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Was Marquese Chriss injury preventable?

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i was really rootin for chriss this season :(


Man i was excited for chriss too!


Iv’e been wondering about our training and medical staff for a while now. I also noticed like you that since Atlanta headhunted Chelsea our injuries shot up. It can’t all be coincidence can it?


Hearing this hurt me deeply. You are completely right about the training staff...hmm something ain't right. Nevertheless we will get more Wiseman and maybe loney can finally start hitting some shots?


man... tf


I think what the appeal was the advanced tech this staff uses with sleep and all that...but some things you only learn from experience.... I dont know about you, but give me the ol doc with 40 yr under there belt rather than the 28 yr old with a fancy computer and algorithm


You think they look to sign a FA center now alchemy? I’ve seen people talking about Dedmon but idk if that’s an appealing option


Are we cursed? But seriously, hoping a speedy recovery for MC. Wiseman get ready for more minutes.


Damn. This is a huge loss. Chriss has been one of my favorite players of this current team and last year's team. I'm going to be mad if he's not back with us next year.


I too think this would be some sort of stress facture that appeared simple soreness to the athlete, but got worse and was uncovered via x-ray later. However, I don't think that would cause you to miss the whole season? I'm no doctor, but seems like it must be a pretty serious fracture to shut him down for the season. Too bad. Good kid who has been working hard on his game and was fitting in well. We will have to go out and get someone. Need another big or someone who can play the 5 in spurts.


This is unreal, it really HAD to be the most exciting prospect from last year after he started hitting 3's.


this shit sucks


They’re two bones in the lower leg, tibia and fibula. I broke my tibia about 3 years ago. Just wanted to mention a few things I went through (I’m not sure the details of Quese’s injury and my circumstance was different, so please take what I say with a grain of salt. I’m also old enough to be his father): How - I played basketball and soccer for many years and sprained my ankles more times than I could count. Didn’t rehab properly. Physio said I had some of the weakest ankle muscle she’d seen - used to get what I thought were bad shin splints but were really micro fractures and weakening of my tibia - this is all tied to weak ankle muscles apparently. - finally broke my leg jumping during a game. Routine jump, was bumped slightly. Should’ve landed normally. Healing - in hindsight, the healing was relatively short, 4 months - but difficult: extreme pain, horrible side-effects from painkillers (opioids - avoid if you can), general weakness for the first couple months Recovery - Fully recovered but still have side effects - strange muscle twitching in the area. Pain when the weather gets cold. Constant swelling in the area. - Also, general issues with my other leg. Knee pain, tightness of my Achilles and other things. That’s where the danger really is. Psychological - I’ve never gone back to competitive sports. Used to think twice if I even hopped over pebble - rehab can be a lonely and seemingly endless process. Think of it as an extreme lockdown. It can be bad if you don’t have the right support around you. In conclusion, I think Quese will be fine but he has to rehab the right way or he’ll have other issues with his body. I had Kaiser insurance: You’re practically on your own. I didn’t rehab well but of course, I don’t play for a living. Hopefully Quese gets the best care (didn’t Klay have Kaiser docs 🤔). I absolutely love Quese. Listened to his story and love his attitude. I have no reason to believe he won’t bounce back.


Fibular fracture has no relation to the knee. They are 2 different areas. The fracture most likely occurred due to impact.. the tibia is the weight bearing bone in the leg. Fibula is just accessory


Fuck man, when it rains it pours


And I agree, something's up with the training staff. When Chelsea left, I got a bad feeling. Turns out that feeling was right


Thanks for sharing...You brought up a great point about the trauma of it. Because it can happen on a random hop or jump its got to be tough to get over that hurdle physiologically.


I feel like after preseason game 1 we were up here questioning Marquese's mobility and I think you mentioned in a video it may be conditioning or him easing into it. But he definitely did not look like his normal springy self from the 1st game. Seemed to be making some strides but. This is absolutely terrible for Marquese 🙏🏾


I do question the training staff with Klay, KD, Boogie going out all in the same playoff run- but there is almost no chance that breaking the fibula is on the training staff. Very little chance it had to do with a minor sore knee either. In highschool, one of my team mates had a lateral displacement compound fracture of his fibula and tibia. (He was back at full speed in about 6 months.). It is such a freak injury and takes an insane amount of force in an awkward position.


Low key- do you think Wiseman could get his number 32 from Chriss??


This training staff has got to go.


Alch, wasn't Klay playing pickup games in LA? I thought the training staff wasn't really involved.


NOOOOOOO! This is turning out to be the season from hell. Just when the poor guy got his groove. I hope he can make it back.


damn bro that's cold but I thought the same thing going into the year. looks like Chris's might've played his last game as a warrior tho so 🤷🏿‍♂️


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7lGGhHZSZs how I am feeling right about now....


Woke up to this news. Wtf. Praying for a speedy recovery. With a full roster and Wiseman and Looney now the only healthy centers, this probably leads to more Draymond at the 5 with occasional Smiley cameos for the time being. Not sure how they address this, though. Looking at Spotrac's list of available FA centers, other than Dedmon (or a Bell reunion), there's not much to pick from. No clue who they'd go after in a trade either. https://www.spotrac.com/nba/free-agents/center/available/


There was some question about letting him play on the bad hamstring in the finals as well as his rehab process. Which is most likely on him.


what a way to wake up.... maaaan


Man 😞😞😞☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️

John Z

The "it can't get worse" line keeps popping up in the back of my mind. I can understand with some of these guys never really suffering more serious injuries so they might not understand the bio mechanics it requires to make sure that you are balancing weight distribution and understand where you are compensating. I just really wonder if they paid attention to the locomotion. Saying this as someone who has gone through extensive injuries and rehab. I know I don't know more than actual doctors but there just so much involvement not just physically understanding but mentally as well.


This is such a bummer for Warriors fans and especially for Quese. Get better soon.


Draymond out again


I can't watch KD because it makes me uneasy seeing the media trying to hype-up someone to get back to their former self like they did to Klay, Cousins and Kawhi.


Looks like he landed wrong in practice, so possibly not something that could have been prevented. But it is an interesting coincidence with all these injuries...


I was also thinking about Chelsea. There’s something wrong for sure. Why she left in the first place? Some departures never made sense, like Javale and Jerry West. Maybe Chelsea also left for something related.


The rotation was already light at the 5. Especially considering Kevon’s value looks right around that bag of Cheetos ALC was looking to trade him for. I was under the assumption that most of the trade routes we have explored to upgrade would occur close to the deadline, however with Chriss out indefinitely, things might need to be accelerated. If Dray at the 5 for portions of the game doesn’t prove to be an above average unit, by the trade deadline, we may be sellers not buyers.


The talk at the time was that Joey didn’t want to pay Chelsea or West. Jerry West backed that up himself iirc.


This sucks for Chriss. Could have been a good career-building year for him too. And the Warriors need to get a new training staff—Bigs can be fragile and they can’t take a chance with Wiseman’s health.


THE BBALL GODS HAVE SPOKEN WISEMAN IS THE NEXT CHOSEN ONE Super sad for Chriss but this will make the Warriors much more reliant on James W and I think that will support his development even more. Looney will find his game and his role and will get back to form imo.


James BIg Dub Wiseman lol


Who do you think is/are realistic options to either trade or trade for now that Chriss is done for the season?

Freddie D

Refreshing the page waiting for that Bulls breakdown


me2 :))

Dashaya Toney

Yo Alch Bulls upload got messed up


yes not working


ay did he put it up?