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GSW vs MIL Gm2

This is "GSW vs MIL Gm2" by Athletic Alchemy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



All I got to say is...Steph better get his LeGM on before Kerr and Lacob's sons waste another of his prime.


gonna be a longggggggg season


After reading Warriors Twitter and all the negative ass comments, it’s refreshing to come on here and hear that you have hope alch. Like people get so negative over two games like everything takes time


I feel like this team desperately needs cohesion and shooting. Wiggins or Oubre may have to come off the bench, with Mulder starting. If its looking pretty bad 9-10 games in, maybe we should call up the Rockets and offer Wiggins, Oubre, Paschall, Poole and the Minny pick for Harden and Tucker.


Im to the point of feelin like I'll take a half drank gatorade and half a bread stick for Oubre and looney. Damn tho our offense looks like garbage. Almost think that Oubre or Pascal needs to sit, and moulder needs to start. Just to have someone else out there that can hit a 3.


You made that sound nice. The sky is falling and they're talking about tanking and next year over at the Athletic with MT2, Slater and company. Thanks for pointing out Wiggins effort. I missed the game due to holiday festivities I guess the final score was uglier than it actually was.


Definitely don’t have to tank but if we can get the 6 seed.. hopefully we still get to keep our first round pick.. Reloading no matter the outcome of this year with 2 first round picks next year is massive. If we can get one really good wing shooter like Zaire Williams and maybe a Scottie Barnes type to take over once Draymond’s contract is up.. we may have the most talent in the league plus with Klay coming back our 3pt percentage will be at the top of the league like before.


You compared Wiggins to a boxer that needs to be woken up - reminds me of Buster Douglas. Hopefully Draymond can keep him going


Yeah, I turned it off early, knowing you had my back. I can honestly say I've enjoyed your breakdowns of the first two games more than the games themselves. I think I'll be more engaged tomorrow if Draymond comes back. I just feel like the team will care more, if he's on the court. I don't know if that's true, it just seems like it would be.


have you watched some of these games around the league!? All I have seen is blowouts except for 3 or 4gm...Sky aint falling...yet!


Did you see that wide ass open Mulder air Ball, I'm not sold on his shooting either, I was way more encouraged by Poole.

Jansen E

Haven't watched your video yet, but just my short comments before I do: Lol this is pretty much exactly what I expected. Another blowout. However, this one was even harder to stomach than vs. the Nets because the Bucks gave us false hope by not pulling away in the first quarter. Giannis had a pretty crap game by his standards. And the Warriors kept it close. But anyway.....now I'll watch this. No matter how much I dont need to relive this hahaha. POST-VIDEO comments: Alright. Well once I saw this video was only 11 minutes long, I laughed cuz you purposely left out all the bricks the Warriors were throwing out there haha. But anyway, ROTY indeed. Obviously its only 2 games, but what other rookie has made any type of splash? Lamelo aint done much but he will. Edwards too. But right now, Wiseman looks like he could be an allstar as soon as next year. I absolutely loved him never backing down from the most physically intimidating player in the league. He got into foul trouble which hurt our defense but yeah it was nice to see. That block where he stuck a fork in it and goes coast to coast? That got me hard lol. And once I heard Dray giving that knowledge to him, I knew you would love that too! If Draymond cant do anything else on the court, he still belongs on the Warriors bench solely for that brain of his. Oubre.....man he's gonna start making me look stupid for being okay with his performances. Im still not too upset at him. I wish he stopped shooting threes and just played Warriros basketball, but youre right. Chemistry needs to build so the boat isnt sinking with him yet, for me. Wiggins, Im glad I saw the effort increase from the Nets game. Now unfortunately, it amounted to basically nothing as I dont even remember him scoring in this game. However, without a doubt, my favorite play of his was wrapping up Giannis at the rim. I'll take that. Everyone else? It was just embarrassing really. I dont know if Ive ever seen that many clanks before. I love Looney as much as the next guy and I will always be grateful for what he did vs. the Rockets over the years defending Harden. But my god....he's no longer being useful. We need to trade Mulder, Looney, Tuscano, and Lee for someone and use that DPE for just ANYONE to produce off the bench. This was a tough game to watch. I watched every second just cuz I like seeing Wiseman. I still dont have much concern. I dont expect us to make the playoffs. I just wanna see improvement overall. But if they show up like this against the Bulls? THEN I will be highly concerned. I never wanna see a brick laying show like that again. Kerr needs to start yelling at guys to stop shooting sometimes. I get you have to shoot your way out of slumps, but thats only if you are a shooter. Looney, Oubre, Wiggins......stop shooting threes please. Just....do something else. Pass to Steph. I dont blame steph for the body language, but as the leader of the team, yeah he needs to be a little more "role model" for the young guys. Im just amazed that our best player right now is our 19 yr old rook in his second game. The dude is legit! Maybe Dray and Steph should catch up with Lavine after the game sunday night and offer to buy him dinner....."Theres more where that came from if you know what we're talking about...."


