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Warriors Free Agent Moves

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I was waiting on this drop


The video we all needed clutch alc


Two seconds in and I'm busting at the seems 😭😭😭😭 why you had to do him like that Unc. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


DPE Trade for PJ Tucker https://tradenba.com/trades/Vw7rxqNnY

Dashaya Toney

Alch I just wanna say I been following you for a couple years now and to see how far you've come as far as content quality, analysis and entertainment value is inspiring. I'm not even a Warriors fan but I enjoy watching all your videos regardless, the perspective you bring as someone who doesn't just watch the game but understands it is a breath of fresh air compared to the typical hot take "analysis" that sports media today defaults to. Keep up the great work!


i believed if we were looking for a young vet back up for steph curry, we couldve signed MCW from Orlando. I think the sixers ruined his career and he has more to show to this league. He resigned with the magic to a minimum, if the warriors were just aggresive on trying to sign him, we couldve got him


I think Marc Gasol is a good move for us. He’s probably not gonna be able to play huge minutes but when he does he’s a good passer and screen setter could kind of play that Bogut role. Also could teach wiseman a lot


And he can shoot the 3 not sure we’ve had a C that can stretch the floor


glad you gave a more measured take on Wanamaker. Our options were limited. We definitely not a championship team we just need competent NBA players unlike what we had last year. Also clearly like last year our playoff Hope's hang on the Chef's health.


Not only did Brad Wanamaker lead the NBA in free-throw percentage this season, but he also finished second in catch-and-shoot 3-point percentage (min. 50 attempts), trailing only George Hill. For 2 Mil seems like a steal


Bro when I first saw the Wanamaker signing i just laughed because I knew you was about to clown him after how bad you got on his head during the bubble coverage you did 😂

Ezra Abbey

not the biggest fan of wannamaker either alch but I have heard lots of announcers and coaches mention that he's an exceptional shooter but doesn't really get the opportunity to showcase it in boston, i'm sure some of it is hyperbole but he might be able to bring more to the table for us if he's given the opportunity.


we turning into Team lightskin and lefties

Patrick Kennedy

Such a good take...you know my take: championship? Fine. Play hard, together and be fun to watch? ...As you said, “sign me up.”

John Z

lol was expecting Wanamaker to turn into the new bunching bag. Glad we got Baze back.


Love the all takes on the he two vets... But this is still a title run That’s how Lacob* and the front office see it, And the moves at the deadline will rectify that fact


Its both ... but I think they just have to lean in to development more than they were going to.


I get he has more upside But he isn’t going to be anyone’s “vet” I think they think there is plenty of potential and upside on this roster. Now it’s about growing it into fruition


It’s all prospective! Once we are cooking and it feels like we could win it all.. I’m sure I’ll go back to being greedy 😀


Lakers are loading up... Bron and co trying to go back to back... 👀


Damn the lakers have really loaded up their roaster, I dont think anybody is close to beating them next season, bron bron going back2back


I do expect us to make big moves mid-season tho, free agents are unwilling to sign with us because they think we won't be competitive.


Re calibrate expectations to the last time Kent Bazemore was on the team. As much as things have changed, and sad for Klay, I hope we see the stories of AW, KO, and JW play out as best as possible. And Wardell forever


So no comments on the Warriors getting rid of Ky Bowman?


Would you prefer Lin to Wannamaker?


A weird question , you support the warriors but you live in arizona , was the bay simply too expensive?


Great! Very few analysis on him. Highlights looks good, and I hope this turn out to be a steal.


Bazemore is a great pickup, does a little of everything well enough and fits both in style of play and with the culture. Warriors have done a great job of positioning to have a chance. If Wiseman is rookie of the year and Warriors have health, the Warriors have a real chance.


Looking forward to the draft grade as well!


Free agency rolled up on me so fast.. I’m going to adjust to “off-season grades” but its coming....


What’s up with all these lefties we signing?


Yo alc, is there any way to get an audio-only version of these? Would be really nice to be able to listen to at work while having my phone in my pocket. Loving the content as usual!


Let me start upping to the podcast too.. YouTube puts me through so many checks and balances I forget...