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If they are going to start to roll over then I will start to flex into a better game on nights they get blown out. This is truly the turning point of the season we shall see... I also should have a discord for all patrons up and running here in the next few days so we can better keep conversations flowing. 



gsw vs tor gm 49

This is "gsw vs tor gm 49" by Athletic Alchemy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



I think it's time to worry a bit about Wiseman. He doesn't look like a basketball player at all.


This game was a massacre, so sad.


I keep seeing wiseman slander, bunch of people doubting our pick has got me heated honestly.


It's clear now that Wiseman should have went straight to the G League. How the coaching staff didn't see this I have no clue. But the clear inexperience with the game is incredibly telling. This is a stark contrast of lemelo or Zion with that overseas and college experience

Shea Johnson

man, 3 weeks ago I had to defend myself in the nba group chat when I said I was still happy we picked wiseman over lamelo, imma get my ass fucking clowned for this. I legit don’t know what is up with him, he was honest to god better at the start of the season!!


Just embarrassing, appreciate the honesty tho alc


Feel like wiseman gets really frustrated and gets in his own head. He’s doing too much at the wrong times. Hoping he makes a jump in the off-season, if not, i don’t think it’s worth experimenting with him next season when klay steph and dray’s windows are closing


There’s so much to take away from this game but one thing I thought about is just how sensitive and plush this upcoming generation of players is. And this is a massive issue with the entirety of gen Z. These guys Luka, Tatum, Trae, Wiseman, basically every young player really, they’re mentally fragile. None of them are “weak” perse. But damn are the emotionally unintelligent. Wiseman is letting his emotions on one play destroy his whole game and it’s a league wide issue that will be noticeable 5 years from now. Sorry if I’m psychoanlyzing but this league is becoming extremely fragile


The freedom and development that the g-league offers would be great for Wiseman but the drama of sending a second pick to the G-league would crush any little confidence his sensitive soul has left. These kids live on social media.

Christian Hollaway

Although he has shown some offensive skills this season. He's been a bad basketball player all year. His defensive instincts are non existent. If you look at the advanced metrics, well its embarrassing. He feels like a late first round project more then a 2nd pick type player. I just hope he can show progress by the end of this year.


Wiseman needs to cut that goofy shit off his head, probably throwing his balance off... Also hate when he goes coast to coast, think he's scored like once thise season doing so lol... I think it's time to cut ties with Dray too... I watched a montage of him in the 73-9 season and dude was a beast... He's not that at ALL anymore... Looney can kick rocks too... We need more talent and less guys that contribution doesn't show up in the box score...


Man. That was really ugly. I don’t like what wiseman is serving at all. He doesn’t look very basketball minded. He’s a freak and he’s huge but he’s not bringing the cerebral edge at all. Which obviously that takes time to develop but you would hope to see the fundamentals early. Question for you though. If the warriors just sink the rest of the season and get a high draft pick. Do you think the Warriors trade it for win now players or do they add another rookie? Presuming Klay is back with Steph and drey do they think about adding another big piece or choose the future?


Content has been great last week, especially the podcast. Appreciate all you do, can't wait for the discord!

james moore

Wiseman will become a beast one day but nobody have time for this shit. Package this nigga while the fire hot


Gordon Hayward shut down for at least a month with a “foot sprain.” Hoping to see the same from our boys within the week. Shouldn’t be too hard... New X-ray indicates Steph has fractured sacrum. Dray needs at least 2 months to start up his podcast “Chips,” named after the chip on his shoulder being drafted 37, the 3 Chips he singlehandedly carried his team to, and the bag of barbecue lays he keeps in his Fanny pack at all times. Starring Javale McGee.


