph compared to other times. #1: To me-he seems tired in the legs. Everything starts with the lower body to me. This has something to do with how his shot feels and how his shot feels has something to do with accuracy and that good old "I've got it going" feeling. #2: the book entitled "How To Defend Stephen Curry" is out and available everywhere. Whether teams can do it or not is another thing-but teams are making him work, work, work for everything. This is part of it. By the time he gets a chance to take a bunny shot-his tank is emptier than it used to be and one miss leads to 3 and a lack of what is most important-core mental and physical confidence. Shake that just a bit-and it's all likely to go south. #3: None of us will ever know what it's like to be a superstar in terms of demands on your time, your home life, being in the spotlight. I'm sure he's grounded in his core spirituality and he seems to be more concerned with real life things such as being unselfish and helpful and honest. Going after that 3-point record -it's great that he is now #1-but is he off because he focused so much on that? To me his real slumping came just about the time he said that maybe he could hit 16 3s. Now that it's finally over, he got a lot of flowers from all the sports media-could it be that he is really lagging because of how stressful that all was? It's clear-he could use a break. He could probably use more time off in general. If Klay comes back-no matter what Klay plays like-it's probaby not a moment too soon for Steph to have some other huge element for defenses to focus on. Steph got the Warriors through a hell of a lot and because of him one way or another-they are tied for the best record in the league. Without Klay-that's saying something.


Didn’t cover Steph on his defense. It was not good. Watched a player blow is he was retrning to defend. Steph should not play tonight. He should head bome and rest until Sunday. I see exhaustion. Emotional? Maybe


since it was brought up, does it make curry a cuck if he's also getting some on the side? Would'nt that just make him a swinger?


I don't know why they didn't attack Luka More. He's not a great defender and getting Steph, wiggs or even Minga going down hill on him should be a plus.

Jerry Heverly

Must resist the temptation to overreact to one game. Watching the replays I saw how many plays Steph screwed up. If we have depth there should be multiple players to compensate but not this night. But there were some good things: Kuminga did a nice job defending Luka. One game soon he is going to put it all together, offense and defense. GP2 eleven rebounds. He seems to improve with every game. JTA; he finally asserted himself offensively. He took a corner three without hesitation for the first time in weeks. This was a game where DLee should have filled a role as scorer. With Klay back he may find himself exiled.


White Zion with CP3 sprinkles and topped up with Lebrons female tendencies


i think it's wife shit, dude looks incongruent from deep within, also maybe a let down from breaking the record, being on top of the league again, holidays, like you said - perfect storm, killa comin in to give the boost


Idk man, I think it's the wife, curry seems to be a very family guy and stuff, if this turns out to be true, and they are trying to damge control it, it sure adds to the whole thing, hope he gets out of it soon.


Kyle’s point has some legitimacy. After breaking the record, the feeling might have been “meh.” He broke the record and now what?! The drive isn’t the same. We’ve all felt that way before. I think give him a week and he will be back; especially with Klay coming back. Playing well with him is the respect that Klay deserves.


Damn Alc, what's crazy is I knew nothing about this whole Ayesha situation so as soon as you said it I went and goolged it... Yeah apparently it's rumored that they have an open relationship and that they maybe be headed towards divorce due to a spat over a funiture company that Ayesha started last yr... It makes sense brodie... And from what I seen outta Steph, he wear his emotions on his sleeve i.e when he cried in the tunnel after game 3 2017-18 Finals after have a suspect output like he just knew the evasive "Finals Mvp" would go Carmen Sandiago on him once again... At this point, I hope they just rest him for a few games and let him get together... But once again good looks on the break down and keeping me in the loop🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿

Siddhant S

Hey Alc, you saw that All-star vote tally come out? Our guys are in it, let’s go! Let’s take Wiggs to the moon!


luka is hella sloppy. Frustrating af to watch


yah and feel you on Luka, dude clearly has mad skill but feels like a pre-madonna at the same time, like he the most important person in the universe, makes me cringe, dont fuck with him at all, i dont want to wish him injury, but i feel you, it will be inevitable with his over confident chubby swag


lol. A cuck is a cuck. you don't lend your wife out to other men, it's degenerate and cucked behavior. It sure as heck isn't "Christian" like they proclaim to be either.

