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gsw vs phx gm 37

This is "gsw vs phx gm 37" by Athletic Alchemy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



0:22 Kerr got rejected a fist bump by Poole


This team has underachieved the first half. You look at rosters like San Antonio, dubs should be better. Steph isn't closing games great, and Kerr has mismanaged a lot of the pieces.


i gotta say i was looking for this breakdown honestly more than any other game this year, really well done Alc! Poole popping off was great to see


The brightspot of this game was that our rotatations will be better for sure if Nico and Poole can push Brad off the floor. And if Poole can be a constant bench offense or even be the guard when steph is off ball we might solve some issues


Just in time for lunch. Good stuff. Nico is way better equipped to run the second unit than you-know-who. A much more natural floor general. JP looked nice and showed off his NBA skill against NBA talent. Really nice to see him get some play


Omg, Alch running wild with this one... Wiseman and Ayton are good comps but I believe Wiseman has more dog in him. The kid has a lot to learn but some of it is on the coaching staff. Can we please hire Kevin Garnett??? Wiseman is the bigger Big Ticket.


bruh get wannamaker out of here or i will do it myself

Ken Bradford

Let's hope the coaching staff actually adjusts after the asb. Wanamaker is just dead weight at this point.


Damn Nico and Poole could be really nice. Kerr really must have been sleeping with Wannafaker to keep that mess on the floor with those boys staying hungry


Oh SHIT I fell over at that hairlip line. One redeeming feature of these bad losses is you go hard with the jokes 😂

Chris Styner

I am okay with trading EP. His shot makes me yack. Idk how I feel about Loon anymore. I barely want to see him run.


too much !? I like to just let it fly in these none competitive games.. Your right JW seems to welcome physicality more he just isn't strong enough yet




As long as nobody gets hurt this season is a success in my book. I know for a fact when klay gets right the Wiggins acquisition will look a whole lot more like a steal, with or without the minny pick. I’ve always loved poole’s play but doesn’t it seem like he’s always off balance?


I mean we are all with in like 3 games.. The closes losses have been tough.. but I feel like you are a super pessimist.


what does barnett say? leapers gonna leap? it seems like the training staff is trying with all their might to program wiseman not to leap.

Thomas Ogas

I love me some Jordan Poole, but let's not act like he would be playing THIS GOOD in the first half of the season if he was handed minutes in the 2nd unit. Nico is a rookie and he was terrible pre-season. Both those guys are still being developed. Maybe Brad is just a placeholder, and that's fine. Warriors slow playing the rookies (except Paschall, who has a lot more college exp) in a season where we're aiming to keep our draft pick. And, yeah, I'm on board with trading high on Paschall. He's great at what he does, but he doesn't really play "Warriors basketball".


Great breakdown as always alch. I think a lot of Wiseman's defensive woes are from inexperience like you stated but also that he constantly gets touch fouls called on him making him more docile plus the coaching staff obviously doesnt want him to jump that much.


Yeah I was pretty shocked and disappointed that day I found out that Nico and Poole were sent to G-league. I thought they deserved more minutes to really get used to things. I've been high on Nico since the first day. I feel like he will develop into quite a special player. And we already know how much work Poole has put in and how much he has improved since last season. Give these boys some chances! Testing out Wanamaker is fine, but why for that long?? What was it you said in an older breakdown? There must be something else going on privately? Wanamaker must be letting Kerr have full access to his beard trimming station. (that's not what you said.. but it some sort of jab in that nature lol!)


That’s valid.. but I think it was too slow first 15 -20 fine . ..but how Brad has been! I mean


It is almost as if we had signed Brad to this big deal.. and had to justify it


Need a UFC 259 pod if you have time 😁😁


We are trying to develop guys and at the same time win games...That is the definition of a franchise stuck in the middle...i think when kd wins the title this year we gonna see some major moves...when a break up occurs there is always a winner and loser...Lacob and Dray will wake up...the only way they go down is fighting...kerr and myers are on a ego trip with this development of a rookie BIG in 1 YEAR?!? Klay coming of 2 major injuries to be option 2?!?Curry 33?!?wiggs 15ppg?!Dray?! Our payroll...Pressure will starts to make its way to the FO...Even curry on the allstar talking with the others dudes is a big warning...he’s competitive and seing guys in better situations and competing...that would piss me off lol...A look at harden (almost same situation) and how he’s happy and all....