Dray is the least of their problems, lol. Maybe they should secure one player who can get through a game holding the defense together as well as Dray does before they look around for trades, otherwise you're going to be watching Steph Curry and Klay Thompson get 130+ points put up against them every game with a bunch of second and third years still trying to learn how to defend.


our worst nightmare is wiseman turns into anthony randolph


I’ve seen this trend in other sports. Barcelona had this system called tiki-taka that was built around Messi and some other key players. It was unstoppable. They won everything. A few injuries, some key players retire and the rest of the world adjusted - disaster. That’s the same with Kerr and this FO right now. They drank the small-ball and motion offense cool-aid and thought they could plug in any decent shooting 6-7ish wing into it and things should work. What they should be focusing on is personnel and they’ve really screwed up there (plus Klay is hurt). We need humility in the FO. Why would they trade Quese while he was injured? Bazemore, Mulder, Smiley and Oubre can’t stay. Nico needs stay a 2-way for now. Paschall needs to play his old game. He’s not Draymond. Score first, ask questions later. We need to run some plays for people not named Curry. Especially for Wiggins and Wiseman who can score easily in the right situations.


Warriors should fire Kerr and bring in KD, Kyrie and DeandreJordan to coach 😂😂😂


all these comparisons to chris bosh and kevin garnett's rookie year -- we used to do that for AR15 too.


I wanna give Wiseman one off-season before I completely am ready to give up on the guy cause I believe the potential is there, with one off-season of him focusing on the things he needs to work on he’ll be what we want next season I believe it


Well i would agree with you but we havent really been doing small ball this year. Like, why aren't we starting a lineup of Curry/Bazemore/Wiggins/Oubre/Green? Cuz we'll get outrebounded? Sure, but we could also run teams off the court. That lineup i referenced has 0 minutes played together on the court.

Jansen E

Cant say anything new that hasnt been said already. Wiseman shouldve gone to the g-league with Poole and Mannion. We shouldve signed at least ONE fucking center or at least trade for one. Why is Looney are literal only vet at the 5? Yes I wanted Steph and Dray shut down. And this loss hurts. But now I want the Warriors FO to fucking EAT this. They better just pack it in and keep it like this. I'll watch every minute of every blow out if they come out with a statement saying those two are shut down for the season. But if they keep coming back with this "one to two weeks" or "day-to-day" bullshit, I wont waste a single second of my time with the "will they, wont they". Go public. Shut it down. Its too late to get THAT high of a pick anymore with the Wolves and Rockets leading the tank squad, but for real. Just get in the bottom 5. Let the young guys learn and develop through grit and grind. Let them loose. Let Smailagic play a whole damn game. The one thing I can say about this game? Im glad Smailey is kind of a goon. We'll need that sooner or later. He just needs to work on the rest of his game. But Im convinced hes just being wasted by Kerr and the staff.


Steve can't have it both ways, all season he's repeated that Wise is super talented and all he needs is minutes and he'll (Wiseman) will figure it out. Suddenly now it's we need to simplify for Wise and get him doing thing that he can do well......C'MON MAN. That Wiseman would catch the ball at the line, dribble between his legs 3 times changing directions 3 times and then fall to the floor with no contact losing the ball....WHY IS THAT HAPPENING.....because the staff had the false belief that Wiseman was a plug and play 5 as in plug him into the Bogut role, or the Zaza role, or the West role, or the Chriss role but hey news flash the role for Wiseman starts at the front of the rim with ball delivery to Wiseman in an advantaged position where the decision making is as simple as shoot or pass out and reposition. Build from there own responsibility Warrior staff.


If Paddles Wiseman could just set one legit screen a game, just one I'd let up. His fake screen hand up roll is a joke. Just once go up to a defender and man up, u r at the 3 point line, F the roll once just to throw the D off as they expect you to stop 4 feet away clearly not as close as you should be then when the defender comes up quickly spin and run for your life! anything but body contact. Boucher weighs about 180 lbs. and he was manhandling Paddles. Boucher was buried in the G league with us, and he's outplaying a 7 foot 2nd pick? I agree with many here, Paddles just doesn't have any Hoop instincts, I don't give a shit that he's only 20, most of the lottery picks in this league are 1 and done 19 year olds and nobody comes in this Raw. Yeah with his frame and length someday maybe he starts, but Willie CS, Myles Turner, and Meyers Leonard r all players that I can't watch, and he looks like that's his ceiling for the next 2 year window. Once Steph, Klay, Wiggins, and Dray's windows close in 2 or 3 years maybe he can play but I don't think this works. Sorry for the negative take but I had high hopes that after being coached up every day and playing 40 or so games he would be a positive on the court not cause a Conga line to the hoop whenever he plays..