Major Powers

I'm with you. I don't like Luka's a whiny ass either, and it's a fucking slog to watch all those absolute joke fouls (meanwhile Steph looks like he gets mauled by a bear every game - if he got Luka's calls he'd have 30 FTs a game). One could even theorize the league treats Luka like a golden baby because they think he'll attract more white middle american viewers.


Never mind Luka, I honestly cant stand the face of Mark Cuban and Steve Ballmer


I was at work during the game, and every time I watched it, Luka was either doing bullshit or complaining. Absolutely disgusting to watch. I feel like most casual fans don't notice it, because they just see the highlights on the NBA channel. I think a coach taking a fine just to talk shit and point out how he's being refereed is the only way at this point.


I'm becoming concerned about Curry's play this season as more of an indication of something I mentioned last year (as the result of him bruising his tailbone). To refresh last years comment. When someone injures their coccyx, it has the possibility, with time, to create a kind of set point on perspective, that in a sense, alters our reality to a degree. Simply put, if you watch a dog when wagging his tail, you will see the spine moving the opposite way of the tail. There are still proprioceptors in our "tail" that affect humans the same way. After trauma, the body can get into a protective muscle spasm holding the muscles around the injury. From the way Curry is shooting and the way he is playing around the basket this year, I'm concerned there is some residual from last years trauma. If you think this is something that would be rectified by the medical staff, think again. What I'm talking about is not in the lexicon of most if any medics and PTs in the US. This is a knowledge base from Europe and its taken me years to notice these subtilties in my clients. And if there are further doubts that the staff should know these things, (because the staff should be the best in the land, etc), take note of Loon and Auto-matic. One can see that Looney runs like he's ready to fall down all the time, and Porter seems stiff in the hips. These kind of obvious physical compensations should be addressed by the medical/therapy staff, but obviously havent; these type of restrictions are correctable. And if this kind of obvious stuff is not addressed, then the more subtle and esoteric kind of things about Curry surely would not be noticed. Of course Currys shooting issues etc, could have numerous causations, like family, internet crap, whatever, but in any event, if his tailbone is still messed up, this might not turn out well. Knowing about these issues only causes me grief, because there is not a damn thing I can do. The team medical keeps itself ensconced like the illuminati. I'll give this 50/50, hope I'm wrong... : (


Ong family drama is multiplied by 10 during the holidays 😪


I watch this video like five times now. I kind of noticed the early on in the game, Steph was rushing his layups as if he was expecting contact. After the 3rd he slowed down and it looked like him. He seen more in control. So that him seeing ghosts is pretty apt. I think that's compounded with the fact that he's not getting any calls to go to the free throw line. So there's that added pressure.

John Z

Feel like a broken record, when there's no rhythm/the offball is shutdown, we need to be able to have Steph on ball more and running PnR more. When this shit gets shutdown against decent opponents, we need to be ready, so we don't need to get ready when it's absolutely necessary. I know the system generates a lot, but at what cost to Steph.


Funny enough, the local radio station, 95.7 the game, also alluded to Steph's shooting struggles being from all the 'swinging' rumors last week. They didn't say it outright, but you knew what they were talking about when they said it.

Jimmy Ji

Maybe Dallas did screw themselves by trading Trae for Luka.


I feel like Steph is having Ayesha problems or family problems in general. The parents divorce last year, wierd rumors. The “Ayesha wants more attention from dudes” and thing that happened last year. It looks like Steph’s worldview got shaken up and he’s looking for the meaning of life out there. And for a religious man possibly losing his innocence at 33, it makes sense. Hopefully we are wrong though, it’s all bullshit, and he plays well the rest of the season lol


The team starting out so much stronger than anyone expected, breaking the 3-pt record, hearing MVP rumors, it's all been one pressure after another to perform. Has to be a breaking point, I think we're seeing it now.