It’s easy to see why Minnesota gave up on Wiggins. It’s painful to watch a dude with so much natural talent consistently wilt under pressure. He needs to see a sports shrink, try hypnosis, something to get some kind of dog in him. If only he could get a mercy transfusion of swag from his Jayhawk alumnus KOJ.


A highly underrated part of Alc's improvement as a content creator over time has been his insults. Saying Mannion "looks like a side character from The Princess Bride" is fucking POETRY lmfao keep em' comin

Jansen E

Its not underrated at all. Its exactly why we LOVE his commentary and what makes his channel unique


How could a guy as thicc as Paschall be so bad at rebounding?


I love what I do and I hope it shows.. but I got to pace myself too, lets see how I feel in the AM suppose to be a day off


I think his talent is overrated. Tons of physical athletic talent, but he doesn't have elite basketball talent. He tries to play like Kobe without the handle or touch, that's basketball talent.

Jansen E

So....James Wiseman looked downright awful this game. I get that Ayton has 3 years on him but man. He just looked like he was absolutely no match for Ayton. Im probably overreacting....but Im nervous that the Warriors coaching stuff are putting him on a path to a mediocre career. Instead of playing to his strengths, theyre trying to turn him into a type of play that hes not. The dude has a handle, hyper athleticism, and can shoot. And instead of running plays that take advantage of that, theyre kind of leaving him out to dry. I get that he has to work on his back-to-basket isos, but like...I didnt see any plays called that put him in a position to succeed, after Ayton established he wasnt gonna be bullied in the post. Thats enough negative for me today though. I gauged my expectations already expecting a blowout loss. And that allowed me just enjoy seeing Mannion and Poole. And they did not disappoint. Mannion had a couple of boneheaded plays, but easily forgivable. That fast break layup just caught him changing his mind last second. But the ball movement, the vision, the decision making, and the shot!! All looked a great upside. Then Michael Jordan Poole himself! hahahahaha. Im hoping this performance wasnt a fluke. Im hoping he can do this during meaningful minutes, in competitive games, with guys like Curry and Dray on the floor. Because if he can just hover around 12-15 ppg off the bench (let alone 26 every now and then.....), I think we finally may have found our true backup PG. This all star break couldnt have come at a better time for the rest of the team though. Man they look gassed. Hopefully the break doesnt mess up Poole and Mannions rhythm though.


The Resurrection. Jesus Poole rises from the G-league and it's not even Easter yet.


I think the first thing Wiseman needs to do is get stronger. I think the physicality is getting to him a bit and making him think he might not belong. Once he has the physical edge on people, the rest will come easier. I was not expecting Ayton to be stronger and quicker than Wiseman, shocked me.


My biggest fear with the warriors rn is kerr not realizing poole is best suited as point guard with the ball in his hands, he has tge potential to be stephs back up point guard i believe Any take on tomorrows fights? I have Izzy, Nunez of course, Yan and Makachev though i wouldnt be surprise if Blachowicz puts Adesanya to sleep


My fear for Fingers Wiseman is he turns into a cross between Javale McGee and Myles Turner, both of whom have better hands. My hope is he turns into KG or Chris Bosh, I don't see him becoming a low block scorer, or a rebounding physical presence, shot blocker... I might say he has a medium chance. I hope it's all coaching that has him not blocking shots but I fear it's him as well. He's 20 this month and I know he will get a lot better than the person we just watched the first half of this year, because so far he's all potential. But you can't teach hands, generally u can either catch or u can't, people don't learn how to catch a basketball in their 20's, u learn to catch when u r 6-12 years old. It's like he is trying to catch the ball with Paddles for hands. I write all this because I'm Covid frustrated with him, I so want him to be who he can be, or who we all want him to be but right now he's underachieving. And he's 20. I just don't think everything goes away in a few years, he will get stronger, but Javale and Myles got stronger and they still struggle to make an impact.


