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nets bucks

This is "nets bucks" by Athletic Alchemy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



uncle alchemy comin thru in the clutch


As it gets into the conference finals I will be able to focus in on all the good games..when there are 3-4 in a night, I kinda got try and pick ahead a time. Crazy tho..6ers suns!?


Gotta make a video about how Harden was right the whole time. Giannis just is big and runs and dunks all athleticism and no skill


I think we have all been patient with his development, this is year 8! It’s time he starts being held as accountable as these other superstars


giannis should euro left and go opposite leg/opposite hand finish


It’s funny they were talking about how he stays late everyday to shoot FT.. but what good does it do if his form is broke? It seems to me he is putting in the work, but the wrong work.


Man I wouldve bet all my money that u clown Thansis, for when Kyrie put him on his butt. That fool is jumping on the sideline 24/7 like an over the top hypeman, subs in for like 4 sec and gets shot by a sniper immediately. that shit was funny


I missed it! My pops is in town so I was up and down with food and drinks. Yeah he way too much

Major Powers

Durant made a pact with Lucifer (aka Draymond in the parking lot) and formed the Unholy Trinity of Doom: Steph, KD & Klay, the most high octane three-headed dragon in NBA history. And now they are all paying for their sins as the Basketball Pantheon of Gods collects their souls and the souls of all those around them.


Thinking that giannis is seeing or being told that in order to keep the defense honest or improve his game he has to work on that set shot three, but in that case wouldn’t a midrange jumper be more efficient? Then again a quick pullup jumper from midrange can be more difficult for a guy his size and skill level, so idk what to do except tell him to work on his playmaking and ball movement if he wants to improve his game.


I’d love to see a jump hook with the counter fade over the right shoulder. And then a lil elbow jumper ala David west or Aldridge

John Pettus

Totally agree on the Giannis 3s. There's no excuse for it. It's *unprofessional* and disrespectful to his team for him to be taking that shit. I'm sure they justify it by thinking it'll force people to come out and guard him, but the reality is the opposite. They'll just have better data that you definitely SHOULDN'T guard Giannis behind the line.

John Pettus

I actually disagree on Kevin Durant. When I watch him I see him visible pouting all the time, and I think it's deflating for his teammates. He stays on the ground pouting after he doesn't get calls. He literally hangs his head when things are going against him. It's interesting that you saw it differently. He's not as bad as Lebron, by any stretch, but it was bad enough that I noticed it during that Game 4.


maybe hang his head isn’t the right way to put it. He will pout at times. But you don’t ever see him pack it in competitively

Kahlil Baker

I think Giannis light weight made a dirty ass play against Kyrie. There is no reason he should’ve been under Kyrie like that!!

John Pettus

Oh yeah. He's always looking for that next chance to stick the knife in you. On the court AND on the Gram!

Jimmy Ji

Playing a 72 game condensed season after an already shortened offseason has got to be one of the reasons why there are so many injuries this year. Looking back at the first round, do you think the Warriors had any chance of beating any of the top-4 seeded teams in a 7-game series? I think the Nuggets may have been the only team the Warriors had a realistic shot of beating.


I heard others say the same.. I’d give him the benefit of the doubt because I haven’t seen him do it before


As disappointing as it was we are better off with the lottery pick. I think Steph and Dray were running low on juice by that point. Saw the same thing with the Lakers really. The final 2 weeks were playoff games

Jimmy Ji

Agreed, I think the injury bug will continue into next season as well because of the shortened offseason again this year. It was probably best that the Warriors didn't make the playoffs for Steph's sake.


I agree with the schedule and its correlation to some injuries, but in regards to Brooklyn, an ankle turn like that isnt caused by fatigue and Harden took enough time off in Houston, he either has to take at least some of the blame for not preparing properly or the Hammy was just bad luck, in this case its not on the load during this particular season


I agree KD looked defeated & frustrated down the stretch, he still gonna get his points he’s just that good but KD the ultimate weapon a team can have but he’s not a leader that galvanize his team to wins


I think that Giannis should shoot 3-4 threes a game. The ones hes been taking tho aren't really the ones I would want him to. I'd say corner threes and late in the shot clock let her rip, but transition pull up, noooo. Also he needs to get his whole shooting mechanics tweaked in the off season. Plus just catch and shoot that damn free throw, don't stand there for 14 seconds thinkin bout how badly you're gonna brick it.


It’s looking more and more like we’re going to see Suns vs 76s. I think I’m rooting for the Suns in that matchup but I guess it would be kind of cathartic to see Embiid get a ring. He will be insufferable if he does though 😂


all he did was box out though, got under the rim to get the board. nothing we haven't seen from any big man a 100 times a game


On Giannis, he most definitely is searching for glory more than what it takes to win. Even wanting to take the ball up court probably is what he wants as much as what's correct for the team. His 1 on 4 moves with a set D is all going right as you say and I think it's forced to try and make him happy and try to get the other teams in foul trouble. Durrant, Harden or LeBron could do the same thing and probably better but it's not correct. I think he just came into the game being a freak that was really hard to stop and like high school kids he just feels unstoppable and likes to be the man on every play. I guess we could blame the coach and or FO for just letting him shoot 3's and go one on whatever most every play to try to keep him happy or he'll bolt to another team. As bad as his FT's are why have him going 1 on 4 to the hoop to draw fouls if it throws the whole offense into a loop..


That game was like the desert you rarely have once every blue moon (doughnuts) with the rare kind of full game defense with intensity, defensive stance, bumping cutters, pressing the passing lanes, fighting over the picks, contesting without fouling....play after play after play. The all star game opposite.

Kahlil Baker

Normally Abhiram I would be with you on that. But the fact that he watched Kyrie go up and then placed his body directly underneath him, leaving no place for Kyrie to land. That’s why I think it’s dirty


A great breakdown as always Alch. I'm here for the general turn on Giannis, a two time MVP and a DPOY should be hell to a higher standard. To be fair to him though I get the Westbrook comp but I think his personality is quite different. Given how quickly he developed I think many people expected that to continue in all aspects of the game and it just hasn't. As to his decision making etc I blame the coaching staff, my impression is he's not the clear Alpha on the team necessarily who wants to be in control all the time. But given his skills for his size he's been fed the line for years on end now that he is the system. Worse now in an effort to try and take it to the next they are now telling him to take the 3s to try and keep the D honest and stretch out that wall. Having said that given his obvious clout now he needs to start being held to account regardless. If he really wants to win then he has to recognise his flaws and adjust accordingly. I'd say I favour the 76s in an ECF matchup but that really depends on Embids Health. Both teams have gaping flaws that the other can exploit. The wholes in Simmons game are becoming as apparent and exposed as with Giannis.


bottom line is harden has the come back for game 6 ASAP if possible. Asking KD to be a heliocentric offensive weapon is far too much strain for him. hopefully harden can warm up properly next time and get sleep and play as well as he did.


Alch looking forward to your vlog and basketball training videos, seeing you making these sharp reads on NBA players makes me want you to coach me haha, recently got embarrased on the court and really need to improve my skills and instincts. Great breakdown as always, my hot take is ECF Nets vs Hawks. I think KD will pull off consecutive historical performances to win in 7