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gsw v den gm 34


Nathan Glanzer

It sucks we didn't pull off the comeback but probably good for us to not have as well. Can't play as bad as we did in the first half and still win a game. But my God that defense in the 3rd and 4th was epic. This is the type of game that makes me think this team is not losing a 7 game series.


Crazy to think only like 3 guys on this team can hit 2 free throws in a row, once! Lol


Steph's percentages are far below his normal efficiency. Is anyone concerned at all? The guy isn't going to the rim at all and he's abandoned all mid range. I've never seen a run for him like these last ten games


Fuck taking L's we gotta continue to win

David A.

Sure, we missed a lot of freethrows. My biggest frustration was Steph's unbelievably sloppy first half, however.


Great insight on that last play where Steph was open, but didn't get the ball.


True....what also gave me confidence is that the role players are starting to show up big on road games.

james moore

This team nor steph just rolls over. They will always fight till the end. 27-7 in December with klay on the horizon


I bet if Wiggins cleaned up that neck beard he would have had a much more solid performance lol. I am sold dude still hasn’t learned how to take him self seriously and take care of the details of himself. I’m guessing Wiggs lives life off the court like an oversized teenager. He has been more clean cut this year than I have ever seen. Prob was playing a lot of 2K on the couch during protocol. Hopefully he gets a fresh cut before the next game and his game reflects that :-)

Jimmy Ji

How often do you see games where both teams score under 90 at the end of regulation these days? It felt like a 90s-era grind it out game where both offenses looked atrocious at times. We should've seen this one coming, second time we've lost a home game after beating the Phoenix Suns. I'm with you Alch, I'm not going to get too concerned over a letdown game because the NBA season is a grind. The more important aspect moving forward is to get Klay acclimated with the rest of the lineup and to go into the postseason healthy. We still have yet to face the Jazz so it will be interesting to see how the Warriors match up against their squad before ultimately deciding on the seeding position.


yall seeing bob and kelenna catching HEAT on twitter for their comments? theres a chance we get barnett back


That first half and the free throws were plenty to do us in but a solid credit to the team for clawing back like they did. Joker is in better shape this year but his team just isn't there at the moment. He is more than we can handle without Dray, and Wiseman would get smoked by Joker with his lack of leg strength, the only hope is Wiseman can get around Joker and beat him down the court, once it goes to a half court game Wise currently has no chance. Still having Jokers coach on our side will only help him and us.


Considering I expected to get blown off the court without Draymond I ain't upset at all, quite the opposite actually. Damn do I love the fight and grit this team has, they just never die


One of Warriors systems biggest weaknesses is the lack of desire to attack specific match up on a game to game basis, Kerr’s system “plays by itself” rather than playing to the opponent. This game we should’ve attacked Jolie relentlessly with Steph, Kuminga and Wiggs in pick and rolls


We have had the chance to see what Steph is without Klay. This was a little glimpse at what he looks like without Draymond setting him up all game and keeping them communicating on defense. I'd be surprised if we didn't drop a few games missing so many people.

paul reboca sr

alc why you so hard on Belli, in my opinion he is a solid player, i think our management team did great by bringing in him and porter this year


Agreed that we are fine with or almost deserve to have some sloppy games, though we still managed to get all the way back at the end somehow. Good to see Wiggins coming back and carrying the load offensively for us in the first half. Fatigue kicked in at the end there probably but that's all good. More importantly than the outcome of this game, I think it is great for the team to realise how unorganised it can get on both ends of the floor without Draymond. Hopefully we will learn from that and develop some sort of habits as to what we can do if Draymond is for whatever reason not in the game...That also speaks to how great he has been for us this year.

Jerry Heverly

They say airplane crashes always have multiple causes; Steph and Andre gifted a bunch of points with awful passing in the first quarter; JTA’s timidity and lack of bulk were factors; Porter disappeared; Free throws, of course; Where was Witherspoon?


Maybe my expectations are too high… he has gotten by, but I expected him to flourish more offensively


It’s funny because who worries you most, PHX, UTH…… or MEM? I feel like they naught want to sun to avoid the grizzlies side of the bracket


I hear you! In the moment it’s always frustrating.. but in the grand scheme it won’t matter


Alch, is it possible that Kerr wants to see if JTA can handle the Draymond role and is willing to risk a game to find out? I would've preferred to see Kuminga takes those minutes too. I'm just trying to consider what kind of long term perspective coaches take


I saw a good loss yet again…free throws maybe something to look at for the playoffs…kuminga definitely needs more minutes…i still think wise changed a lot of things in the organization…i remember kerr giving a lot of minutes to mccaw and others in the past….maybe we don’t have a lot of cushion as in the past…

Siddhant S

This defence is consistent, no player other than Antman has scored 35+ pts against the dubs this season. That’s gotta mean something.


Alch what did you think about Austin Rivers getting on the Warriors commentators about making fun of Campazzo’s accent or saying he (Austin) was paid so much on the Clippers cause of his dad. Maybe you mentioned on the Hezi but just wanted your thoughts on those comments. Out of bounds?


yeah I wanted OPJ in the starting lineup too. Day 1 without Draymond providing nuances of Warriors basketball. Win/Lose whatever. Just wanted to see their gameplan for the first game and the adjustments they'll make for Day 2. They have won games without Draymond previously and as we can see from the second half effort they were close. Can't be said enough when it's down to the wire FTs are everything.