Was excited to see the announced starting lineup. Feel that the starters in this game should be the second team coming off the bench during “regular” games; seemed to hold their own with Nico at the helm. Hopefully Kerr will take a mushroom trip during the all star break and see the light. Wanamaker is just not good at running the team at point, Nico much better. Loved seeing Poole light it up, should move up ahead of ladder in front of Mulder. Give Nico, Poole, Wiseman some on court learning time. We ain't winning the cup this year Kerr! Most of the responses I got when I suggested that Wiseman was way behind LeMelo as far as court awareness, skill, basketball related intelligence, were negative. I still stand by this. I'm not trying to be personal about this, just real. Wiseman seems to care, seems to want to improve, etc, but I dont see, relative to LeMelo, the kind of court intelligence and awareness that one would expect from a second round pick. I don't put this on Wiseman. He is what he is. I put this on the front office for drafting and now Kerr's coaching staff. Wiseman has no sense for the ball when hunting down rebounds. He needs to go for those things like a man gasping for air while underwater, not like he kinda cares, but like his life depends on it. But this is instilled by the staff. Wiseman needs to set up lower in the post for post play, and this comes from the staff. Wiseman needs to quit turning his body on defense and again this is the staff. And he doesnt make his team better anywhere near the level of LeMelo. Best for Wiseman is to get with KG and have him light a fire under his ass. KG has suggested he wants to work with Wiseman. But again and more importantly, Myers and Co, as I understand, did not even have a physical interview and tryout with LeMelo. They should quit their jobs right now. With all the previous good picks being related to Jerry West's influence, Myers showed his true ineptitude with this pick. And by the time Wiseman has potentially gotten better, LeMelo will for years, been the quarterback running the Hornets. It will take years for the Gods to forgive ownership for that goddamn “light years ahead” bullshit. Anyone who knows how grace works in this life looks at the beautiful gift of the Warriors championship run as a blessing from the Gods, and this blessing is not given lightly. And when we as humans take ownership of that gift from the Gods, the Gods take it back with a vengeance. Hubris is not something ownership and FO should ever be part of, but we are seeing the result of such hubris with the top of the Warriors, from ownership, from management and from the coaching staff. Humbleness and learning are all something we all should do. But even more so when you are at the top of an organization like this, where there is a bit of a public trust going on. With great power comes great responsibility, and whatever personal issues Myers and Kerr and Lacob have in their lives need to personally acknowledged and weeded out from their basketball decisions. We all have these issues, but when you are getting paid the big bucks, it is incumbent on you to take care of your own crap. And this goes as much for ownership as well as it does for kids getting overpaid to learn their craft. With all the money that Myers has spent on this team, we should be doing better than what is transpiring these days. You'all can continue to believe that the Warriors are something, but I see cracks in the system and that comes from the top. They are riding Curry into the ground. He is going to be mentally exhausted if he has to carry this team. JTA has probably best attitude on team. Becoming one of my favorite players. Peace and love ...

David A.

I feel like this org wanted to pretend last year never happened even though JP (by the end of the year) and Chriss were revelations. and then to start this year, we had JP benched and Chriss shooting 3s.


Alch, have you noticed Wiseman's sub par screening? Does it worry you at all? Seems like it could be connected to a lack of intuitive feel for things. I will say that I give him a lot of latitude right now. I think he is sped up and at times defaults back to playing the way he could in high school where his size & athleticism allowed him to skate some of the fundamentals. Anyway, it has been frustrating me of late & wondering if you're seeing it as well.


JP and Manion with the dub


Hear Kerrs excuse for why Wannamaker been playing instead of Poole or Mannion? "Need a balance of offence and defence" Lmao. Everyone goes on a 20-0 run when Brad is on the floor


It's only one game but I have more confidence in Nico than Jordan. My fear with Jordan is that he won't recognise early enough that the shit he was pulling in the G league won't fly in the NBA. Nico seems much more like a pass first PG who straight away seems more self assured with the ball in his hands. He's small as hell just like Poole so I find it hard to justify having them both out there at the same time tbh. I'm still willing to be patient with Wiseman and don't blame him at all for his flaws. I do agree with others though he needs to be working with another legit big to really develop, if KG has made the offer they should rush to accept it asap. Looney, Wannamaker, Mulder and Smilie all need to go no point having any of them on the roster at this point. EP is fine he just needs to stop shooting 3s at all it'[s clearly not in his range with that funky ass shot. I like him but if the right offer came across I wouldn't be opposed to shipping him too. Like wise D Lee and Bazemore are nice but expendable too. Outside the big 3, the only guys I think we really must keep are Oubre and JTA. Wiggins has me nervous right now I think the pressure is on him and Kerr to figure out how to make it work otherwise a lopsided trade is going to be required to get rid of him.


