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After free agency when the roster is set I will take a deep dive into the new players, but here is my first take. 


Warriors FLEX trading for Kelly Oubre

warriors trade



This move reminds me too much of the DLo trade from last year I’m optimistic but I have my doubts


He plays x2 as hard as Dlo at half the cost ( contract) trust me they are nothing a like on the court.


Really tough break for Klay. I have confidence he'll be the same offensive player, but do you really think he can be the same defensively after an achilles?


On top of it like always, keep it up Alc!


This Alchemy vlog was a breath of fresh air and dope energy! Wooo


Alc we still got the midi (MLE) and I believe the intent is to use it but the disabled player exception from what I'm reading about is not going to be available right away so we may have to wait until buyout market for that. All in all it's big to see Lacob spend like that but tbh i dont think it's a good feeling when Oubre is a center piece, one of the chips if you will that is being pushed on the table. I hope we can get Avery Bradley. We desperately need shooting. Maybe Burks or GR III comes back too. Word is we still looking for a vet big man.


It’s nice to have hope! I need to look at the list of guys again but if we get pj tucker... that’s gonna be nasty. We need to have some nasty to mix it up with the LA teams


Definitely not a fan of Oubre as "talented" as he may be. I would muuuuch prefer a consistent player with lower peaks but much higher lows. In terms of balancing the energy on the team, I think Dray is PLENTY. Scoring wise, I would rather see Poole, Pascal, Looney, and Marquese develop. Poole and Pascal are already fairly ball dominant anyway. Swagger is cool and all, but far too often it does not equate to reliability and consistency, and does not translate to winning. I guess in contrast to Klay, Oubre leaves so much more to be desired.


I heard some rumors for a JJ Reddick trade. What do you think of that?


Yo Alch! Just filling you in, the disabled player exception is worth 9.3M, and we can use it to sign, trade for or claim a player to a one-year contract. The exception expires on April 17. We also still have our 5.7M taxpayer mid level exception.


Oubre was in on the Green vs. Beal fight don 't forget. Those two are going to need a David West presence to keep them chill. I've always wanted West as an assistant coach. Saying that, I still like the add, He's not afraid, and will D up. In this day and age, fewer and fewer will.


Alc what's your take on rumors of Harden going to the Nets?


How many teams have a better starting 5 right now? Re: the luxury tax. They won't be paying $84m for Oub. Every team gets a luxury tax discount based on a percentage of their arena revenue losses, which means Warriors luxury tax will probably get a 30-50% discount from what I've been reading. Idk if Lacob does this move without the discount, but I'm happy he's doing it now regardless.


I think we need two more wings, cuz I don't know if I trust Lee come playoff time. So I was thinking of Holiday (plus 40% from deep last season) and GRIII (if he isn't salty we traded him). But as you mentioned this week, we can make a run at Crowder or Bogdanovic (maybe he accpets the DPE 9.3mi for a year to compete for a ring and get a bigger payday next season), and there are some other options like Bazemore, Matthews and Bradley. I If we are not talking about Crowder or Bogdanovic we can offer more than other contending teams because of the MLE and DPE. I just think the most important question is regarding available roster spots and what it means for Looney and Poole, since Looney has been hurt for the majority of the past 18 months and people inside the organization think Manion is gonna be the backup point guard.


Man I still remember when Oubre was trying to throw hands at Klay, here we are a couple years later and he becomes a huge asset for us lmao crazy how this game can play out sometimes


That was the first thing I remembered. And there was the incident with Dray as well, when he and beal were "fighting" that oubre came down throwing punches


Looking at our roster right now, i think signing Avery Bradley should be a priority; we currently don’t have a guy to guard smaller and quicker guards and he would fill that void perfectly (he is, in my opinion, the best defensive guard avaliable). He can also shoot the 3 at a decent clip and we REALLY need shooting. (Just to point out, if Joe Harris was avaliable for the 9.3M i would actually prefer him over Bradley, but i don’t think Brooklyn is going to let him walk)


Excited for this move!. The take away from the 'Dubble' was that we're lacking length and athleticism. We're pretty freaking long and athletic now. Oubre is a always a player that grabbed my attn when I would watch him, with his athleticism and energy.


