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draft candid reaction


TJ Levey

Nice can’t wait to see the rest of the player breakdowns


This is why I'm a patron

Chris Cho

the giddey reaction 😂

TJ Levey

Let’s go can’t wait for the Hezi


We literally couldnt not have had a nicer draft. Such good picks everthing went rigjt


Made my night, Alch. 😁😁


"This fool looks like harry potter on stilts" LMAO


I was shocked when they picked giddey I forsure thought it was bouknight but I’m high on kuminga warriors fans on Twitter don’t like him at all


bruh Kendrick Perkins saying "Modi Mooby Moony Milli Mose" had me dead lol


You’re too funny I can’t 😂


What a draft


Kuminga + Moody...is actually a near A+ draft night at 7 and 14 for the Warriors. Obviously a lot of unexpected picks happen but just two weeks ago, no one would have thought the Warriors would get those two


Perkins lmao he can never do right. 😭 so happy about our draft picks!


You’re the GOAT!


This was a good ass draft for us considering what was out there! Also this reaction vid >>>>>>>


Very solid value draft. A little concerned that Kuminga lacks the mindset to take full advantage of his gifts ala Wiggins 2.0, but he is a great piece for trades or for the long term future. Moody at 14 is just right. I think they keep him. Alongside Poole they just might be a little “different” for teams to match up with.


Moody made my night bearable, the Kuminga pick is banking on the development staff being the greatest thing since the championship Raptors.


I dont know who we picked but im gonna watch this and find out




Moses Kuminga


Harry Potter on stilts 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂🤪💀


I was waiting for the reaction to perks mini stroke lmao


I'm happy as hell, thanks for the Video. Moody was a steal at 14. Both are the classic Warrior wingspan picks. It's like clockwork that they put heavy importance on wingspan. Both these guys can defend because it will be hard to coast at this level especially with Kerr. When we were up at 7 I was hoping they took Kuminga, when 14 came up I was hoping Moody.


Lmao a week ago dudes were trying to decide between Kuminga and Moody at 7, and somehow we stole Moody at 14?? For some reason I kinda understand why Thunder pick Giddey, I watched Giddey live in person in Aus, the kid has some special talent, but definitely not a 6th pick though. When spurs made their pick my reaction was "WHO???" Overall grade A draft, still wish they drafted Mitchell, but like you said can't complain about Kuminga dude is a top 3 prospect talent wise

Major Powers

Sam Vecenie had Kuminga and Moody going 5th and 7th. And he's got a pretty good track record.


On the broadcast I was watching they said kuminga hasn't seen his parents since he moved to the states at 13. I can't imagine how hard that would be. His parents are now here and staying with him so that should really help him just as a person. Im thinking this will translate to more consistent effort on court. Also having a newly beefed up training staff won't hurt either. Wiseman Kuminga Moody Poole Mannion is quite the second coming.


Good point about the parents being around. That should help him concentrate on just playing ball.


Your hoping seems to work, can you hope the Warriors are at most 6th seed... No play in next season

Branden Edwards

Straight up I'm ecstatic. Got a guy that can contribute immediately and a kid to develop with all-star upside. Bob did good


This was dope alch!! Pretty damn good draft. Gotta get cuz on the pod too!

Jimmy Ji

Moody was an excellent pick and is probably a better fit than Oubre. Moody also allows us to slowly ease Klay back into the rotation. Good riddance, Mychal Mulder. I hope we never have to play him ever again.

Ken Bradford

But it's warriors Twitter they think we can trade for everything they want


Twitter fingers at 2:00

Ken Bradford

Maaan i fucking hate warriors Twitter sometimes so fucking delusional on everything. Like what trade was there to significantly improve the team? You can't make a trade without the other side saying yes !!!! This was a great draft.


Some niggas had him 2nd round. I’m dead 💀💀


Great draft btw. We loaded up on shooting and a big wing. Imagine Wiggins wise and kuminga locking up the other team


Alc what was your reaction to the Spurs picking primo?


I was dying when Giddy got picked


Thank you on Giddy. So many people wanted that kid he's built like a piece of paper. Maybe he will be great but that's a pick that seems way riskier than JK. JK gonna dunk on LeBron next year


Wiggins-Kuminga archipelago is wild


Perk having a stroke low key killed me. What a draft though, I’m stoked on Kuminga and Moody!


Lmao my boy was legit excited, good to see you Alc

John Pettus

I guess we're telling Nico to stay in Italy, huh?


Love it!


As far as keeping the picks and actually drafting this feels like a best case scenario. A lot of the casuals in the fandom saw the Westbrook trade and assumed we had to give up everyone for a superstar, but no one’s on the table. Other than Beal who looks like he’s staying who is there? Simmons and Siakim don’t move the needle for me. With Kuminga and Wiseman now that’s a hard package to beat for a team looking to trade a star for young pieces. Wouldn’t mind looking into some of Pacers’ assets (Turner, Brodgon, Warren?) should they want to rebuild


Also Kuminga is so tantalizing but we almost gotta trade him right? We don’t have the 2-3 years for him to develop and his value should still be pretty high.


not for a few years tho. Kuminga is just so intriguing too bad hes very raw and needs a lot of work


Whew-wee. That was a ride last night. I really thought we should be drafting for the highest ceiling at 7 and someone who was a better mix of ceiling and potential early contributor at 14. With those as my criteria, I don't think we could have been better that Kuminga and Moody with what was on the board at the time. With this new development staff, this could be really interesting, especially if we could get a Batum or another rotational win-now free agent (or two) on the cheap. Fingers crossed for that next step. But, I'm liking this draft.


boyyy when you look at mody moody

Jimmy Ji

Also forgot to mention, Kuminga is what 18 years old? I'm calling it now, in 5 years he's going to be 6'11" 245 lbs and will have a similar frame as Giannis. He's got African genes so you know its going to happen.


If we got a the same output as Gianni's first 3 years how do you feel?


Summer league is going to be 🔥


What I see in Kuminga. https://images.app.goo.gl/mNiobPc3nqjxY4AN7


Can't front I wasn't really paying attention to Giannis his first years. I'd be happy if Kuminga was a solid bench rotation guy, maybe like an 8th or 9th man by end of year. Not sure if those expectations are too high


LOL @ Perkins, I'm dying. 😂


Giddey? WTF? Australian league: didn't a broken-down Andrew Bogut win the MVP there a few years ago? We caught a real break there.


Alch talk about the signing of jaquori mclaughlin! He was a steal as well. Move over Nico

Mike Peterson

Can't wait to hear your take on free agency. Looks like Lebron is working on his own personal reboot of Golden Girls.


moldy moody! lol