Nico could turn out to be a star learning from steph..


My takes 1) Nico is much better than Wanamaker even with lack of experience. 2) EP is really awful on defense. If his sweet spots are taken away he also becomes useless on offense. 3) It's time to move from Loon. He wouldn't be playing even in G league. These are three players I would trade. Right now we need 3&D (Bjelica?) and also veteran big (Javale, Whiteside


I think it’s Kerr’s ego. He thinks he’s so smart.


that percy jackson refrence tho. I still think the management has wanted to appear competitive but is still hoping to not get in the playoffs. That to me sets up the team for the best 2021-2022 season they can have and decade really


Spicy Alc. Have a good weekend. You one hard working mofo, you deserve it.


I need to hear your take next week on the Hezi about Coming 2 America. My opinion: the 3 minutes in the barber shop was by far the best part of the movie. Also, making it family friendly killed lots of possible jokes (like the bar scene in the original). Peace.


I'd love if we could get bjelica the dubs are also linked with blake Griffin apparently..


I’m with ya. What Wiseman is doing can’t actually be considered screening. He’s standing there like he’s about to screen and then when contact is about to happen he turns and runs. I’m convinced that he thinks it’s going to hurt too much.


I guess Wannamaker is gone now for u guys. And Wiggins, may not be that functional of a basketball athlete, despite being fast in open space with high verticality. Like Booker has much better touch and balance it seems. How fast is Wiggins first step do you think?


Who you got in the UFC title fights alc


Jordan found his inner beast in the G league. Not only his 3 point shot, but slashing and finishing. Nico is a born point guard, makes the right play or makes the D pay if they dare him to shoot. Paschall can be a traditional power fwd and Wiseman can be a versatile big given time and lots of minutes to build confidence. Add Steph, Klay, Dray and Oubre to that mix, and you’re got something. Wigs may have to sit on the bench, and Looney, Wannamaker should definitely go. Most of all, KERR SHOULD GO. He clearly sucks an Xs and Os, but also at giggling the pieces. It’s midway and he still doesn’t have a clue, and you can’t light a fire when there’s none inside you to begin with.


Mannion is fun to watch. He seems almost Curryresque at times. He’s fast he’ll, has tight dribble and I’m gonna say it has excellent court vision. When his three ball is dropping he becomes down right dangerous on offense. Not too worried about his drives not falling as we have seen flashes of that as well. Poole really started to put it together at the end of last year and put in the work in off season. I really hope coach Kerr rewards him with some meaningful minutes in the second half.


I almost feel bad for Wanamaker at this point. The game fell apart again when he came on the floor. But it’s not his fault. He is being asked to be something he is not and never has been at 30 years old. He is not a traditional point guard and can’t be expected to run the offense.


Wiggins has been really good. Defensively locks up guys, and is scoring 17 efficiently . The issue isn’t him being docile , but rather him being allowed to get more sets. He’s getting everything in the flow of the offence. Give him 3/4 PnRs a game, and 3/4 post ups a game... guaranteed he’s getting you 23


Agree with u. Steph is carrying this team like a bag of Bricks. Right now LeMelo is looking like we should have taken him instead of JW. I’m hoping he develops but I fear he won’t.


I’m here for the Nico & Poole show! Hope to see it more going forward.

John Pettus

Nah man. I think Kerr was smart to get Nico and JP more reps in the G league. I think it really helped both a lot. They gotta release Wanamaker. He's too bad to sustain.


his first step is dumb quick he just needs rest, confidence and spacing it can happen 20 points out of him with good defence and let's see if he can keep the efficiency decent