it's been time tbh. it's not all his fault because there's a lot of expectations riding on him and the franchise looking for him to be a key piece on a title contender by year two. nope he not zion

Paul Hanson

They are missing a big center who can at least teach Wiseman how to play center. They are missing any bigs who can rebound and at least get in the way of all the opposing teams scoring at the cup. They are missing togetherness. One side is Steph/Klay/Dray/Looney because they won; the other side is Wiggins/Oubre/everyone else who hasn't won. Draymond doesn't want to play for a play-in game; how does that sound to Wiggins, Oubre, and the rest? How does the non-dynastic Warriors side play with purpose when the dynastic side doesn't truly believe in them? Wiseman needs summer league, training camp, going down to the G-League-all that. Forget you were the 2nd overall pick. He needs experience. He might just be a bust but he's got all the physical characteristics-just got to dig down, stop talking about "I'm working hard" and PROVE it. It would help if he wasn't yanked around by Kerr in and out of the lineup. All bigs take more time-that's been proven. It's absolutely amazing that the Warriors only have KEVON LOONEY as the other center at the buy-out market. Isn't there one 6-10 or 6-11 player on the market that could help Wiseman -by at least going up against him in practice?


we really need to ask ourselves if Steve Kerr is the DJ Khalid of coaching.


Dump Myers & Kerr; Sign Jerry West for GM; Promote Mike Brown to Head Coach; Recruit KG to train Wiseman; add a quality training coach as well; change is needed


My last post was a bit salty, maybe brackish, no maybe acidic towards the Warriors and front office. I dont see evidence of that post, so maybe it was a bit too acidic, or maybe I was so wasted from the outgassing of my housemate's dabbs that I didnt even post the damn thing. Either way, the intention of the last post was to re-shift focus from the atrocious play and subpar coaching to the source of this madness. The front office bears major responsibility for the fiasco in which, we as warriors faithful are being subjected to these days. Bob Myers and Co have, with the highest payroll in the league, have put together an unbelievably unintelligent (basketball IQ), unmotivated, non-team orientated collection of players mixed in with arrogant coaching. The blame, as I suggested much earlier in the season, rests ultimately with ownership. Not from lack of intention, but from an obvious arrogance. Ever since the tell tail sign of "light -years ahead", we all knew the ownership and probably the employees, consider themselves above others. But when you consider your self above other, there is not the ability to relate on an intimate level with emotional intelligence. Basically if you dont have deep empathy for others, you cant "go inside" their hearts and minds before you draft them and see whether they have that awareness, that dogg, that internal basketball IQ, (like Jerry West did). Ergo we get this team. Yes there is personal responsibility for the players and coaches. But it is up to front office and ownership to delineate whether the players have this before they are drafted or brought into the organization. This wont change until Lacob apologizes publicly for his hubris. This will be an acknowledgment of personal growth and the importance of realizing his previous mistake. But I dont imagine this will really happen. So as Warriors fans, until Lacob changes, the organization wont change from the top down, and the team will wallow in mediocrity. As fans we are ultimately supporters of ownership and management. Good luck with that. They have shown their colors, they have had enough time. The Wiseman pick was the nail in the coffin. Myers and Co should have been able to see his lack of BB IQ, his remedial skill relative to LeMelo... I mean it seems obvious to me and many others before the draft, and Myers had inside information. Anybody who watches or plays hoop, you draft skill and IQ before position, and you draft a quarterback, PG, before big player, (unless its a Shaq). Simple. With great power comes great responsibility.