Alch, on a day when I’m still crushed about Klay as many of us are, this video sure did put a smile on my face. Thanks for keeping the great uploads coming.


Can we still get crowder, smart, brooklyn joe, guy from hawks working out w steph?


Yo Alch, did you watch the rookie introduction stream the warriors did on youtube? Bob said there's two players everyone loves in the league, klay and D rose. D rose just so happens to be making 7mil and is on the last year of his deal. He fits in for that injured player exception. You think they'd make that move, or are they trying to build younger strictly?


That was a fun take Alch. Not to be a downer but let’s not forget that Denzel dies a few scenes later on in Training Day. The bravado is good, I’m not sure I totally feel the meme drop but I still enjoyed your take on the Oubre situation. At this point, I just want everyone to be as healthy as they can be


I saw Joe Lacob in SF on the street last year. I wanted to bum rush him with thanks and praise. I chickened out, gave him his privacy. But man, what a hero. Regarding Oubre's passion or whether it means hes a volatile presence- you adapt to the environment around you. The Warriors are the class act, according to every former player. The organization, two starters w 3 rings, two #1 picks. Hope to get KO's best years. Oh, last question- who is the best ball handler target now? Would Jeff Teague take 10mln? He's better than Dunn?


I was hoping they could do the covington/tucker deal. If they can still get Tucker, Is obre comparable to covington? On the defensive end can he handle a kawahi or lbj? Not stopping, but bother and stay in front of?


ahhh I bet those two will vibe quick..game recognize game they both play so hard..Dray out here hanging out with Kuz!


I think it be hilarious..Ive got my popcorn ready for the passive aggressiveness between the 3 nightly


Interesting to see how OKC is able to maximize the trade exception they just acquired


Man I was so down because of Klay even with the Oubre signing. Thanks for this video. If we get PJ Tucker would he come off the bench?


Thank you Alchemy! We needed your take and energy during this difficult time about Klay and everything else! Please keep it up and we love it!


Thoughts on shabazz Napier as another ball handler


Still devastated over Klay but thanks Uncle A for keeping it positive. Lacob stepping up. Huge progs to him! I'm not sure how deep we can go in the playoffs, but it will be nice to field a competitive team next year and watch the youngsters develop. Then we get back Klay in 21-22. And we also have the Minny pic too (I think it should be a top 10 as they seem to be headed for complete disfunction) -- we will be locked and loaded. (Alch queue that shotgun clip!)


Joey with the fuck y’all move Hope they can keep going all in for the now and the future and round out the roster Gotta appreciate the talent of the front office


We're going to see a lot of celebrations on court between Steph and Oubre. Man this team might be top 3 in athleticism in the league right now - Mulder, Paschall, Chriss, Wiggins, Oubre, Draymond, Wiseman, etc. Only the Pelicans come to mind when I look at top to bottom athleticism as comparison.


Honestly, Presti made two boneheaded moves with Schroder and Oubre. You guys fleeced him


Yeah he is, not the help defender Covington is but probably better on ball, really gets after it.

Patrick Kennedy

SO good, Alchemy...yeah, young, running and DEFENSE! Klay will be seriously missed, but Obre, Wiggins and Wiseman - plus Chris - and then DRAYMOND? I think they are going to have SUCH a big chip on their shoulder and have not played for so long, they are going to come out and want to murder teams just on the defensive end...and then run out and run people out of the gym...third quarter blow outs are coming, I can feel it...

Patrick Kennedy

But Alchemy, I mean, what’s your take on the 48th pick? I was AMAZED to see they got Manion...I think that might be my secret steal of the draft pick...would love to hear your thoughts.


Low risk high regard type of player coming out of high school as #1. Interested to see how he will do


It does feel like Warriors have exhausted their reputation throughout the five years though, after the run it seems like it’s much harder for them to attract free agents and teams are less willing to deal with them (because they’ve destroyed everybody)


"I don't know if I want to use Wall as an example for anything" :)))


Hey Alc the warriors looking like a solid team that make some noise, with the addition of Wanamaker and bringing back Kent Bazemore


Whens the new video coming out? I need your energy rn lmao


"Tsunami Papi bringing waves on the court" 😂😂