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gsw vs den gm 54

This is "gsw vs den gm 54" by Athletic Alchemy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Steph >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dude has been hovering between 1st and 3rd best player in the entire league for 5 years straight. I've got him 2nd now, but Warriors fans are #BLESSED Don't give me that Dame, Harden, AD, Giannis bullshit (even if they've got their own greatness going on). Unless it's KD or LeBron, I don't wanna hear about it. Sorry, just had to say that


Get Steph some help in the summer please. Straight up carrying dead weight to a play-off spot with beyond MVP numbers .


We are so blessed to have Steph as our franchise player! The joy he brings to the bay is as limitless as his range.


Great to see such a great win for the Warriors! Prayers to Jamal, you really hate to see it happen to anyone. Appreciate the work Alch 🙏🏻


Man, “steph being Steph”. Crazy how normalized his greatness has become to us fans. For me, it was such a retrospective night due to Steph’s performance. As good as he is, I think we can all somehow become accustomed to it. So important to take a second and recognize just how truly lucky we are to have him.


Alch I want to get into fantasy basketball, you got any advice? Or if anyone got advice I'd love to hear it.


Fax i been on this Curry train too and to be totally honest the only player with an actual argument of being better than Steph is KD

Nathan Glanzer

Two things: 1. Dick Jefferson is a moron. 2. JTA might have the best jump timing for rebounding I've ever seen.


KLAY!!! Can't wait. Who you got for Paul vs Askren lol

Paul Hanson

When a Bay Area radio pundit mentioned this past weekend that it could be time to ask Stephen Curry where he would like to be traded to-I always have to chuckle and think of how awesome it has been having Steph as a Bay Area sports institution. I know-yes-the Dubs could get a haul of 'great' players for one Stephen Curry. But-what's the point? How would that lead to a ring? And-more importantly-how would a fan base feel seeing Steph in another uniform doing his thing, going off and hitting 10 3s in a game, completely turning the other team to jelly? There's something right with the world when Stephen Curry is in the zone. It's meant to be-at least it seems that way. The joy-the awesomeness-personally I'd rather have that than a faceless team of 'really good' to 'great' B-ball players winning a title then it all crumbles without any character. I know the financials are tough-but it's not my money. I remember where Warriors basketball had been since I became a fan in 1973-plenty years of 'It's A Great Time Out!" and absolute lameness year after year after year. I don't think we want to go back to that-I still think that there's another chip out there for Steph here-if the front office does their job instead of worrying about PR.

Jimmy Ji

Forget about the list of best players , how about the top ten list of most entertaining players? Steph is quite possibly #1 on that list. If he played his games in an arena-style football stadium, Steph would sell out the stadium every single night. I really think Steph is now going all in for his 2nd scoring title, regardless of what happens with the playoff race.

Chris Styner

I am ethically opposed to pull ups from Kent. Hate to see Murray go down. A lot of injury's this season. There may be something to be said in addition to load management about this most recent off season. Hoping to see some good healthy basketball but every night some dude is out.

Yehudah Raphaelsohn

Here's some Draymond stats for you, Alch. This season Dubs are: 17-5 when he makes 3 or more FG's. 6-18 when he makes 2 or fewer. 3-5 when he doesn't play.

james moore

Man that Damion lee voiceover had me crying 😂😂😂😂😂


That Damion Lee impression literally had me rollin 😂😂😂


The Ghost of Wilt game. On the night Steph gets Wilt's franchise scoring record, Draymond goes 8-9. On the night Wilt goes for 100, Al Attles goes 8-8. Now, for sure, Steph is going up in the rafters with Wilt and Al and the question is will Draymond?


I think jamal murray held on to that knee after looney dropped him.

Daniel Fries

"like dating Shaq" lol


Looney didnt drop him. His knee gave out as he was running so he fell. Did u even watch the game? It was a non contact injury. Mal and wiggs were running but there was no contact


Draymond has to have a Patreon account he had to see the breakdowns😂

Jerry Heverly

With Wiseman gone I officially have started hoping they lose every game from here on. There is no chance they could upset anyone in the first round without him. I feel bad for Nico, who laid a big one just when he needed to prove he deserved more minutes. The fans wanted to assassinate Lacob when he traded Monta Ellis. What would they do if he traded Steph? Murray was out with a sore right knee, then he blows out his left ACL? That is some bad karma.

Daniel Fries

With the record in sight, it seemed like Steph felt he had the ultimate green light - no need to bring along any rising sub-stars for the ride, no need to pass up a shot in order to give opportunity to youngsters. Worked out great for the dubs. Anybody want to comment on the team's tolerance for training the rookie being a liability? On Steph's lack of selfishness meaning we're not getting as many Ws?


Except for the fact that they are a better team by every metric without Wiseman. I don't understand your angle.


Steph played with joy, he usually does, that's why we revere him.

Natto Santo

Curry is just the greatest point guard of all time to me. No disrepect to Magic. Sad to see Maple Curry went down.


Steph is the whole reason I jumped on the Dubs Train. He's truly one of a kind, generational, all those cliches - he single handedly changed the game. All that said, why the hell doesn't he get rested more? They're running him into the ground. It could have EASILY BEEN HIM LAST NIGHT INSTEAD OF JAMAL BLOWING OUT HIS ACL.. And for WHAT? A season without Klay and now Wiseman, so no hope whatsoever of a Ring. Just stupid.