Jansen E

I agree with you. Im 26. By definition a millennial I suppose. When I play, a mistake pisses me off and immediately wants me to make up for it. Sometimes that leads to trying too hard and just making more mistakes, but it often just leads to me playing harder. When I cant do anything right, I just play for my teammates and work as hard as I can to help them. Giving up, pouting, throwing in the towel, sulking. Those things never ONCE cross my mind. Dont get me wrong, Im not trying to say Im the only person ever to do this. And Im not saying Im better than these dudes. But like....the mentality I just described....most of my teammates do/have done that? This "oh I messed up so fuck it all" approach makes no sense to me. How you can say you love the game when one bad play suddenly makes you check out and not want to play any more? Sorry. Just joining your rant a little. Im worried Wiseman might be a slow processor (like Damian Jones) and even worse, a weak mind (see Kwame Brown)


Wiseman seems like another dude that has done a ton of 1 on 1 training but hasn’t played enough basketball in his life. He’s got some moves and looks great in a gym but when he gets in a real game, he has no clue how the moves translate at all. His defensive tendencies are atrocious. I really don’t see him making a big jump next year. I remember when onyeka was being called the raw center and wiseman was the more complete big but he’s looked as bad as my nightmares. I say we trade when he stills has the “potential” stamp on him. I wouldn’t doubt he becomes a solid big in his career but our window isn’t big enough to wait 4 to 5 years.

Jansen E

One of the things that annoys me most is his obsession for two handed dunks. The game vs. the Heat. Youre 7'1. Can jump out the gym. But youre trying to guide the ball all the way home with two hands like its a child being put to sleep? Like bro. If I had your size, Id have the Kelly Oubre mentality. Punch that thing home in someones face. It annoys me the most because it is not just more flashy....it also is an advantage cuz its harder to block! How many two handed dunks has Wiseman gotten blocked, when he definitely wouldve had a nice handful of posters if he cocked them back with one hand.


I'm all for another beat down if that gets Kerr one step closer to the door out. He's not the right coach for this team.


ngl I think it's best we put Steph and Draymond on the shelf for the rest of the season and send Wiseman to the G-League. I think he doesn't have enough confidence to handle all the expectations that's been put on him by the org and the fanbase. I think some time in the G-League (along with a proper off-season for him and Poole and the other young guys) is gonna do wonders for him. Give him some time to build strength, understand the system. I also think sending him to the G-League could make him hungrier to make an actual impact when he gets back too. I'm not giving up hope on him right now I also think that putting Steph and Dray on the shelf for the rest of the season helps us in a couple ways. Obv it'll help them deal with the injuries they've been dealing with and I think it'll also make them hella excited to come back once Klay's ready too, instead of having to drag this team to wins and face a potentially tough and physical play-in tournament or first round match up. I also think it'll give guys like Oubre, Wiggins and Paschall some more minutes in these remaining games which could potentially increase their trade value this offseason. I think teams would be a lot more willing to give up a decent amount for Wiggins if he consistently gets 20-25 points per game (even if it's in losses) instead of a more quite 15-20 in a more mixed set of games. I also hope that confirming that the tank is on might give guys like Looney a bit more confidence and less pressure to experiment with some stuff on the court. And obv it doesn't hurt to maybe get another lotto pick in this draft


Honestly i believe wiseman doesnt know how to play bball. He got by all his high school days by being bigger than his peers and disnt play long enough in college to get exposed. Now he is in the nba where he is playing against guys bigger and stronger than him. Wiseman is about the worst starting centre in the nba. Playing him and steph is counterproductive to steph's output. Warriors should explore trading wiseman, looney and get a real centre. Warriors should also cut mulder, smiley and nico next season. Honestly we should be looking to draft big guards and not 6'0 small guards who arent physically equipped to switch.


Maybe I should have said , "with great arrogance comes great responsibility"


Im also not sure wiggins earning 30m to drop 18ppg is compatible with winning. Warriors should have traded for powell with oubre and poole.. as much as people blame kerr, i believe the real problem is bob myers. He is a horrible GM. Kerr cant teach wiseman how to rebound, set screen and grab passes. Wiseman is fundamentally bad.


Why did wiggins take just 9 shots? Im beginning to believe he is playing like that to tank his trade value so they dont move him in the off season..


Completely agree, and Penny should be held accountable to some extent as well. You had Paddles for his formative years and these r the fundamentals that we get?


Bruh sometimes i think its just me, but wtf is the dubs management smoking on? I WANT SOME! Because them boys getting finessed, wiggins 30 mil? Dray 20 mil? Flip them BOTH!