like I posted above Mulder seems to lack feel..he never seems to be in the right spot or open off screens. but lets see


Wiseman not even hitting the rim on those jumpers man sheesh! If we get a top pick in 21 we’ll be set for the future while contending at the end of the prime of the big 3. Big picture can’t be too mad


Bro, the overreacting rn is fucking crazy, Luka can't even beat Kylie Kuzma of the dribble, everbody is rusty as hell. We play two games against the top 2 teams in the east and everyone is rdy set up the tank. And the one sequence about steph and his body language, I noticed him breathing heavily, let him get some games in he'll find his grove sooner than later. Thank you for giving some adequate reactions.


Bro this class is so loaded! There are so many guys that are sure things..not franchise players but sure thing really good players imo


I hear you...we have to remember exactly who we just played as well...BK just rolled Boston for the second time in a week


Why does it seem like everyone who joins the Warriors (besides KD and Wiseman) gets worse as a shooter? Lol otherwise I’m with you on your optimism. I expected them to have a slow start due to the unfamiliarity and change in personel. I‘D argue they still have as much of or more overalls talent than the teams they will be competing with for the playoffs. It’s a long season, they played the 2 beat Eastern teams, and they will take time getting used to each other. At the same time, they will have to start hitting shots for anything to possible though. Sidenote: those Wiseman blocks were absolutely insane! And he’s going to be able to match the feel for the game with those physical tools sooner than expected.


What was there to say about them... no point in being a masochist and showing all the bricks. Lavine is a interesting name, tho his IQ is no better, certainly his shooting is .


The "freakish" block is straight reminiscent of a Wilt Chamberlain block as was the second quarter block where he came from all the way across the other side of the lane. Those kinds of blocks make players think about the next drive. Is there any doubt in the mind of any Warrior's fan that has seen the first 2 games by Wiseman but that he is going to be a cornerstone player that is likely a superstar? In the first 2 games only Steph, Wannamaker, and of course Wiseman have played with acceptable performance/results although I 100% agree that Wiggins effort and decisions have mostly been the right plays with results that have unfortunately deviated from even his norm. Oubre is a different story. I will not be discouraged unless Draymond plays poorly on his return. There should be no panic.


Man i love that you pointed out stephs body leanguage, bro you are the face of the franchise, the 2 time mvp 3 time champ and you are all game playing passive, with your head down and then you put a face when oubre is at least trying to do something. Steph will always be my favourite player but come on man, take over, its your team! And also i think we will not see much Looney, wiseman and chriss are waaaay much better at this point, hes just too slow.


great video alch! slater put out a stat, Oubre is 0-19 on FG that aren't dunks. hopefully they'll drop sooner than later. Baze needs to lay off the pokemon and twitter and hit the gym for a minute lol. Wiseman is special!


I think your point about wiggins might be the biggest takeaway. Man needs to give that effort every game, not just when he shits the bed the night before


Yo AA was wondering if you can take a look a Portland's games this year and break down a couple of them?


Very happy with how Wiggins attacked this game! Wiseman is the best player out of this draft if he doesn't get injuried. Just gonna go ahead and put that out there early

Ezra Abbey

our biggest issue is chemistry without a doubt. the offense looked super stagnant and clogged up, there were a lot of possessions where we had too many players on one side of the floor and plays that were called fizzled out and didn't seem to work. there was a lot of talk in the off season about how this team needs to play fast and be aggressive in transition but we've barely seen any of that in these first 2 games, hopefully we'll see more once dray comes back and handles the ball more.


I'm glad Unc is giving Wiggins some love even though he didn't play well.


It's pretty crazy how quickly fans can go from praying for playoff spots in the post-We Believe era to calling for trades and tanking two games into the season lol. Just goes to show many of them never really suffered through the worst of it. The fact that we were within 10 pts in the 3rd quarter makes this game a real improvement, even if the final score looks worse. We couldn't have hoped for a better start from Wiseman, seems naturally gifted both physically and mentally, and the shot looks pure. This Bulls game will be the first real test, if we can at least keep it within 5 going into the final minutes, I'll take it as a good sign of increased cohesion. Maybe the familiar pairing with Dray will unlock what we know Steph is capable of, and by extension free up some space for Oubre and Wiggins to slash and find their footing from 3pt range.


+1, would love to see Portland content. Got a lot of love for those guys up north


Was waiting for your breakdown. I couldn't wake up on time, got wasted on Christmas LOL I knew we lost to a blowout but didn't have any context. Like you, I'm still hopeful. On paper we are a better team, we just need to execute it right.