The time to panic for Steph is about a month After Klay is back. If he's still playing like this then something might really be wrong. Hopefully Klay's impact won't just be his spacing but it will take a mental load of Steph as well. We all know how deep the team is but do you think there is really anyone on there now even Wiggins that Steph can honestly look at and say to himself "I trust that guy to carry the load when I don't have it"?


As Always thanks for the breakdown Alch, a genuine question for you. Do you go through and edit together specific clips you want to show or do you sometimes work off already available clips or both?


I think we thinking about it way too hard……it’s a slump he looked tired and all his shots were short, then he was in early foul trouble which ruined any rhythm he would’ve had. He’s ok. There’s nothing anyone can say to him, sometimes the shots don’t fall but they will and he’ll explode when they do. RELAX everyone


Given the length of this slump, I think it's something significant. It would be crazy if he is having marital troubles at the same time as his parents. Given he seems to be enjoying himself on the court, it doesn't seem to be ball related. I guess that leaves the wife. I have a hard time believing it's due to his parents--if it is, they must be some needy mfers to mess with his head like this.


I too find Luka's game really unlikeable. Steph had covid before right? I'm wondering if he is suffering some effects of brain fog but I'm praying he isn't.


We need to Trade steph for Russ


I really hope none of those personal stuff about Steph's parents or his own family life would truly affect him. He is such a great player and it would be a absolute shame if we don't see him lead the squad for another run. Especially that Klay is coming back and it would be the best time for the NBA again after all the mediocre basketball we had to watch in the last two years around the league. Let's go Warriors! Let's go Splash Brothers! Let's go Steph!


Yall was that the hardest game of the season to watch thus far? I puked in my mouth a bit. Hope Steph will regain a rythym with Klay.


Amar Singg, you're the dorkiest gullible dumbass ever. This "news" originated from a gossip IG that accepts random emails/DMs from ANYONE and posts shit without verifying anything. They might have planted it themselves to get more followers. This shit was posted AFTER he broke the 3-point record. It's the new rotation and no calls compounded with "everyone's throwing everything at him" - which makes me wonder why they don't try to wear down the opponents' shooters.

Qiushi Hu

Luka is the new Harden


"He was playing hard like he needed citizenship" LMAO.


At 4:14, Steph travels by taking 3 steps after he gathers the ball. I can't tell if he is doing these by accident or if he literally doesn't understand how this gather stuff works. He's done this way too many times. I think he needs a better shooting coach which is ridiculous to say but that's what I have to conclud.e

Natto Santo

I used to like Luka but he cries so much and getting so fat that I don’t watch him at all now. Dude is pathetic, acting like a whiny fat bitch. All the charisma is just gone.

Natto Santo

For Steph, I think it is age. Aging will come all of a sudden. You just lost that cat reflex one day and never get back. But you can still be effective by experience and shooting touch. It takes a few months to adjust, but Steph will be fine as he can still shoot better than most of the players.


Remember when Luka told the media he needs to be better about complaining


I see some mental fatigue from steph…he’s not playing with the same focus as in the first 15 games…it’s always around ASB that he plays like this but not this early…the shots he’s taking are prayers…he needs a break…


Luka was immediately one of my favorite players to watch his rookie year, but my gosh he's becoming as bad as Harden now. Just being a little bitch constantly. Don't even get me started on the fouls he gets, they are ridiculous already and then compared to how much the league clearly despises Steph it makes everything completely BS everytime we play the Mavs


With the way the game was going we would have just missed the point blank lay ups lol


Maybe Steph is just a little bored.


Luka annoys the shit out of me. Lol I’ve held it in so long! I feel better now. Thank you Alch