I didn’t even think you were gonna do a breakdown today so shout-out to u😂


3:37 mark of the video - 2nd quarter (2:35) When Wiseman lost the ball dribbling at the top of the 3-point line thinking he Kyrie then lost the ball....man was that a sad, sad sequence the way he was so frustrated. He looks miserable out there!


Looking forward to the discord. Much more than our next few games lol


I agree! If he isn't though, they need to be ready for it. If they aren't, that's nuts. They'd be gambling billions of dollars and a place in NBA history on one kid and the inability to imagine themselves saying "oops we messed up" on a high draft pick.


I agree totally with you Uncle Alch: No point in breaking down games, there's so much wrong with this dysfunctional organization that it's pointless. I blame management more than players. It's their job to pick talent, which they obviously can't, their job to build chemistry, which Kerr can't, and their job to know when to pivot. Check, check and check, F grade all the way around. I'm jumping on the Suns Train. Life's too short for bad television.


Well to your point I don’t think Wiggins gives a shit either way💀. Jokes aside you’re right, it’s a squad divided because the main core thinks the only way to win is to do it the way they did it before, but the personnel is completely different. They need a new system and some players who can hit the open three and at the very least guard ANYONE straight up. Team defense is great but when you can’t guard individually it’s useless.


I don’t know why wiseman doesn’t have the green light to Shoot like 3-4 threes a game. That would open up drives and other things for him


If you think this is dysfunctional, you haven't experienced what it was like to be a Knicks fan for so long. Have faith. Obviously, no one wants to lose this bad. WIseman was supposed to be a project. If you wanted someone ready, we should have drafted an older polished player. The man did not have a summer league and a experienced a weird preseason.


Says a lot about Kerr and the coaching staff that Wiseman was better at the start of the season and also Jordan Poole getting better once he goes over to the g league


Draymond said it all in his interview. Time to move onto next season..


You want to trade the only guys playing defense on this team?


The Golden State Celtics just losing to a team that is fading for Cade is probably the perfect way to capstone this season. Either Bob needs to get vets to help this team win now, or Kerr has to go since he doesn't know how to develop guys bc he never really seen young teams first hand. It's clear the lockeroom was on the brink after the Kings game, now that lockeroom is gone. Maybe Steph has to be the guy to apply pressure to get either Kerr or Bob to do their jobs, bc it is clear that they think they are teflon and their jobs are safe.


Warning: Traitor Alert: As an old guy, I'd like to remark on the BIG paradigm changes in the NBA. Slow development and long-term investment in players used to pay off. Stars were loyal and so were fans. Today, superstars desert to form super-teams, wherever the money is. As an old Laker Fan, I hated to see Shaq come our way. It seemed like cheating, buying instant mercenaries. Now it's accepted. The Laker team that won last season was a bunch of hired guns thrown together at the last minute. With injuries so prevalent, that actually makes sense - wheel and deal right up til the last moment and then stack the deck. This year it's the Nets. The Warriors model may once have been "lightyears ahead" but now it's obsolete. But their arrogance lingers, preventing them from seeing any other way. If all fans want is Chips, they should become nomadic too - wait until playoffs start and then pick a horse. Alas, without any real emotional investment, the reward isn't nearly as strong. I realized long ago that I didn't follow teams, I followed personalities - I rooted for the guys I genuinely liked. I genuinely loved Jerry West. Then Magic Johnson. Then Charles Barkley. They Stephen Curry. I hope he lands another ring, but I won't watch as he gets run through the chipper by clueless execs in the meantime. I wouldn't blame him a bit for joining LeBron, and I'd proudly wear my Laker cap once more! On the other end of the spectrum, it's way more fun to root for a bunch of faceless underdogs who just work like hell and suddenly find themselves contenders. I don't think franchises need franchise players as much as they think. Look at the OK Thunder before they were all household names. I'd be happy to watch Nico and Poole and even hapless Wiseman IF there were no expectations and no shadow of Splash bygone Glory hanging over them.