Thank you for always preaching context! SO important. This has been an unprecedented year and everyone has been affected on some level. We have the talent and the culture to win a playoff series or two. The whole league just needs time to find it’s rhythm. Moreover, young and super talented players like Wiseman will have an advantage. His youth and athleticism is a perfect storm to build confidence. Once the rest of league gets in shape he will already be a force too strong to slow down. Dray is gonna be unc, Curry is gonna find his center, and Kerr will figure out a way to make what he has shine. It’s gonna be fun to watch!


We beat bulls by 12


I also think Kerr is gonna up his intensity and engagement. Deep down he knows he ain’t untouchable and has to work to keep his job just like anybody else


Love kelly’s energy but yeah he isn’t being productive, agree on steph just being frustrated, hopefully the Bulls are just what the doctor ordered.

Paul Hanson

I watched your breakdown after getting too much in my feelings (bad) about this start. Your breakdown instantly made me feel better-the Dubs have the same record as Dallas and Denver. As they say-it's a make or miss league-I was encouraged by Wiggins trying harder in the half by going to the hole. I just don't know what happened in the second half as it seemed like everyone went out for themselves and abandoned what got them to being 10 points down at halftime. As long as the Dubs do everything they can to keep Wiseman growing, engaged and happy with long term progress as a team-I think great things are in store for the future.

Paul Hanson

Your breakdown made me feel a lot better. Having Wiseman is the biggest victory of all. But it was nice to see you point out that Wiggins was trying harder-I did see him go to the hole more often when his shot wouldn't fall. And being 0-2 is the same record as Dallas and Denver-so that's OK. I just hope that chemistry is built over time. Hopefully Kerr can actually coach and not just manage star players. But this does make me feel better. Sorry for posting twice but I'm not sure my 1st post got posted.


Read some story about how Doc saw Dwight giving shooting tips to Simmons and was like uh oh and assigned Sam Cassell to be Ben's shooting coach. So what will Dres value be to Wiseman and this team. On defense, on transition, etc. I can't wait to have Draymond All Star Heart and Mind of the Warriors back making this thing click. PS after game 1, Nets went on to destroy the Celtics by 30 as well.


Wiseman looks so good. Him + Draymond on court = full mast


I certainly hope to see Kerr play to the strength of our players instead of trying to reengineer them to his vision of motion offense. Oubre and Wiggins can benefit from simpler plays, especially Oubre. I'd like to see Wiggins continue going to the hoop. His defense is also underrated. EP and Poole are kinda lost, especially EP. Man, his defense is atrocious.

Paul Hanson

Looney is the odd man out-just doesn't look like he can move very well-again.

Qiushi Hu

Watching Oubre taking on Giannis and shooting off the dribble threes hurts my soul. Also, it's painful to watch when Steph was playing with 4 scrubs at the end of the third quarter.


exactly not that hard. he's trying to fit square pegs in round holes... I don't get it. unleash this thing to the personnel you have.


Thanks Alchemy! Love your takes, jokes and insight. I'm feeling more uplifted after watching this video.




Love your content man! Enjoy hearing your points of view!


Bazemore and Wanamaker have really bad defensive IQs, it's surprisingly bad. You're right, Paschall is gapping 3 pt shooters constantly, something I noticed as well. Oubre needs to learn to not dunk everything, learn some finesse and adopt a pass first mentality. I can tell Wiggins is trying his best even if he tries to shoot over Lopez and Giannis double teams instead of passing that shit out. Curry is probably extra frustrated because he is being burned hard on social media by various clowns and he sees both the offensive and defensive iq of this team is so bad right now. We have so much potential though and I said before preseason this team is going to need a lot more time to build chemistry and awareness. Draymond is going to make the roster look a lot better when he comes back.


On a side note, Wiseman looks like he is the next Wilt Chamberlain lol


Yeah we weren't even playing remotely well and down only by 10! Our offense and defense collapsed in the 3rd quarter due to bad IQ and losing focus.


lmao steph's expression when oubre missed the lob was brilliant


This was a rough game to watch, but i won't panic unless Detroit or Chicago blow us out. Hope we get PJ Tucker or Lou Will to come off the bench.


Yeah, seeing all the blowouts that happened made me feel a lot better


While watching Milwaukee obliterate Warriors... No one: Alchemy patrons: "I wonder what Uncle Alch is thinking right now..."

Ravi Dissanayake

The difference now is; before the Team played for Steph and now, like Michael Jordan had to learn in his prime, you have to play for your team’s strengths in order to succeed. I know Steph is great, he will learn.

Abhi Kelkar

The schedules were made pre-Klay injury. I feel like if we were playing non-contender teams, we'd look a lot more decent. It just feels like our team's aforementioned lack of chemistry really shows and it'd be less doom and gloomy if we were playing shittier teams i.e. Chicago, Detroit, etc. Excited for Dray to get back tho

Kahlil Baker

I just wanna see looney make one three just one I’m waiting for the trade report cause he finna lose his job to chriss

Natto Santo

Wiseman is special but he needs to work on the footwork and post up game.