Jimmy Ji

It is hard because the Warriors do not have cap flexibility with the current roster makeup on top of Klay being out. Ultimately, I think Steph will realize winning is more important at this stage of his career and will restructure his contract this offseason while signing the extension to give the team more flexibility. He's now making more from endorsements than he is from his NBA contract.


Did you hear James Wiseman apparently has plans to work out with KG this summer?


Maple Curry sounds like a fucked up Lay’s flavor But forreal, full & speedy recovery for Murray, sucks that the Nuggets won’t be at full strength for the playoffs


Lmao that Damion Lee voice impersonation... probably 100% accurate

Natto Santo

Why not working out with the Dream? KG's foot work is decent but the Dream is another level.


I think the other guys feel like they have to compensate for dray lack of offense.. if the main ball handler of your team doesn’t shoot it...it’s not a smart offense...it put pressure on the role players to make shots...kerr hasn’t been asked once about this...


regular season is important for the FO and the brand. gotta keep the fan base and the fan $$ coming in. chase opens back up late april, they want to see the chef playing, regardless of playoff hopes. also from an objective perspective, this dude is paid a lot to play basketball. so he should play. risk is always involved.


Great breakdown. The Steph show was entertaining no doubt and credit to the Dubs for winning a game I was sure they would lose. Real sad for Murray such a hard worker on the court so you know shit is real when he's writhing around like that. I'm definitely on the load management, there are too many games in a normal season let alone this compact 72 game stint. Feels like there have been more injuries than normal this season but I haven't dug into the numbers on that to really know. Keep up the great work, the jokes were on fire this episode.


Well, depends on what type of fantasy basketball, I've been playing some head to head categories with some friends over the past few seasons, and they are more casuals, but what I've learned, pick your first two stars in the draft and then built a team that suits those stars, don't go name hunting or try to cover all categories, focus on likd 5 or 6 max. I have Beal and curry this season, and so my focus is on 3s, Pts, Fg%, FT% and then I surrounded them with elite shot blockers, so I don't care if I lose assists or rebounds by 100 every week, because I'll still win the match-up. And then the second thing is, always look out for the free agency market, look at injuries to starters and who might fill the role, or who was overlooked in the draft, the best time of the year is the trade deadline, Lotta players getting a bigger role and more opportunities. If u don't know what I'm talking about yet, you'll figure it out, have fun

David A.

I'm 100% ok with Dray making my criticism look foolish. Hope he keeps it up. Also, while JP's shooting was not great, that dunk attempt was a bit of a message and show of passion that I think was important. Things like that help set a tone for a team and a player.


it feel like the team response to every breakdown, probably just seeing the same stuff I am in their film work but sheesh


I think its matchup dependent there are going to be nights where really need JW. But yeah overall it has cost them


Thanks... I look ahead to plan my schedule each week and Im shocked every time at how many games are being squeezed in, 5 this week


you cant send guy out there on bum knees in the regular season IMO.. you see how they are nursing Giannis right now...


I'm glad you're optimistic on Poole. I feel he might actually thrive more when he's starting - like in G League - he wants and needs the pressure - if only he can get the minutes. That seems to be the big mixed signal for the entire franchise - what's the priority?

John Z

Alch you heard of Kneesovertoesguy? Noticed Klay started following him after the Achilles tear, was hoping Klay's passing that knowledge to Big Jim. His stuff isn't revolutionary but is well researched and he breaks down a lot of ways to address imbalances in legible progressions.


I have stumbled across his stuff.. I think you would really need him monitoring you doing it. To just give it go off youtube could be tragic

John Z

No doubt, after seeing so many PTs myself, he just seemed knowledgeable for maybe those who dont always fully understand muscle imbalances, mind body connections.

Qiushi Hu

Alch's jinx is next level. When he pointed out Dray didn't have any move in his bag, he had the best offensive game of the season.


That Damian lee snippet was gold 😂


Steph is the reason I still love to watch these games. Been a Warriors fan since Rick Barry days, Rick could get like Steph in a way sometimes, he was something, but Steph is the kind of player that we are just lucky as hell we get to c. I'd rather watch his career than LeBron, KD, Harden, Kyrie, any 2 of them. Steph is different, I'm not missing a shot if I can help it for as long as he is playing. Side note: "Shaq size problem"? Alch u r a Baller, glad to watch your videos as well. At this level in ur arena u r approaching Steph like parallels. Thank u for getting all of us through Covid smiling.


“Actually he probably didn’t even think about it”🤣 Love the energy baze brings to the game tho


I can’t believe draymond pushed the ball up the court full speed every possession of every game in that 2019 Portland series. He may not be putting in the work off the court but on the court he outworks everyone when he wants it. Truly a pleasure to have witnessed his prime.


Was it really like dating shaq in the first q? Did the warriors handle the size? Pause? Died there. So happy to see some 'vintage' dray tho. Great win.


This is 100% factual. I’ve had the luxury of growing up watching the Chef put on a show for the bay! I will never forget him.


If they stink up the next game, this win don't mean sh*t..... just trying not to get too high


loved this breakdown, cracks me up every time. Keep up the great work between here and the podcast


I sadly missed the blow out OKC game. I need that recap ALCH! LOL