Zaza stayed in this league for 15 years with no athleticism, all based on IQ and knowing his role. Someone send Wiseman all the clips of Zaza playing. It really is concerning that he has slow processing of whst is happening, in the beginning I attributed that to the newness of the NBA but now I am not so sure. People calling for Oubre blame are just ridiculous. He provides much needed wing defense when rest of the guys in our roster were getting blown by Siakam with no resistance. Psschall gets no blame for his basketball IQ, which is maybe top 3 worst on this team. He misses open passes every other minute he plays and settles for heavily contested shots. It's a shame because our 2nd unit can actually shoot and he doesn't take advantage of it.


Never fail to give me a different outlook on things unc. Thank you


Just my opinion, but I think we'll do better with smiley on the floor over wiseman. His shooting form is great, but everything else doesn't pass the eye test.


The problem is that he doesn't know where to be on the floor. Look at our every pick and roll, he usually screens (very poorly), and rolls even when there is no angle. If he can just pick and pop then he can feast on the 3s, but he never pops. He's like a kid playing a video game and was thought to push buttons in a certain order, and he keeps on doing it the same way even when it didn't work the first time.


They got Zaza there! Can someone have him work with this man to show him how to set a decent pick. Like half decent. He rolls before the pick is completed lol. No rebounding either. Like is James a bust?!


The more and more I watch Wiseman the more and more I think he’s a bust.


Agree totally; simplify for wiseman ... but the system is just bad. Ive said it before, Kerr wants shot-putters to run the mile and long distance runners to throw the hammer. Like all subpar coaches, they make the players fit their system, instead of adapting to the talent. Kerr is good with great players, (but who couldnt be), maybe Kerr should go to G league for a season?

Thomas Ogas

Love the passion and honest assessment, and also love that you're not Overreacting like most of the Twitter fans do. Basketball players take years to develop. This shit is extremely hard to do. I think we get a couple guys every draft who already have a solid BBIQ, but only a few. Most guys take years, and they constantly improve until their athleticism fades due to age and/or injury. Anyhow, if the Warriors tank I won't be concerned. Rather have the better pick. Just hate to see them get owned by the fucking Raptors.


exactly! I wanted someone ready. should have grabbed lemelo, we need a quarterback. hes fun, rebounds, shoots threes, is a team player, his teammates love him....


Fuck, if these guys can't even compete against the raptors WO Steph and Draymond, we might aswell tank. Just a pathetic effort lmao

Major Powers

The only thing it seems Wiseman could actually be decent at right now is draining spot up threes with that clean stroke. And what do you know, that's one of the things they've needed most all season. But he's clearly been told to keep the ball moving if he gets it on the perimeter. It's almost like self-sabotage.


He had so much value before he came back from that short injury, but at the moment, I cant imagine any team dying to pay for his upside with his recent play. So we most likely stuck with him regardless for the time being. Probably best we sign a vet big on the buyout to soak up the starting minutes and let Wisemen play 15-20 a night and hope the short spurts agains second units allows him to him to ease some of these growing pains. But i agree with you, if there is interest around the league, it should be seriously considered.


I wasn't around to watch the KG's and Chris Bosh's when they were rookies. So for those who were able to experience the great big's when they were first developing in the league, have any of them ever had insticts that were AS BAD as Wiseman is currently displaying. I'm not really trying to shit on the kid too hard, but I feel like for the most part insticts are something you either got or you don't. And unfortunately as of right now, Wiseman seems to be leaning towards the latter. I guess we'll have a more accurate assessment on Wiseman by year 3 or year 4, but by then, our current core's window will be closed most likely So that begs the question, do we sell all our assets to make on last big push during Steph's final prime years? Or should we try selling our core to start the rebuild?

John Z

Yea hard to say anything about that loss. Everybody looked terrible. Kerr not adjusting though has been such an issue for a while now, defensively and offensively, his shit is just showing.