Alc with the hope.


A bit of an overreaction with some fans!


Great work as always Alc. My theory on Curry is, as you say, he’s fully bought into the system. He’s actually played alright in my eyes. He’s missed shots and hasn’t been aggressive in getting his because he’s teaching the new guys the system in game, whilst trying to find his own offensive rhythm. It’s incredibly hard. The sets he’s run for four years, where the ball would usually come back to him, don’t work anymore because of boneheaded players. Problem is, he’s fully committed to the system, and is running it to the ground. Love to hear your thoughts g.


He is 19 He has time His pick and roll threat has elite potential and he has had what, 50 minutes of NBA playing time...


Didn't expect this but Wiseman is the best player on the team


Def feels like that right now And I think in a few years that will be true outside any blockbuster trades But Steph and Klay will have something to say about that. Steph this year and Klay next will show their maturity and genius. Who knows tho, if Wiseman keeps getting better each game and doesn’t shrink when the stage gets bigger, maybe you’re right lol


A lot of people overreacted to the two blowouts. It hurts to watch the warriors get blown out, yes, but this is why we go to alc. His type of breakdowns shows even the positives from the warriors getting blown out and the negatives from the warriors blowing out other teams. Great work as always!


THE FREAK KILLER THE TRUE FREAK THE SLIM FREAK lol gonna find one eventually...


I think the take that we still a playoff team is real, but Kerr's position as our long term captain has to be in serious question. It's not even the lineups, it's just his vibe and demeanor. I dont think he's built for this.


All and all though, after this last game, I got myself a huge glass of the J-Wise coolade on the rocks. ROTY


Yah, in his post game interviews he sounds so disappointed and shaming in ways that I don’t think helps build people up It’s almost like he has to remind himself that if the team isn’t playing well that’s on him too, and on some cases entirely Sometimes you gotta call people out and put them on blast to wake up a player or your team but he just has this lackadaisical attitude about it all like shit should be easy It’s really interesting He inherited a blooming team from Mark Jackson and any real adversity: Finals vs Raps, last season and this season so far, he doesn’t seem to know how to coach a team without a lot of talent and strong chemistry I will give him the benefit of the doubt given last season was a real shit show of injuries and this season is SUPER early I think we will learn a lot about what kind of chops he actually has this season. He’s got nice pieces, can he make em into something


"Yo you talk crazy to Alchemy on Twitter you aint gonna play much bro." lol You're right. We, the fans, got to chill. The thing I don't get how come these 6'6" guys don't drive and kick more? Steph - fuck it. just take the ball and run with it. You may have already seen by now someone tweeted his bad stats when he has twists/braids. https://twitter.com/antonin_org/status/1342988370977431552


Is Bazemore your least favorite player now lol?


As if the start of the season couldn't get any worse Minnesota is somehow 2-0


Imo, I think Brook Lopez is a good rim protector with his timing and feints, but Giannis makes him look elite. Without Giannis, he becomes very ineffective in certain situations.


Also lmao... there are also many people who echo the same sentiments as you did about bazmore; "activity than productivity".


Great rundown as always. If you checked out the Warriors subreddit after this game you would have thought Wiggins had no effort at all. He shot bricks but played his ass off. Now when does my Wiseman jersey arrive?


tough to ask a team that hasn't even played one game with all its major players together to go out and play 2 Title contenders back to back on the road. Let's not panic. BTW: Nets look dangerous -- but I still dont' trust Kyrie not to blow shit up.


Outstanding as always Alc! Wiseman basically shut Giannis down whenever they crossed paths! SO mf exciting! Also hopefully Oubre and Baze will eat a little humble pie at the tape session. rofl


Man Alc, this analysis was on point ✨❗️


We always stand up for Alch! Besides, Bazemore isn't really that good to warrant the hated by being good stigma


I think when they came out still cold in the 3rd they hung their heads a bit knowing the inevitable Bucks run was coming.


I had made a fuss on a recent pod and twitter about Draymond's trainer talking bout "Well I wasn't a shooter" Shooting is not a second hand skill, if you cant shoot you cant teach it imo.. at least not at the pro level.


Well said. He is going to have to adapt and he will. He is too smart and ultimately he has always put winning first.


Aaaaaaand more Looney minutes incoming. Wonderful.


Yo that a new outro? Looks fresh.


Chriss was playing pretty good. Looney was not. Wonderful?

Patrick Kennedy

Not sure how it make it through these seasons without you, Alc. awesome rundown, especially concerning Wiggins.


still believe this is a playoff team.. I'm on board with that


I found Wiggins's left hand! 8:50


Oubre is like a longer Monta. They are both athletic and can slash, just not the smartest.