Abhi Kelkar

you wait and see what you have in Wiseman in the offseason and hopefully you can move him if a big fish is out there. You'll also have Wiggins and potentially Oubre if he wants to sign+trade

Abhi Kelkar

Any way they can get a better X+O's assistant coach on the bench? Kerr needs to stop fucking getting outcoached by any halfway decent coach

Natto Santo

We have lost the best timing to trade Wiseman now. Not much expectation from now on. Offensively, the only thing we can do is making him a good PNR screener and pushing him to shoot better when he is open. His low post game will not be solid against good defense as he has slow reflex. Defensively continuously to push him become a good rebounder. Keep our hope to make him a better tam defensive player like Marc Gasol. But not expecting him to become a great defender or shot blocker.


Far too early to call Wiseman a bust but it seems pretty clear that he's a long term project and not one that this team can afford to spend anymore time on. At the very least I would hope he plays out the rest of the season and then get's traded along with the Minesota and whatever other assets can be leveraged to really upgrade this roster. If it wasn't already I think it's pretty obvious by now that there never was any championship culture only championship talent. They have at most probably 2 more seasons after this of the core of Steph, Klay and Dray being the sort of combined talent that you should have championship aspirations. So stop dicking around with developing 80% of the roster and go and get as many pieces as you can that will actually get you to the finals. As for this season I'm all in on the Jazz even if that is the last thing the NBA probably wants.


Additionally I'm really starting to wish that they'd gone with Halliburton, Saddiq Bey or almost any of the other more polished options.


It's like they just don't care. No wonder why Dray is always yelling at Wiseman because he clearly doesn't give an F. If Dray is not on the line up this mf collapse.


I don't think the problem is Kerr but Bob Myers. He cant put a roaster together. I wish Jerry west wouldn't have left. I can only assume that he left because Joe Lacob and Bob assume that they were the greatest crap in life since West said this in an interview. "For a man who has had enormous success, you would never know if you’re around him, unless you knew. He’s just down to earth."


Rebounds in the Heat game: Steph:11 Wiseman: 4 and Wiseman doesn't know how and when to set screens - the fundamental principle that makes Warriors basketball work He should've never been a starter. From Day One it should've been G-League or put him in the entire 4th quarter for the first few months. Trying to integrate a totally raw rookie with Oubre and Wiggins resulted in stifling the starting lineup. Without Wiseman as a starter I believe they could've consistently won against the top teams, established a winning mindset and kept team morale afloat when they lose games. So here we are. I don't get why they want Steph and Draymond to continue playing at this point. I guess the purpose is to remind this summer's FA about our championship DNA? Would these FAs want to join the Warriors and be patient with this development process which could take yearsssss? I mean Draymond is over it. I'm not saying Wiseman's got to go or anything.......what do I know

Ken Bradford

Should’ve stashed wiseman somewhere to get the appropriate amount of playingtime


I agree 100% about West, Myers, Lacob, but how does this comment show that Myers is arrogant? Seems to suggest he is down to earth, good guy etc.


Wiseman is probably back in the starting role out of necessity. We don't have any competent centers right now and if we do make the playoffs, we are better off putting Wiseman on guys like Jokic, Embiid, AD, Gasol, Ibaka, etc. All those guys cook Looney alive as there is too much physical gap even if Looney has a much higher bbal iq.


That's just one game. Smiley doesn't give a f and that's good for the culture or the locker room even when we are down by 60 he still fighting for 2 points and I like that. Wiggins we are down by 6 and he doesn't care anymore


He needs a system to be decent. Which includes at least Draymond when he doesn't play Wiseman it's lost


The problem it's that this mother f will make steph legacy demolished. I think that's why he still playing hurt and Draymond. Dray it's hurt but he still on the floor to protect Steph legacy just like iggy said like a year ago. Espn will demolished him if they don't make the playoffs which he shouldnt care


The organization tough he was a asset that they could use to trade with the Wizards that's why they play him often


Yo whats crazy is that our roster isnt that bad on paper but we're playing like the fucking pelicans out there smh


We blamed wanamaker, wiseman, pascal, draymond, oubre, wiggins... When do we start putting that blame on Kerr for real, his lack of ability to adjust in game, his stubborness, his inability to control the locker room when team is not winning...


it is bad on paper, look at RAPTOR ratings at 35-8, we dont look so good other than curry

Ravi Dissanayake

Pool is hot garbage. He's a kuzma type. Takes years to get it through his head on what he needs to do right